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29 Dec 2023
@_discord_321350331319451650:t2bot.iocooltexture its not really a clone since it implements the vanilla protocol, so it is more like a alternative client 19:02:17
@_discord_321350331319451650:t2bot.iocooltexture as in, you join a regular minecraft server wirt it 19:02:47
@v90c:matrix.homelab.wf@v90c:matrix.homelab.wfYeah, honestly way cooler than a clone19:03:01
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 In my opinion it shouldn't be a big hindrance. The main issue in my opinion is Microsoft mandates that you must have anti-piracy policies in place (requiring authentication) instead of assuming that ownership of the game being proved by having the files.

At some point I'm going to see if we can't hook into the OG minecraft launcher's downloaded files to extract the needed assets instead of downloading them, maybe coupled with checking the hashes of the launcher to verify it hasn't been tampered with. IMO that should be a good enough for legal reasons to not implement an authentication lock on use... at least until the option of official authentication methods are supported.
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 Technically there is a single modded block supported (thermal expansion's rockwool).

I have a local branch that I'm working on that hooks into generate-blocks to import more modded blocks/items, although I don't yet have a mod parsing tool.
30 Dec 2023
@_discord_328671133719199744:t2bot.iokoboo changed their display name from Koboo#0924 to koboo.01:58:43
@_discord_438100137622110219:t2bot.iojayaaaaa joined the room.02:46:51
6 Jan 2024
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 https://discord.com/channels/880415226393149470/880478583108272160/1193249147038482503 17:47:57
@_discord_160877998155759616:t2bot.ioskillman623 * Authentication servers work. Client side work needs to continue.
@PureTryOut:matrix.orgPureTryOut (matrix.org)https://matrix.to/#/!GccHEyvTSfTzIYQqNd:matrix.org/$xHElMqgQ46b3r5y37nQVC5nXekTjTzXIbnt0ywJ-b2g?via=matrix.org&via=t2bot.io&via=mozilla.org for any Matrix users18:25:34
18 Feb 2024
@jnglrobba:matrix.org@jnglrobba:matrix.org left the room.08:25:50
20 Feb 2024
@thatonecoder:matrix.orgthatonecoder joined the room.15:36:03
28 Feb 2024
@sj6qstkvtk:matrix.org@sj6qstkvtk:matrix.org left the room.14:52:44
@v90c:matrix.homelab.wf@v90c:matrix.homelab.wf left the room.14:53:02
9 Mar 2024
@niko:conduit.rsnyanbinary joined the room.01:31:39
@niko:conduit.rsnyanbinaryis there a matrix space?01:31:58
@niko:conduit.rsnyanbinaryfor leafish01:32:01
@niko:conduit.rsnyanbinaryalso can we bridge leafish matrix to discord?01:32:09
11 Mar 2024
@PureTryOut:matrix.orgPureTryOut (matrix.org) There is a space, and it is already bridged. #leafish:matrix.org 07:24:14
19 Mar 2024
@libreivan:envs.netCHAOTIC ivan joined the room.16:00:44
4 Apr 2024
@libreivan:envs.netCHAOTIC ivan changed their profile picture.11:20:18
12 Apr 2024
@abhay_aysola:matrix.org@abhay_aysola:matrix.org left the room.12:57:19
17 Apr 2024
@cow:cowingtonpost.comcow ⚡️ joined the room.20:44:22
20 Apr 2024
@joe:joeth.ukJoe joined the room.20:18:15
23 Apr 2024
@duskyro:matrix.orgDuskyRo joined the room.19:10:58
8 Jul 2024
@alex:matrix.al3xdev.comAlex Breedveld joined the room.02:40:26
12 Jul 2024
@kryst4lliz3r:matrix.orgkryst4lliz3r joined the room.14:31:11
26 Jul 2024
@peaksol:exozy.mePeaksol joined the room.16:29:11

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