

340 Members
| Part of the Cybersec matrix.org community (#cyber-space:matrix.org) | RULES: https://cybersec-rules.thomcat.rocks | Whonix-focused room | Off-topic chat is fine. Keep it brief and/or move it to #cybersec-offtopic:matrix.org51 Servers

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4 Jun 2024
@anonyme18z:matrix.org@anonyme18z:matrix.org joined the room.20:32:31
@anonyme18z:matrix.org@anonyme18z:matrix.org joined the room.20:32:57
@anonyme18z:matrix.org@anonyme18z:matrix.org left the room.20:33:18
7 Jun 2024
@alex3829:matrix.org@alex3829:matrix.org removed their display name real_z2.23:43:55
9 Jun 2024
@bozoslivehere:matrix.orgbozoslivehere joined the room.22:12:09
15 Jun 2024
@mackness:matrix.org@mackness:matrix.org left the room.09:10:51
19 Jun 2024
@doomguin:mozilla.org@doomguin:mozilla.org joined the room.15:31:51
@doomguin:mozilla.org@doomguin:mozilla.org left the room.15:32:09
20 Jun 2024
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 joined the room.10:57:51
24 Jun 2024
@mjolnir:thomcat.rocksThe Banhammer banned @bownz:matrix.org@bownz:matrix.org (🤡).23:20:10
29 Jun 2024
@sertonix:mozilla.org@sertonix:mozilla.org left the room.00:43:40
2 Jul 2024
@ulfnic:matrix.org@ulfnic:matrix.org left the room.10:18:56
@porco0447:arcticfoxes.netporco0447 joined the room.23:48:20
3 Jul 2024
@porco0447:arcticfoxes.netporco0447 changed their profile picture.19:23:59
7 Jul 2024
@achia:matrix.orgSam changed their display name from archie to Sam.02:52:03
@jo65183:matrix.org@jo65183:matrix.org joined the room.18:15:03
@jo65183:matrix.org@jo65183:matrix.org set a profile picture.18:20:08
@xfire1:matrix.orgxfire1 joined the room.22:44:41
8 Jul 2024
@jo65183:matrix.org@jo65183:matrix.org left the room.19:26:36
11 Jul 2024
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 changed their display name from cocam123 to cocam123 (Old).08:26:04
14 Jul 2024
@cocam123:nakama.tvcocam123 changed their display name from cocam123 (Old) to cocam123.22:32:35
15 Jul 2024
@kitant:nitro.chatkitant joined the room.11:05:43
18 Jul 2024
@schmillin:matrix.org@schmillin:matrix.org joined the room.22:57:08
19 Jul 2024
@molly:catgirl.cloudfat lard changed their display name from professional practitioner 💅 to topbenis.23:15:56
@molly:catgirl.cloudfat lard changed their display name from topbenis to fat lard.23:17:01
20 Jul 2024
@nighthawk:jameskitt616.onenighthawk changed their profile picture.00:42:04
22 Jul 2024
@schneiderzero:matrix.orgschneiderzero joined the room.19:33:40
@gshitman:matrix.orggshitman joined the room.21:32:37
26 Jul 2024
@ka1istr4rt3:matrix.orgka1i-stoHi, is this room live, no one says anything..20:16:34
27 Jul 2024
@schmillin:matrix.org@schmillin:matrix.org left the room.01:45:24

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