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29 May 2024
@nothing4you:national-security.agencyNothing4You joined the room.17:32:12
@mrkaplan:lemmy.worldMrKaplan thank you for looking into this. 202 might be better than 200 as a sort of white lie while emulating mastodon behavior despite not really having an incoming queue. it seems that mastodon only does a few very basic checks before returning a 202 and then actual processing is done in the background, see also https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/16764 17:40:35
In reply to @snakebite:matrix.org
It's possible to set the options system.curl_connecttimeout and system.curl_timeout to provide default timeouts on the hubzilla side.
if these options are already working today that seems like it should be a usable workaround for now
@snakebite:matrix.orgHaraldI think so, but as said, I haven't checked what will happen when they time out. Worth a try though!17:47:18
@snakebite:matrix.orgHaraldAgreed that returning 202 is probably better. I want to move in the same direction as Mastodon for this. Process what we can quickly, and queue the rest for later.17:50:13
31 May 2024
@tim:knthost.comTim joined the room.16:44:47
6 Jun 2024
@_bifrost_acidbong=40hmm.st:aria-net.orgacidbong changed their display name from acidbong to acidbong_.10:57:30
9 Jun 2024
@materialistdanarchist:matrix.orgMaterialist Danarchist joined the room.05:07:46
11 Jun 2024
@materialistdanarchist:matrix.orgMaterialist Danarchist changed their display name from materialistdanarchist to Materialist Danarchist.04:50:15
13 Jun 2024
@pascoalpsjunior:matrix.orgPascoal Pimenta Da Silva Junior joined the room.02:59:10
@pascoalpsjunior:matrix.orgPascoal Pimenta Da Silva Junior set a profile picture.03:10:24
16 Jun 2024
@lnxw37d4:matrix.orglnxw37d4 joined the room.12:20:31
18 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose joined the room.15:17:40
19 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from memefi to war.05:23:46
29 Jun 2024
@sk:utsukta.orgSK changed their profile picture.22:02:10
30 Jun 2024
@calineczka0404:matrix.orgCalineczka joined the room.12:10:10
@memefi:matrix.orgWild rose changed their display name from war to Wild rose.21:48:25
7 Jul 2024
@damon_:matrix.orgdamon_ changed their profile picture.02:56:11
12 Jul 2024
@hans:woefdram.nlHans van Zijst changed their profile picture.12:57:16
@hans:woefdram.nlHans van Zijst changed their profile picture.12:58:43
@hans:woefdram.nlHans van Zijst changed their profile picture.13:12:36
@hans:woefdram.nlHans van Zijst changed their profile picture.15:00:39
@hans:woefdram.nlHans van Zijst changed their profile picture.15:04:32
15 Jul 2024
@memefi:matrix.orgWild roseRedacted or Malformed Event20:48:13
@nothing4you:national-security.agencyNothing4You Harald spam 20:49:55
In reply to @nothing4you:national-security.agency
Harald spam
Thanx! Reported and removed.
18 Jul 2024
@sluvffff:matrix.orgsluvffff joined the room.13:24:52
20 Jul 2024
@sk:utsukta.orgSK changed their display name from Sk to dev.18:23:29
@sk:utsukta.orgSK changed their display name from dev to SK.18:24:03
21 Jul 2024
@_bifrost_acidbong=40hmm.st:aria-net.orgacidbong changed their display name from acidbong_ to acidbong.10:14:41

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