
GNOME Engagement

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13 Jul 2024
@theevilskeleton:fedora.imHari Rana | TheEvilSkeletonThanks, I'll wait for Tobias's response18:07:51
@psauberz:matrix.orgPhilipp joined the room.22:15:04
@pentamassiv:matrix.org@pentamassiv:matrix.org joined the room.23:11:32
@pentamassiv:matrix.org@pentamassiv:matrix.org left the room.23:13:10
14 Jul 2024
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernard
In reply to @theevilskeleton:fedora.im

Sonny Tobias Bernard: hey, the GNOME Calendar developers (Georges, neko, and me) have been thinking about getting some funding from the Foundation to work on one or various aspects of Calendar, mainly time zone handling. We already know what needs to be done feature-wise; all that's missing is a mockup (and ideally some funding so we can work on it).

We've also had accessibility in mind as well. We started asking Joanmarie Diggs and Lukáš Tyrychtr about an ideal UX for screen readers, but I suspect that will take some time to gather feedback and research, so we only want to focus on time zone handling for now.

Do you have any suggestions, recommendations, tips & tricks on where to get started?

i'd be happy to help apply for nlnet, though it's far from guaranteed that it'll be accepted
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernardi think usually their focus is on network-related stuff20:27:33
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernardbut dunno, might also depend on the specific call20:27:45
In reply to @tbernard:gnome.org
i think usually their focus is on network-related stuff
https://sleepmap.de/2023/operating-system-bias-in-next-generation-internet-and-nlnet/ :P
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernardinteresting, i knew they fund lots of nix stuff but i didn't know they were that invested in it22:27:55
@theevilskeleton:fedora.imHari Rana | TheEvilSkeleton
In reply to @tbernard:gnome.org
i'd be happy to help apply for nlnet, though it's far from guaranteed that it'll be accepted
Thanks a lot, do you happen to have previous drafts or resources that I can use while drafting? I never asked a grant that way so I probably need some sort of guidance
@theevilskeleton:fedora.imHari Rana | TheEvilSkeleton* Thanks a lot, do you happen to have previous drafts saved or resources that I can use while drafting? I never asked a grant that way so I need some guidance and reference23:06:34
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernard
In reply to @theevilskeleton:fedora.im
Thanks a lot, do you happen to have previous drafts saved or resources that I can use while drafting? I never asked a grant that way so I need some guidance and reference
yeah, can do
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernardprobably should take this conversation elsewhere though, not particularly engagement related23:07:19
@theevilskeleton:fedora.imHari Rana | TheEvilSkeletonAre you aware of any room that is closely related to asking for grants?23:07:56
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernardno, i don't think there's anything like that23:10:58
@theevilskeleton:fedora.imHari Rana | TheEvilSkeletonDMs I guess?23:12:07
@fomosapien:matrix.orgTriskelion Hari Rana | TheEvilSkeleton: www.oss.fund you may find it helpful if you can dig into that list :-) 23:13:14
@tbernard:gnome.orgTobias Bernard
In reply to @fomosapien:matrix.org
Hari Rana | TheEvilSkeleton: www.oss.fund you may find it helpful if you can dig into that list :-)
"open source creators" is an interesting way to phrase it
15 Jul 2024

Thanks for the ping Sonny. The Foundation is indeed not in a position to distribute grants to projects, even for the Core apps, but that would be a nice place to be!

The major problems I see with small grants like the ones NLNet distributes are:

  • They only fund small projects which is fine for guerilla development, but adds significant overhead if you want to build a larger project
  • NLNet in in charge of distributing money from the Horizon Europe initiative, which is apparently pivoting away from small OSS projects and toward AI (my only source is https://kolektiva.social/@hackstub/112762068812732277 that NGIZero has boosted), which means those funds will dry out
@thib:ergaster.orgThibI've reached out to fundraising professionals to get a better understanding of how things work in the American nonprofit world and see how GNOME could fit in there. On the bright side: GNOME is so versatile you can tell many stories with it, and it can solve many problems. On the other hand, I still have work to do to a proper gap analysis between how the Foundation currently works and how the Foundation should work to fundraise and contribute technically to GNOME. In typical Thib fashion, there's a post with all the details in the writing :)07:16:47
@aday:gnome.orgAllan Day changed their profile picture.14:01:52
16 Jul 2024
@diogenes_greene:private.coffeediogenes_greene joined the room.03:04:02
18 Jul 2024
@sophieherold:gnome.orgSophie 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her) changed their display name from Sophie 🌴 to Sophie 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️ (she/her).14:12:54
19 Jul 2024
@drpetrikov:matrix.orgjoe cuppa joined the room.00:34:55
20 Jul 2024
@drpetrikov:matrix.orgjoe cuppahttps://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Design/whiteboards/-/issues/26209:58:04
21 Jul 2024
@peterhrv:matrix.orgpeterhrv changed their display name from peterhrv (offline 'til 20th July) to peterhrv.07:08:47
22 Jul 2024
@lionir.ca:matrix.orgLionir joined the room.01:07:16
@arcayr:rascals.netarcayr changed their profile picture.16:57:17
@arcayr:rascals.netarcayr changed their profile picture.16:57:36
23 Jul 2024
@bragefuglseth:gnome.orgBrage Fuglseth (gone until August 5th) changed their display name from Brage Fuglseth to Brage Fuglseth (gone until August 5th).18:32:20

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