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20 Jul 2016
@fortyfoxes:matrix.orgfortyfoxesAnd the most natural use is to show a limited number of nearbye pins13:59:40
@fortyfoxes:matrix.orgfortyfoxesSpoke to Clement this morning - he hopes to come to the Hangout this evening....14:00:40
@Ward:matrix.orgWard I'm thinking you're planning your day in NYC. You open a blank map and put markers at your planned stops. Then you open the Citibike page and get their current station status. It finds stations nearby each stop. Then you open Street Map to see how well Citibike is going to support your day. 14:02:03
@Ward:matrix.orgWard I'm ticked that the portland operators haven't published their data yet. 14:03:14
@fortyfoxes:matrix.orgfortyfoxes He has an interest - his partner in code is an architect - in the "Walking Charrette" 14:14:06
@fortyfoxes:matrix.orgfortyfoxes http://future.fedwiki.org/view/walking-charrette 14:14:58
@Ward:matrix.orgWard http://ward.asia.wiki.org/biketown.html 14:34:25
@Paul90:matrix.orgPaul while I'm sure that the data is not in the same format, it would be nice if the we could do the same thing for London - using the same DSL 15:20:21
@Paul90:matrix.orgPaul see https://tfl.gov.uk/modes/cycling/santander-cycles, and https://api.tfl.gov.uk/#BikePoint for the API 15:22:03
Download Screenshot_2016-07-20-20-01-41.png
@clemsos:matrix.orgclemsos Hello, looks like I am late to the party again. Sorry ! About bikes, a friend of mine have been doing extensive research on this and it is actually an interesting data set to use.

If you want to just add number of bikes into the markers then you need also to know how much bike slots there is in the station for people that needs to bring back their bikes. In the mobile app for Lyon, a classic marker is filled based on the number of bikes available/left on the station. So you know when you have space left and when you have bikes available.

Looks like this

@clemsos:matrix.orgclemsosI think this is very common app. Another more interesting will be to document paths within the city in a fedwiki page 18:04:08
@clemsos:matrix.orgclemsosLike you can go from this bike station to this one, then you can pass through this street and see this monument or this little place that has this story 18:04:47
@clemsos:matrix.orgclemsosIt may be more closely related to writing than just show the markers. And it is not exclusive18:05:14
@clemsos:matrix.orgclemsos Here is my friend's research (data and networks mostly) about biking data https://rsl.revues.org/487#tocto2n7 18:06:10
@clemsos:matrix.orgclemsos http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/patrick.flandrin/expose_velov_AS.pdf 18:06:35
@clemsos:matrix.orgclemsosWell, it is all in French... sorry18:06:44
@clemsos:matrix.orgclemsosnot very useful maybe 18:06:48
@clemsos:matrix.orgclemsosbut there is different interesting maps18:07:11
@Paul90:matrix.orgPauladding the bike availability/rack space would be very nice19:42:15
@Paul90:matrix.orgPaulwe also talked about just showing the racks within a certain distance of other markers19:42:55
@Paul90:matrix.orgPauland showing routes19:43:21
@Paul90:matrix.orgPaulthe Transport for London API includes journey planning that might make an interesting experiment taken together with a line-up of geo-located pages19:48:34
@Ward:matrix.orgWard The spec documents a variety of endpoints of which two more besides station_information are mandatory. I was looking forward to implementing some sense of NEARBY. I'm thinking it might be the closest two stations in each of four directions. Perhaps I should make it closest three and show empty stations with hollow markers. Of course availability in the morning says nothing about the afternoon. 20:39:46
@Ward:matrix.orgWardAn interesting thing about the bikes Biketown use is that they can be parked away from a station and then left for someone else to use. Apparently there is a penalty for doing this that is offered as a bonus to anyone willing to return the bike to an official station.20:42:53
@Ward:matrix.orgWard Aside: I'm feeling a strong need to color code markers so as to distinguish their source. I'm wondering if this could be done well automatically. 20:47:06
21 Jul 2016
@Ward:matrix.orgWard I've looked at Cartographie des pratiques du Vélo’v : le regard de physiciens et d’informaticiens. The maps were interesting and the graphs made some sense too since the axis labels were in English. 13:05:29
@Ward:matrix.orgWard Bikeshare version 0.1.3: We look for stations nearby lineup markers. We choose the closet in each neighboring quadrant direction for each lineup marker. There may be duplicates which we omit.


@ya:matrix.allmende.iojon fortyfoxes: http://patterns.of.a.commons.world/view/welcome-visitors/view/transformap-workshop-navigating-pattern-languages-for-mapping-the-transformations/view/a-first-draft-of-a-transformap-pattern-language/view/the-geographic-distribution lost its Graph plugin. Could you reinstantiate it, please?

I can view the pages from a patterns.wiki.transformap.co based wiki-client.

Else I will have to fork off the content.

@ya:matrix.allmende.iojonBut I love the domain so much!15:59:34

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