
Tusky General

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3 May 2018
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagLike, even for your PR it's fine, I don't get it...20:23:36
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagMaybe there was a different build tools version in that PR. I've changed container version to 27, maybe that was the case20:24:48
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak! the bottom sheet change seems ok, but do we want to move the bottom sheet setup/management back to BaseActivity then? 20:32:44
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduck yes, as @charlag:matrix.org 20:35:59
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckmentioned, my current solution breaks encapsulation20:36:34
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckI will try to improve it tommorow20:37:25
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckafter the scrolling is fixed and the notification PR is merged I would like to release 1.8.020:38:24
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagwhat if we make activity implement interface which provides (or manipulates) bottom sheet?20:43:43
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagonAttach() would check that activity conforms to it20:43:59
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak! but BaseActivity is already basically that 20:45:31
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagwell, yeah, you're right20:46:12
4 May 2018
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagI'm sorry, but I'm not sure what wrong with CI. We should probably add some command to accept licenses. Not sure why it only breaks for PRs21:19:19
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagStupid question: how do you run parametrized tests from IDE? It skips them unless I press them one by one21:26:27
5 May 2018
Download Screenshot_20180505-154335.png
Download Screenshot_20180505-154350.png
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlag I've got a slight problem with the menu... 12:44:18
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagAny ideas how to fix it? I've removed theming for manifest and from layout but it still does that. No idea why12:51:42

Stupid question: how do you run parametrized tests from IDE? It skips them unless I press them one by one

android studio seems a little stupid about them - you can manually modify one of the configs it autocreates to set the test class to be specifically the class that's parameterized

@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagLast time I run all tests it figured it out18:10:17
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagSome much for "we are pro testing"18:10:30
6 May 2018
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagI think I may try to hack around that bug with menu later. I've made it behave at work before in a similar situation...10:27:55
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckhttps://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/pull/628 is the last thing needed for 1.8, once it is merged I will start testing and then its release time12:19:54
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlaglooking at it..13:34:53
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagSorry for being slow13:34:57
@charlag:matrix.orgcharlagconnyduck there are some minor things about it13:58:19
@nailyk:team.omnirom.orgnailykPR is coming14:40:36
@nailyk:team.omnirom.orgnailykRedacted or Malformed Event14:48:59
@nailyk:team.omnirom.orgnailykDunno whats happend. Not able to find thoses to strings into values/strings.xml recent history14:49:10

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