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19 Mar 2023
@pythongosssss:matrix.orgpythongosssssto do what with them?21:39:55
@moikapy:matrix.orgMOIKAPYbatch img2img generations21:41:00
@pythongosssss:matrix.orgpythongosssssim not sure there would be any way to do that using a node in the ui atm, i think the execution would need updating - i think the best way atm is use the api21:44:55
@comfyanonymous:matrix.orgcomfyanonymouswould have to decide the best way to do it21:45:27
@moikapy:matrix.orgMOIKAPYI was going to try it myself, but figured id ask21:46:05
@moikapy:matrix.orgMOIKAPYtried to whip up a little something using gpt-4 to see if i could get lucky21:46:54
@comfyanonymous:matrix.orgcomfyanonymousthere's a few ways it could be done21:47:23
@pythongosssss:matrix.orgpythongosssssi had a hacky prototype where i was unrolling the loop on the frontend, but that was just for "fun" :)21:48:57
@comfyanonymous:matrix.orgcomfyanonymousfor example we could allow subfolder inputs for LoadImage and have something that the frontend can call to list all the images in a subfolder21:49:32
@comfyanonymous:matrix.orgcomfyanonymousbut then what if someone wants to batch process images with 2 LoadImage nodes with 2 folders as input?21:50:17
@moikapy:matrix.orgMOIKAPYwell I'm wanting it to img2img using each img one at a time21:50:19
Download image.png
@cr4150n:matrix.orgcairos_naobumI'm trying to get it working on Docker and getting this not even an error any suggestion ?23:07:03
@gonmtl:matrix.orgGonzalo joined the room.23:24:14
20 Mar 2023
@bakantr:matrix.orgxunyi lu
In reply to @comfyanonymous:matrix.org
for example we could allow subfolder inputs for LoadImage and have something that the frontend can call to list all the images in a subfolder
that's why i think a native desktop app is necessary.the backend and the frontent is decoupled,the app can just run as a standalone app and accessing the backend through the Http API
@bakantr:matrix.orgxunyi lumaybe01:55:09
@moikapy:matrix.orgMOIKAPYthe project is open sourced, so its not like we couldn't try to make it a feature02:09:27
@lilly1987:matrix.orgLilly Lthow to use route in sclipt?12:08:48
@lilly1987:matrix.orgLilly Lt"1": { "class_type": "Reroute", "inputs": { "*": [ "0", 0 ] } },12:08:51
@lilly1987:matrix.orgLilly Lt * how to use Reroute in sclipt?12:09:16
@pythongosssss:matrix.orgpythongosssssreroute is a frontend node only as it doesnt actually do anything other than forward on its link12:10:20
@pythongosssss:matrix.orgpythongossssswhen the prompt is serialized, all references to Reroute are removed12:10:37
@pythongosssss:matrix.orgpythongosssssso the server has no knowledge of it12:10:44
@hr16:matrix.orghr16Is there a documentation about LiteGraph?12:13:20
@pythongosssss:matrix.orgpythongosssssjust the code is the best documentation lol12:13:53
@ciscowebex:matrix.orgciscowebexthe dev answered my question in about 15 minutes on github12:16:02
@ciscowebex:matrix.orgciscowebexmight help you 12:16:05
@pythongosssss:matrix.orgpythongosssssand if you can ask here at this point we have some knowledge of it12:20:40
@moikapy:matrix.orgMOIKAPY Is there a guide to create a front end node 12:23:25

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