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1 Jul 2024
@some.knowit:matrix.orgsome.knowit *

After fixing all the missing preambles and extending the existing extractor.lua (in my forked main branch), it extracted 2,503 tex documents. I managed to compile them all successfully. The generated pgfmanual.pdf is also looking good. (You should be able to download the updated pdf from https://github.com/hansonchar/pgf/actions/runs/9750355245 once the workflow has completed. See here if you want to replicate the extract-compile process from the main branch.)

I plan to submit two pull requests - one for fixing the preamble, etc. so that readers of the manual can copy-and-paste any of the examples in the pdf and have them successfully compiled, and another for the extended extractors and scripts.

(I've got other miscellaneous things fixed as well, but I'll delay those to future pull requests.)

However, these changes presume the fixes in pull request #1339 have been merged. Any chance that can be done any time soon?

@some.knowit:matrix.orgsome.knowit *

After fixing all the missing preambles and extending the existing extractor.lua (in my forked main branch), it extracted 2,503 tex documents. I managed to compile them all successfully. The generated pgfmanual.pdf is also looking good. (You should be able to download the updated pdf from https://github.com/hansonchar/pgf/actions/runs/9750355245 once the workflow has completed. See here and scroll to the bottom if you want to replicate the extract-compile process from the main branch.)

I plan to submit two pull requests - one for fixing the preamble, etc. so that readers of the manual can copy-and-paste any of the examples in the pdf and have them successfully compiled, and another for the extended extractors and scripts.

(I've got other miscellaneous things fixed as well, but I'll delay those to future pull requests.)

However, these changes presume the fixes in pull request #1339 have been merged. Any chance that can be done any time soon?

@some.knowit:matrix.orgsome.knowit *

After fixing all the missing preambles and extending the existing extractor.lua (in my forked main branch), it extracted 2,503 tex documents. I managed to compile them all successfully. The generated pgfmanual.pdf is also looking good. (You should be able to download the updated pdf from https://github.com/hansonchar/pgf/actions/runs/9750355245 once the workflow has completed. See here and scroll to the bottom if you want to replicate the extract-compile process from my main branch.)

I plan to submit two pull requests - one for fixing the preamble, etc. so that readers of the manual can copy-and-paste any of the examples in the pdf and have them successfully compiled, and another for the extended extractors and scripts.

(I've got other miscellaneous things fixed as well, but I'll delay those to future pull requests.)

However, these changes presume the fixes in pull request #1339 have been merged. Any chance that can be done any time soon?

19 Sep 2024
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke muzimuzhi: Thanks for cleaning up after me. 07:11:06
@northface:matrix.orgNorbert Preining Only two \expandafter is a funny case, most of the times it is 2^n-1 or so. 07:19:23
27 Oct 2024
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke Christmas is coming closer and it has been sort of established that we release around that time. I created a new milestone for 3.1.11 on GitHub. Please add issues and PRs that you think should go into the next release to that milestone. If you don't have permission to do so, just ping me here on Matrix with the links. 19:19:12
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeRedacted or Malformed Event19:19:19
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke * @room Christmas is coming closer and it has been sort of established that we release around that time. I created a new milestone for 3.1.11 on GitHub. Please add issues and PRs that you think should go into the next release to that milestone. If you don't have permission to do so, just ping me here on Matrix with the links. 19:23:03
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
@room Christmas is coming closer and it has been sort of established that we release around that time. I created a new milestone for 3.1.11 on GitHub. Please add issues and PRs that you think should go into the next release to that milestone. If you don't have permission to do so, just ping me here on Matrix with the links.

I clicked on "New issue" at your link but the created issue didn't get labelled under the 3.11 Milestone. https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/issues/1368

Meanwhile, this issue is related to a PR that has long been approved but not merged: https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/pull/1339

Any chance this PR can get included. It would enable the fixes of all examples in the PFG/TikZ manual such that they would just work via copy-n-paste.

In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
@room Christmas is coming closer and it has been sort of established that we release around that time. I created a new milestone for 3.1.11 on GitHub. Please add issues and PRs that you think should go into the next release to that milestone. If you don't have permission to do so, just ping me here on Matrix with the links.

I clicked on "New issue" at your link but the created issue didn't get labelled under the 3.1.11 Milestone. https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/issues/1368

Meanwhile, this issue is related to a PR that has long been approved but not merged: https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/pull/1339

Any chance this PR can get included. It would enable the fixes of all examples in the PFG/TikZ manual such that they would just work via copy-n-paste.

@some.knowit:matrix.orgsome.knowit *

I clicked on "New issue" at your link but the created issue didn't get labelled under the 3.1.11 Milestone. https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/issues/1368

Meanwhile, this issue is related to a PR that has long been approved but not merged: https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/pull/1339

Any chance this PR can get included? It would enable the fixes of all examples (via more upcoming PR's) in the PFG/TikZ manual such that they would just work via copy-n-paste. (Details in the conversation of the related PR's).

28 Oct 2024
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke some.knowit: Yes, it's not added to the milestone automatically. I've done that now. 08:01:00
4 Nov 2024
@josephwright:matrix.orgjosephwright changed their display name from josephwright to Joseph Wright.12:11:08
26 Sep 2021
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke set the history visibility to "world_readable".14:38:38
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke set the room name to "PGF/TikZ".14:38:38
Room Avatar Renderer.14:39:27
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke set the room topic to "https://github.com/pgf-tikz".14:40:26
Room Avatar Renderer.14:47:38
@benfrank:matrix.orgBen Frank joined the room.19:04:11
27 Sep 2021
@northface:matrix.orgNorbert Preining joined the room.01:07:27
@samcarter:matrix.orgsamcarter joined the room.08:55:36
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkechanged room power levels.17:29:08
@kir0ul:matrix.orgkir∅ul joined the room.19:41:33
@freetux:tetaneutral.netfreetux joined the room.21:05:26
28 Sep 2021
@nic:matrix.nicfab.itnicfab joined the room.06:17:14
@samcarter:matrix.orgsamcarter set a profile picture.09:36:01
@josephwright:matrix.orgjosephwright joined the room.11:55:01
@josephwright:matrix.orgjosephwright set a profile picture.13:05:17
@josephwright:matrix.orgjosephwrightSo, how does this work? Am I missing any conversations, or has no-one said anything yet?13:56:49
@benfrank:matrix.orgBen Frank
In reply to @josephwright:matrix.org
So, how does this work? Am I missing any conversations, or has no-one said anything yet?
You're the first one to speak (at least since @hmenke set the chat history visibility to visible for everyone).

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