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8 Jun 2021
@yaroslvozl:matrix.org@yaroslvozl:matrix.org Hey akru why is there so much slashes lately? 16:51:30
In reply to @yaroslvozl:matrix.org
Hey akru why is there so much slashes lately?
Hi, please upgrade to latest version, migration to new substrate is in process right now
@yaroslvozl:matrix.org@yaroslvozl:matrix.org akru: latest is 23.5, right? 17:22:16
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakruhttps://github.com/DAO-IPCI/IPCI-blockchain/tree/0.23-rc5 this one17:30:13
@yaroslvozl:matrix.org@yaroslvozl:matrix.orgAnd when slashes will estimately stop happening?17:31:25
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakruHope in few days when upgrade will be finished17:34:30
@yaroslvozl:matrix.org@yaroslvozl:matrix.orgGot ya, thanks17:36:15
14 Jun 2021
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsara Hi akru any update on the IPCI 23.5 issue? Are we waiting for the 21.0 nodes to be updated to 23.5 or is it another issue? 10:48:05
In reply to @andromeda__:matrix.org
Hi akru any update on the IPCI 23.5 issue? Are we waiting for the 21.0 nodes to be updated to 23.5 or is it another issue?
Yes, IPCI Network is on upgrading stage now, most nodes upgraded, last step is runtime upgrade. Hope it will be finished in few days.
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsara Perfect, thanks akru 👌 11:12:33
16 Jun 2021
@nzt:matrix.orgnzt joined the room.14:35:27
18 Jun 2021
@chevdor:matrix.orgChevdor / Will changed their display name from Chevdor / Will to Chevdor / Will (faster w/ @chevdor:matrix.parity.io).12:51:32
19 Jun 2021
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsaraAny update on the runtime upgrade?09:12:36
In reply to @andromeda__:matrix.org
Any update on the runtime upgrade?
Still in process, let me ask working group about status
In reply to @ak-ru:matrix.org
Still in process, let me ask working group about status
23 Jun 2021
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsaraMorning devs, any updates? The network is hanging on very few validators, 4 left.03:58:43
In reply to @andromeda__:matrix.org
Morning devs, any updates?

The network is hanging on very few validators, 4 left.
Thank you for updates, runtime will be upgraded in few hours, validators should come back after that. Please keep your node updated to https://github.com/DAO-IPCI/IPCI-blockchain/tree/0.23-rc5
In reply to @ak-ru:matrix.org
Thank you for updates, runtime will be upgraded in few hours, validators should come back after that. Please keep your node updated to https://github.com/DAO-IPCI/IPCI-blockchain/tree/0.23-rc5
Perfect, will share it in the Telegram. Thanks Akru
24 Jun 2021
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsaraRedacted or Malformed Event05:49:06
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsaraMorning, still issues with the chain? Seems like only Airalab02 on 23.3 is producing blocks.06:01:49
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsaragot slashed continuesly yesterday06:02:14
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakruYes, problem identified and we are working on it, sorry for inconvenience. After additional tests runtime will be applied06:10:39
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakruCurrently stable working on 0.23.3 nodes, but 0.23.5 working unstable because of old runtime06:11:41
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsara Hi akru Thanks for your reply. Got it, was some heavy slashing unfortunately. Can I downgrade to 0.23.3 without resyncing the DB? 06:14:39
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsara* Hi akru Thanks for your reply. Got it, was some heavy slashing unfortunately. Can I downgrade to 0.23.3 without resyncing the DB?06:14:47
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakruUnfortunately 0.23.5 has different db format, probably, no06:15:27
@andromeda__:matrix.orgSamsaraThought so, thanks Akru.06:15:38
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakruI’ll ask db snapshot06:15:46
@ak-ru:matrix.orgakruSomeone from tech support will publish 0.23.3 db snapshot soon07:01:34

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