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2 Jan 2023
@zi4tae5c:matrix.orgJeltz changed their profile picture.03:38:33
13 Jan 2023

hmenke: Hi henri, for several reasons I'd like to make pgf-tikz release a new version in maybe next 2--3 weeks. What are the most important PRs and issues you think must be merged/resolved before the next release? #1116 is on the list, I infer.

To list some reasons:

  • TeX Live 2023 will freeze code on 3rd Mar, see https://www.tug.org/texlive/ .
  • There's many unreleased fixes and improvements not tested by most tikz users.
  • I feel some guilty because quite some PRs were opened by myself.
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi *

hmenke: Hi henri, for several reasons I'd like to make pgf-tikz release a new version in maybe next 2--3 weeks. What are the most important PRs and issues you think must be merged/resolved before the next release? #1116 is on the list, I infer.

To list some reasons:

  • TeX Live 2023 will freeze code on 3rd Mar, see https://www.tug.org/texlive/ .
  • There's many unreleased fixes and improvements not tested by most tikz users.
  • I feel some guilty because quite some PRs were opened by myself.
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeWe can make a release immediately.12:59:56
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeI just don't want to merge any more PRs before #1116 isn13:00:14
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke * I just don't want to merge any more PRs before #1116 isn't finished.13:00:18
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhiIt's been too long hence the workflow log for #1116 has been deleted (by github). I'll push a dummy commit to trigger the workflow, and find what I can help in this weekend.13:15:28
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi Triggered by force pushing rebased hmenke:l3build. 13:33:36
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke muzimuzhi: First thing that has to be done is extracting the graphdrawing examples from the Lua files. 14:20:27
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeAfter that it's just a whole lot of refactoring.14:20:41
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke Also something is wrong with ltxdoc again. 14:22:11
! Undefined control sequence.
l.67 \cs
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke *
! Undefined control sequence.
l.67 \cs
      {pgfdeclare*shading} is called with no optional argument or when

muzimuzhi: First thing that has to be done is extracting the graphdrawing examples from the Lua files.

Once of a time (when working on #1172) I considered achieving this by patching \codeexample internals. Because at some stage inside \codeexample, verbatim env content is accessible.

In reply to @muzzi:matrix.org

muzimuzhi: First thing that has to be done is extracting the graphdrawing examples from the Lua files.

Once of a time (when working on #1172) I considered achieving this by patching \codeexample internals. Because at some stage inside \codeexample, verbatim env content is accessible.

That would probably work, but this unfortunately loses all comment lines.
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeBut you're right, patching codeexample is likely more robust than trying to parse LaTeX from Lua.14:27:29
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeOn the other hand any file operations are just much easier in Lua (copying, moving, etc.)14:27:51
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
Also something is wrong with ltxdoc again.
Hmm I observed that (after force pushing to #1116) as well but didn't had the time to check.
If my remember is right, latex2e had reverted def of \cs recent. Will dig this first.
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
That would probably work, but this unfortunately loses all comment lines.
Ah, yes. and sigh
In reply to @muzzi:matrix.org
Ah, yes. and sigh
That could also be patched back in, though. Losing comment lines is intentional right now.

If my remember is right, latex2e had reverted def of \cs recent. Will dig this first.


@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhiHaving no idea why the use in pgfmanual worked before.14:31:49
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenkeThanks! Seems to not have landed in TeX Live, yet.14:31:49
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke Maybe the use of \cs{...} should be replaced by |...|. 14:32:26
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
Thanks! Seems to not have landed in TeX Live, yet.
Yes it's landed in LaTeX2e <2022-11-01> patch level 1. latex2e keeps issued fixed but not released open and adds fixed in dev label, so any closed issue is "released".
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
Thanks! Seems to not have landed in TeX Live, yet.
* Yes it's landed in LaTeX2e <2022-11-01> patch level 1. latex2e keeps issues fixed but not released open and adds fixed in dev label, so any closed issue is "released".
In reply to @hmenke:matrix.org
Maybe the use of \cs{...} should be replaced by |...|.
I'd rather redefine \cs in pgfmanual-macros.tex (might not be the right file name).
@hmenke:matrix.orghmenke It's only ever used in doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual-en-base-shadings.tex, so I'm going with removing \cs. 14:37:30
@muzzi:matrix.orgmuzimuzhi Partly because ltxdoc might still change \cs in the future. The current reverting is just a temp compromise. 14:37:56

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