20 May 2022 |
| Richard Charles joined the room. | 14:51:57 |
| Muskan Maheshwari joined the room. | 15:06:09 |
Heavycr3am | Happy Friyay everyone | 15:15:47 |
Danova[Never dm first] | In reply to Heavycr3am Happy Friyay everyone Happy Friday to you to! | 15:19:58 |
| Com Sharip joined the room. | 15:48:00 |
| Linka joined the room. | 17:10:35 |
Heavycr3am | @everyone ICHI proposal has been submitted via our discord. Remember you need XICHI to vote! | 18:06:01 |
Heavycr3am | * @everyone ICHI Vaults Proposal has been submitted via our discord. Remember you need XICHI to vote! | 18:06:34 |
Heavycr3am | * @everyone ICHI Vaults Proposal has been submitted via snapshot. Remember you need XICHI to vote! | 18:06:51 |
Danova[Never dm first] | * Happy Friday to you too! | 18:53:13 |
| Yusuff Khadijah joined the room. | 19:17:32 |
Yunus | Kripto Haber TR | In reply to Heavycr3am @everyone ICHI proposal has been submitted via our discord. Remember you need XICHI to vote! That's great. Out of context but the everyone tag isn't working here. The 'everyone' is another group 😃 | 19:25:28 |
| Wonder Woman🧝🏻♀ joined the room. | 20:12:13 |
Heavycr3am | https://beta.layer3.xyz/contests/ichi-infographic-contest Just announced! Let's see your skills! | 20:26:49 |
| Kathy Fx joined the room. | 20:31:00 |
| Tillie Davon joined the room. | 20:55:48 |
Heavycr3am | https://app.ichi.org/vault I spy with my little Eye | 20:57:15 |
Jay Jay | I’m curious… what’s the timeline for the relaunch? | 21:31:47 |
Shirley | Hope everyone has sweet dreams. Good night. 😴😴 | 22:10:33 |
Heavycr3am | In reply to Jay Jay I’m curious… what’s the timeline for the relaunch? the proposal going on is part of our relaunch, dont really have a timeline set. But the next couple of weeks could be interesting. | 22:32:11 |
Heavycr3am | team is working diligently | 22:32:23 |
21 May 2022 |
| Mohamad656 joined the room. | 00:36:27 |
Mohamad656 | Redacted or Malformed Event | 00:36:37 |
| Aurora Lucy joined the room. | 00:45:03 |
Marcvs 🇧🇷🇨🇳 | Redacted or Malformed Event | 01:01:41 |
Heavycr3am | /adminlist | 01:42:14 |
Heavycr3am | /blocklistmode kick | 01:43:08 |
Heavycr3am | /blocklist | 01:44:42 |
Heavycr3am | /blocklist unsea | 01:45:24 |
| Rodriguez joined the room. | 02:35:05 |