
Tusky General

271 Members
This is our general chat, for things that don't go elsewhere. You can always request a room if it gets cluttered with certain topics and we'll consider adding it to our space64 Servers

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2 Jun 2024
@daneelgod:matrix.orgdaneelgod changed their profile picture.16:21:42
4 Jun 2024
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!ooo, one of my notifications is crashing nightly16:51:20
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckplease get a stacktrace and the notifications json 🙏16:59:00
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckhard crashing or error screen?16:59:10
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!hard crashing, I'll try to get it tomorrow17:23:26
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckoh no, hard crashing should no longer happen since the moshi migration17:25:14
@e.d.:matrix.orgeugen changed their display name from e.d. to eugen.20:33:53
5 Jun 2024
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!haha, not serialization: https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/pull/449406:56:57
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckHaha Tusky now works with Wordpress https://wordpress.org/plugins/enable-mastodon-apps/18:35:06
6 Jun 2024
@eliot_l:matrix.orgeliot_lOK I had some time today to fix the merge conflicts in evant's PR to add local-only default reply visibility. I put up a new PR: https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/pull/449600:12:49
9 Jun 2024
In reply to @eliot_l:matrix.org
OK I had some time today to fix the merge conflicts in evant's PR to add local-only default reply visibility. I put up a new PR: https://github.com/tuskyapp/Tusky/pull/4496
thanks, also hello eliot!
In reply to @mcc111:matrix.org
thanks, also hello eliot!
Hey Andi! Good to see you around here. Haven't seen you IRL since we both moved!
@eliot_l:matrix.orgeliot_lI live in Sacramento now.15:35:00
@eliot_l:matrix.orgeliot_lWoohoo that's my first Tusky PR merged (thanks to evant for originally implementing this feature and ConnyDuck for reviewing!) very excited to be getting off my fork and back to mainline Tusky!18:31:18
11 Jun 2024
@micaai:archoslinux.czmicaaiA bit of a heretical question, but I can't help but ask: why should I use Tusky instead of Pachli? What are the advantages of Tusky? (I would ask the Pachli developers a similar question)11:48:43
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!use whatever you like better 🤷12:08:53
@micaai:archoslinux.czmicaaiIn fact, I find both apps very similar. That's why I'm actually interested in what Tusky users and developers see as the main reason to use the app.12:14:24
@micaai:archoslinux.czmicaaiBut I don't want this to sound like an attack. The question is simply, "I use Tusks and not Pachli because: ..."12:15:18
12 Jun 2024
@margeo:matrix.orgmargeo joined the room.21:29:35
13 Jun 2024
@jackyalcine:matrix.orgJacky Alcine
In reply to @micaai:archoslinux.cz
In fact, I find both apps very similar. That's why I'm actually interested in what Tusky users and developers see as the main reason to use the app.
I didn't know about this app until you've mentioned and found this post: https://pachli.app/pachli/2023/09/06/hello-pachli.html which might give some context on the similarities (and the other posts on the reasons for the differences)
15 Jun 2024
@daneelgod:matrix.orgdaneelgod changed their display name from goddaneel to daneelgod.19:49:38
@daneelgod:matrix.orgdaneelgod left the room.19:50:33
16 Jun 2024
In reply to @micaai:archoslinux.cz
But I don't want this to sound like an attack. The question is simply, "I use Tusks and not Pachli because: ..."
It has not to be a rational and sound decision, or you can even install and use both 😊 if you are comfortable and well served. This is one freedom we enjoy 🥳
@ghose:tchncs.deghose (not being locked to use what Mr. VC forces us to use) 05:04:30
@ghose:tchncs.deghose * It has not to be a rational and sound decision (just pure taste), or you can even install and use both 😊 if you are comfortable and well served. This is one freedom we enjoy 🥳 05:05:36
23 Jun 2024
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckTusky is the most popular third party app for posting on mastodon.social! https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/11266202373426145207:14:35
@eviltak:matrix.orgTak!surprised by the count for IFTTT - are people using it for external integrations or something?09:20:06
@connyduck:matrix.orgconnyduckI think it is mostly crossposting18:37:50
24 Jun 2024
@LjL:matrix.orgLjL changed their display name from LjL to LjL-AI.20:21:18

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