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29 Sep 2021
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeOr you can have a look at one of the many other clients: https://matrix.org/clients/15:41:50
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke Unfortunately Element is the only one that supports the Spaces feature right now. 15:42:14
In reply to @samcarter:matrix.org
a quacking chat would be fun :)
listening to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxKN_z2Ktm8&ab_channel=GameWorld and cant stop laughing
@samcarter:matrix.orgsamcarter muzimuzhi: Brilliant! 15:51:51
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
Unfortunately Element is the only one that supports the Spaces feature right now.
Is the current PGF/TikZ room already part of a space? I see no clue on element.io's web
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke muzimuzhi: Rooms and Spaces are sort of orthogonal features. 15:53:40
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeA Room is any chat with one or more people (you can create a room with only yourself in it) whereas a Space is a Room that doesn't have a chat but only contains other Rooms.15:54:53
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeIt's basically just a nice frontend to group together related rooms and make them easier to discover.15:55:29
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeThis room is part of the https://matrix.to/#/#tug:matrix.org space.15:55:49
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke * This room is part of the #tug:matrix.org space.15:56:00
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeBut you don't have to join the Space to join the Room and vice versa.15:56:25
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
This room is part of the #tug:matrix.org space.
So can one trace which spaces do a room (already joint) belong to?
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeGood question.16:00:58
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeI don't think there is a UI for that.16:01:09
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeBut Matrix has a great API.16:01:15
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhiBtw according to this Element Blog, https://element.io/blog/spaces-the-next-frontier/#what-are-spaces, it seems spaces can also contain people16:01:41
@samcarter:matrix.orgsamcarter... contain rooms and people, I think spaces should be called houses16:03:15
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhinice name, except spaces brings more imagination for, eg marketing16:04:38
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeYes, you can also join a Space like you join a Room. That's mostly useful for private Spaces though.16:06:01
@samcarter:matrix.orgsamcarter * ... contains rooms and people, I think spaces should be called houses16:07:15
In reply to @muzzi:matrix.org
nice name, except spaces brings more imagination for, eg marketing
Those big words are often too big to be uniquely used.
Jetbrains also has a "Space" product: https://www.jetbrains.com/space/
In reply to @muzzi:matrix.org
nice name, except spaces brings more imagination for, eg marketing
Every company using the word "space" for their marketing should have to donate 1 $ for space science -- we would get so many nice toys to play with :)
In reply to @muzzi:matrix.org
nice name, except spaces brings more imagination for, eg marketing
* Every company using the word "space" for their marketing should have to donate 1 $ for space reasearch -- we would get so many nice toys to play with :)
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhiApple Inc. publishing iSpace: Your next space is not space16:24:44
30 Sep 2021
@mgttlinger:matrix.orgMerlin GöttlingerSeems trendy "In June 2021, we announced that ‘Rooms’ in Google Chat would evolve to become ‘Spaces’. As part of that evolution, starting on September 8, 2021, any user who has enabled Chat in their Gmail settings will start to see the term ‘Rooms’ automatically updated to ‘Spaces’. " -- https://workspaceupdates.googleblog.com/2021/09/google-chat-rooms-are-now-spaces.html05:42:27
3 Oct 2021
@fmb:matrix.orgFMB joined the room.08:30:40
@dbitouze:matrix.orgDenis Bitouzé joined the room.13:42:04
4 Oct 2021
@zi4tae5c:matrix.orgJeltz joined the room.20:45:51
5 Oct 2021
@josephwright:matrix.orgjosephwrightFilling up nicely here :)09:01:24
6 Oct 2021
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
josephwright: https://github.com/pgf-tikz/pgf/issues/870
I looked back at l3draw: we must have talked about this before because I'd already got those settings applied :)

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