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6 May 2018
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagHuh, looks like CI actually works for new PRs? https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/pull/633#discussion_r18629606216:42:01
@c1710:matrix.orgConstantin A.At least on my EmojiCompat PR, CI worked all the time 🤔16:46:40
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.org Here I am, after two huge memory leaks from fractal. Now you can ask me anything about my PR, @charlag:matrix.org :) 16:55:41
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagConstantin A. yeah, I wonder why, maybe it was up-to-date with master or anything17:37:21
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlag Hah, I've tried to mention you @remix2000:matrix.org but seems like Fractal killed my laptop and I have unsaved changes... 17:40:12
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlag Anyway, we should discuss how we should handle account changes for composing. Do we set active account globally or we just override it on this screen? I'm personally for the second 17:41:32
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagI dunno if connyduck has enough time to discuss it now, we even got features for 1.9 so maybe it'll evolve slowly for the 1.1017:44:01
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgWell, it's probably impossible to properly switch account during reply… so we do not handle it then. Also, when returning to MainActivity, current account is switched anyway (see onCreate in MainActivity).17:44:19
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagWell, you can override it, as I said. We just need to set instance header for the autocomplete and pass info to sensing service I guess.17:46:21
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagThe problem is media and repies... We cannot handle media, obviously but we can play smart with replies17:46:42
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgSwitching is available, when we are neither replying nor working on draft. It's also forced when called from external app (or QS).17:46:43
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgWe can override it, ok. I guess I have to do the same with follow authorization?17:47:48
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagI think replies is an important use case but because we only store ID we have to fetch the status before switching I guess..17:48:46
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagSorry, I don't understand you completely17:49:12
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgWhich part you don't understand?17:49:58
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagFollow authorization, what do you mean?17:50:16
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.org It's in AccountActivity. It's mainly for web+mastodon stuff, just like in webapp. 17:51:02
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagUuugh, sorry I thought we've been talking about composing... but for follow it could be useful as well because we could add "follow as..." action trivially afterwards17:52:27
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgWell, I was talking about both. Both of them share the same account list component (account_selection_dialog)17:53:57
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagWhen sending toot, we pass active account anyway. So we only need override for media uploads and autocompletion. We can override by adding DOMAIN_HEADER to those requests17:54:02
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlag(sorry if I'm annoying)17:55:26
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlag(I'm trying to be helpful and constructive but sometime it's hard for me to understand other people_17:55:47
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgNo, it's not annoying at all. In fact, I should say 'thank you' for telling me how to do that properly. Why would you think so? :D17:57:43
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagIt's not "properly", that's how I see it but I may be mistaken so I want to discuss it.17:58:40
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagWhen you have social anxiety asking someone two times the same thing makes you really insecure17:59:12
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgI know, but most of time it's better to ask anyway ;) Also, I agree that relying on MainActivity to switch account back is… definitely not a good idea.18:02:23
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.org @charlag:matrix.org: Will it work if I add domain header parameters in MastodonApi interface as Nullable? 18:17:12
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagWell, yeah. You can check interceptor, it checks if header is present in request18:17:56
@remix2000:matrix.org@remix2000:matrix.orgOk, and how can I make them optional in function calls? Overload?18:18:46
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagI'm not sure it'll work...18:21:49

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