Sender | Message | Time |
14 Jun 2022 | ||
hmenke | I will tag a new release once that is resolved. | 10:46:23 |
hmenke | | 10:46:57 |
Paulo Cereda | hmmm pie 🥧 | 17:46:39 |
15 Jun 2022 | ||
muzimuzhi | In reply to @hmenke:matrix.orgI didn't see your message until now, and have pushed a fix ( with \PassOptionsToPackage{...}{hyperref} yesterday. Should I revert it with the latest hypdoc v1.16, which won't load hyperref if it has already been loaded? | 02:27:50 |
muzimuzhi | GitHub Action's scheduled workflow may be helpful for packages like pgf-pie that moves slow. For example, setting CI to run per week with -dev formats or so. | 02:32:25 |
hmenke | In reply to @muzzi:matrix.orgI've set up a scheduled workflow to run every week on Wednesday at 08:00 UTC. | 09:43:48 |
hmenke | The downside is that scheduled workflows automatically get disabled if the repo hasn't seen activity for 90 days which will certainly happen for all those packages that are only in maintenance. | 09:45:05 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to Even worse, it will be disabled in 60 days, not 90 days.
| 10:37:04 |
muzimuzhi | I'm wondering if the LaTeX Team is willing to make a workflow that triggers workflows of third-party packages each time when latex-dev releases. It seems event repository_dispatch or workflow_dispatch is suitable for this task. | 10:43:58 |
muzimuzhi | * I'm wondering if the LaTeX Team is willing to make a workflow that triggers workflows of third-party packages each time when latex-dev releases. It seems event repository_dispatch or workflow_dispatch is suitable for this task. | 10:45:06 |
muzimuzhi | workflow_dispatch event allows manual triggering a workflow run, hence will be helpful for both pgf-pie and pgf . For example, rerunning a workflow is disabled after 30 days of init run, but with workflow_dispatch it can be triggered manually. | 10:49:51 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to @muzzi:matrix.orgTo trigger a workflow_dispatch event in another repo, it seems the only thing needed is a token from owner of repo/organization with repo scope, which can then be stored in a secret. | 11:57:30 |
Marcel Krüger | In reply to @muzzi:matrix.orgI think the timing would prove a bit difficult. After latex-dev releases a non deterministic amount of time passes before the update gets picked up by TeX Live updates, so this would have to be done manually. That would make it much less reliable. | 11:59:39 |
Marcel Krüger | In reply to @muzzi:matrix.orgWhat if the workflow creates a commit in a dummy branch? 🤔 | 12:02:39 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to @marcel:2krueger.deAh I forgot the release - ctan - texlive chain. Looks like an action to fetch latest latex-dev release is too heavy. | 12:04:58 |
Marcel Krüger | You mean to install it manually? That might be doable even though it might need some additional setup. I'll do some experiments. | 12:13:39 |
muzimuzhi | In reply to @marcel:2krueger.deYes. Hope eventually l3build can have this utility built-in. Lua functions in latex2e's build-config.lua which build format and ensure the local format is used may help. | 12:28:17 |
Marcel Krüger | I think for this it's easier to just add the latex2e directory as extra texmf and then run fmtutil instead of integrating this into l3build. After all rebuilding the format for different modules would just be a waste of time and resources in this situation. | 12:51:14 |
muzimuzhi | I mean a new command like l3build update [--from-dist | --from-repo] <fmtname | pkgname> accompanied with some new l3build.lua variables. | 13:06:14 |
17 Jun 2022 | ||
hmenke | In reply to @marcel:2krueger.deCommits have to be added on the branch that the workflow runs on. | 17:35:17 |
22 Jun 2022 | ||
better_sleeping joined the room. | 21:12:35 | |
better_sleeping left the room. | 21:12:46 | |
1 Jul 2022 | ||
hardyowo left the room. | 00:51:02 | |
3 Jul 2022 | ||
Qrrbrbirlbel changed their display name from S to s. | 21:28:03 | |
19 Jul 2022 | ||
Qrrbrbirlbel changed their display name from s to Qrrbrbirlbel. | 19:59:20 | |
Qrrbrbirlbel | Heya, I'm considering opening an issue at GitHub with this MWE:
The TikZ transformation with Is this to be expected? That Or is a | 20:14:53 |
20 Jul 2022 | ||
Qrrbrbirlbel | Maybe that is related to | 09:42:39 |
21 Jul 2022 | ||
muzimuzhi | Qrrbrbirlbel: Try
Chances are that the #963 issue is a fake one, there's no problem in different "init" values for | 04:33:29 |
muzimuzhi | * Qrrbrbirlbel: Try
Chances are that the #963 issue is a fake one. There's no problem in different "init" values for `\tikz@transform".
| 04:36:37 |
muzimuzhi | * Qrrbrbirlbel: Try
Chances are that the #963 issue is a fake one. There's no problem in different "init" values for `\tikz@transform".
| 04:37:20 |