
Elite Dangerous

84 Members
Casual discussions between Elite Dangerous CMDRs. Need fuel see: https://fuelrats.com/ Need repair see: https://hullseals.space/20 Servers

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17 Sep 2022
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver moto * I've been thinking about the UIAs and intended destination. They all look to be headed to the same point, but all look like they launched from different vectors00:46:48
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoRedacted or Malformed Event00:52:28
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoHi is there anyone here whos suffering from poor fps on elite and willing to try something out?11:41:55
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoOh and they must be on windows11:42:29
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoIt involves using DXVK on windows11:46:03
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoI can't find specific instructions for Elite but i'm sure this might help https://rk.edu.pl/en/using-dxvk-on-windows-to-improve-final-fantasy-xiv-performance/12:02:02
@papamobile:matrix.org@papamobile:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event12:46:34
@papamobile:matrix.org@papamobile:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event12:46:49
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoI'd try it myself if i was on windows13:59:34
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver moto
In reply to @papamobile:matrix.org
DXVK on Windows?
seemingly its a work around for the bad 6000 series drivers see workaround 3 in the post https://forums.frontier.co.uk/threads/amd-rx-6000-series-driver-issues-workarounds.607423/
19 Sep 2022
@papamobile:matrix.org@papamobile:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:06:15
@papamobile:matrix.org@papamobile:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:06:29
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoIts a bank holiday in the UK today for the queen. So you'll not get anything out of them today21:14:25
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoI don't think frontier will say anything. We all know its nothing but a money grab21:15:21
@papamobile:matrix.org@papamobile:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:16:52
@papamobile:matrix.org@papamobile:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:17:12
@papamobile:matrix.org@papamobile:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:17:14
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoI'd justr buy my mates the cdkeys steam EDO and be done to be honest21:17:25
@papamobile:matrix.org@papamobile:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:17:51
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoEven onsale cdkeys is still cheaper that the sale21:17:59
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoI feel they will change stance, but it'll be 6 months to a year21:18:36
@papamobile:matrix.org@papamobile:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:18:51
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoNope, i'd not be holding my breath21:19:07
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoMy console commander is happy only being EDH 4.021:20:44
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver moto * My ex console commander is happy only being EDH 4.021:20:57
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver moto * My ex cloned console commander is happy only being EDH 4.0 21:21:39
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver moto * My ex cloned console commander is happy only being EDH 4.0 21:21:53
@papamobile:matrix.org@papamobile:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:25:52
@ajg007:matrix.orgSilver motoHis clone is :-)21:26:05
20 Sep 2022
@6piz7wk:tchncs.de@6piz7wk:tchncs.de changed their profile picture.09:32:10

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