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20 Jan 2024
@manis:matrix.orgManisI need to read up on the TeX parser. OK, so if I have a newline at the end of the optional argument to \plottable and a newline after the #1 inside \plottable it breaks. If I remove _either_ it works.18:56:12
7 Feb 2024
@aguiarphys:matrix.orgBean joined the room.23:07:49
@aguiarphys:matrix.orgBean changed their display name from Richard A to Bean.23:11:49
@aguiarphys:matrix.orgBean set a profile picture.23:11:52
1 Mar 2024
@andonome:matrix.orgMalin joined the room.17:48:28
3 Mar 2024
@brodulf:matrix.orgBrodulf joined the room.09:13:38
31 Mar 2024
@inkbottle:matrix.orgzebragI want to cut the plane in two parts through a straight line, then put a point in one of the half-plane, the consider a circle centered on this point with radius greater than the distance of the point to the straight line, and actually draw only the arc/part of the circle, that is on the half plane where the point (center of the circle) is not. What are the best options to do that?21:45:32
@inkbottle:matrix.orgzebrag * I want to cut the plane in two parts through a straight line, then put a point in one of the half-plane, then consider a circle centered on this point with radius greater than the distance of the point to the straight line, and actually draw only the arc/part of the circle, that is on the half plane where the point (center of the circle) is not. What are the best options to do that?21:46:40
2 Apr 2024

Btw, this is what I came with:


% Define the new command for sign-related angle adjustment
  \fpeval{(#1) < 0 ? 180 : 0}%


% Define the line as a path to be reused
\coordinate (A) at (-4,0); 
\coordinate (B) at (4,1); 
\path[name path=line] (A) -- (B); 

% Place the point
\coordinate (P) at (1,1.5); 

% Circle with radius greater than distance to the line, choose arbitrary for this example

% Define the circle path
\path[name path=circle] (P) circle (\radius);

% Calculate intersections
\path[name intersections={of=circle and line,by={C,D}}];

% Draw the straight line
\draw (A) -- (B); 

% Mark the point
\fill (P) circle (2pt) node[above] {$P$};
\fill (C) circle (2pt) node[above] {$C$};
\fill (D) circle (2pt) node[above] {$D$};

% Draw the part of the circle on the other half plane
\draw[very thick, blue] let \p1=(C), \p2=(D), \p3=(P) in (C)
arc[start angle={atan((\y1-\y3)/(\x1-\x3))-\adjustangle{\x1-\x3}},
end angle={atan((\y2-\y3)/(\x2-\x3))-\adjustangle{\x2-\x3}},

6 Apr 2024

I'm trying to have something like that working:


  \pgfmathparse{ifthenelse(#1 < 0, 180, 0)}


  (0,1) arc[start angle={45-\adjustangle{45}},
    end angle={60},



But whichever way I put it I always have something like that:

\pgfmath@catcodes ...`\|=12 \catcode `\&=12 \let "
@inkbottle:matrix.orgzebragIs there no other way than inlining?10:27:20
13 Apr 2024
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi * What's "inlining"?05:29:52

You can declare new pgfmath functions through /pgf/declare function key:

  declare function={adjustangle(\a)=ifthenelse(\a < 0, 180, 0);}
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi *

You can declare new pgfmath functions through /pgf/declare function key:

  declare function={adjustangle(\a)=ifthenelse(\a < 0, 180, 0);}

It's slower than \pgfmathdeclarefunction, but easier to use.


Full example


  declare function={adjustangle(\a)=ifthenelse(\a < 0, 180, 0);}


  (0,1) arc[start angle={45-adjustangle{45}},
    end angle={60},


In reply to @inkbottle:matrix.org
I want to cut the plane in two parts through a straight line, then put a point in one of the half-plane, then consider a circle centered on this point with radius greater than the distance of the point to the straight line, and actually draw only the arc/part of the circle, that is on the half plane where the point (center of the circle) is not.
What are the best options to do that?
Have a look at tkz-euclide package? https://ctan.org/pkg/tkz-euclide
@inkbottle:matrix.orgzebragHi, tx, looking into that asap11:19:19
In reply to @muzzi:matrix.org
What's "inlining"?
In this context it would be inserting the body of the macro everywhere the macro should be called/expanded, in other words performing the macro expansion by hand.
29 Apr 2024
@ailin.nemui:matrix.orgNei joined the room.21:34:48
5 May 2024
@zmberber:matrix.orgZM Berber joined the room.19:26:30
12 May 2024
@sourcecodedeleted:matrix.orgsourcecodedeleted joined the room.18:24:15
@sourcecodedeleted:matrix.orgsourcecodedeletedGood evening everyone18:24:38
@sourcecodedeleted:matrix.orgsourcecodedeletedI was to ask about this library 18:24:50
@sourcecodedeleted:matrix.orgsourcecodedeletedIs there any javascript interfaces with this? 18:25:41
@sourcecodedeleted:matrix.orgsourcecodedeletedI would like to use this lib with chemfig in javascript18:25:58
14 May 2024
@zi4tae5c:matrix.orgJeltz changed their profile picture.22:01:09
16 May 2024
In reply to @sourcecodedeleted:matrix.org
Is there any javascript interfaces with this?
There isn't a JavaScript interface for PGF itself, but there is texlive.js which is just a pdflatex compiled with emscripten. In my experience it works well, but is awfully slow.
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi See also tikzjax which runs a WebAssembly tex in browser and converts <script type="text/tikz"> tags (containing TikZ code) into SVGs. The speed of its live demo https://tikzjax-demo.glitch.me/ seems acceptable to me. 16:40:25

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