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2 May 2024
@arcushing:matrix.orgLinux in a Bit
In reply to@somekool:matrix.org

it is because the default STDOUT is the screen terminal, and that text needs to be displayed to the screen. you can test it in various terminal emulator, and also by redirecting the output > /dev/null and notice a huge different in speed. basically, the output to terminal is the slowest part.

I remember in my sysadmin days, I had slow tasks that I have speed up simply by outputting to a file or to /dev/null

That’s actually really interesting… Good to know :)
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevy (AGPL-3.0-only)yep, contention 13:10:06
@tauoverpi:tchncs.deLevy (AGPL-3.0-only)you also have the spawning of tasks and destroying them adding to that 13:10:39

Does GPG store all its data in ~/.gnupg?

@alexanderk:matrix.orgAlexander K
In reply to @schuelermine:matrix.org

Does GPG store all its data in ~/.gnupg?

Usually yes. Exepct you change it with $GNUPGHOME environment variable.

Is there a way I can extract just my public & private key from an old installation’s ~/.gnupg?

@schuelermine:matrix.orgschuelermine(And install it as my key on a new installation)13:26:21
In reply to@schuelermine:matrix.org
(And install it as my key on a new installation)
some like this?

I don’t have the old machine running. I just have the ~/.gnupg.

In reply to@schuelermine:matrix.org

I don’t have the old machine running. I just have the ~/.gnupg.

Did you try to import them?
gpg --import private.key
@schuelermine:matrix.orgschuelermineI’m not sure which file it is13:34:37

I assume it’s one of the keys in ~/.gnupg/private-keys-v1.d/? But what about ~/.gnupg/openpgp-revocs.d/?


What is pubring.kbx and trustdb.gpg?

@poltarsig:matrix.org@poltarsig:matrix.org joined the room.13:46:45
@poltarsig:matrix.org@poltarsig:matrix.org left the room.13:55:18
@alexanderk:matrix.orgAlexander K schuelermine if you didn't create something new on your new machine, just copy the hole .gnupg folder over. 14:46:39
@alexanderk:matrix.orgAlexander KIf you already imported private keys just copy the files from the folders private-keys... and (your) openpgp-revocs...14:52:35
@alexanderk:matrix.orgAlexander K
In reply to @schuelermine:matrix.org

What is pubring.kbx and trustdb.gpg?

Pubring.kbx contains the public keys you imported from other people.
trustdb.gpg contains your trustlevels in those keys and (if used) TOFU (trust on first use) info.
@alexanderk:matrix.orgAlexander K
In reply to @alexanderk:matrix.org
If you already imported private keys just copy the files from the folders private-keys... and (your) openpgp-revocs...
And the private-keys folder only contains the private ke parts. You will miss your userIDs. If possible copy everything. If not ask someone to send it to you.
You can regenerate your public key, but this somewhat more complicated.
In reply to @alexanderk:matrix.org
And the private-keys folder only contains the private ke parts. You will miss your userIDs. If possible copy everything. If not ask someone to send it to you.
You can regenerate your public key, but this somewhat more complicated.
What are userIDs?
@schuelermine:matrix.orgschuelermine(in this context)20:09:41
@ant0none:matrix.org🦎TW9pIGVuIHRvaQ== changed their display name from TW9pIGVuIHRvaQ== to 🦎TW9pIGVuIHRvaQ==.20:47:55
@alexanderk:matrix.orgAlexander K
In reply to @schuelermine:matrix.org
What are userIDs?
In short: Your (public) key consists of packages. Some describe your crypto algorithms (yes you can have several) and some describe your identities (UserIds) like "my name me@domain.org. You can have several of these as well in one public key.
maybe use kleopatra to generate a test key and play around with it.
@catoblepa:matrix.orgcatoblepa joined the room.21:58:41
In reply to @alexanderk:matrix.org
In short: Your (public) key consists of packages. Some describe your crypto algorithms (yes you can have several) and some describe your identities (UserIds) like "my name me@domain.org. You can have several of these as well in one public key.
maybe use kleopatra to generate a test key and play around with it.

I ended up pointing gpg to the copied .gnupg via $GNUPGPHOME and told it to export the keys and then I imported them, do you reckon that copied those?

@alexanderk:matrix.orgAlexander KIf you used the "--export-secret-keys" option yes. (see man page for details) "--export" only copies the public key parts.23:50:02
@alexanderk:matrix.orgAlexander K schuelermine ^ 23:50:35
In reply to @alexanderk:matrix.org
If you used the "--export-secret-keys" option yes. (see man page for details)
"--export" only copies the public key parts.
I did
@alexanderk:matrix.orgAlexander K
In reply to @schuelermine:matrix.org
You are welcome. 🙂
Keep your old .gnupg backed up in case you still miss something.

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