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18 Nov 2024
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaAh not a calendar type no... now that I can see the Calendly poll it makes more sense. :-)20:23:03
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaIt is possible to do polls on Discourse topics, but you would have to list out all the options one by one.20:23:32
20 Nov 2024
@semrafetahovic:matrix.orgSemra Fetahovic

Hi lovely GOATs, we have a few final reminders/asks:

  1. 📅 Let’s Meet & Debrief! Please indicate your availability on this calendly poll for our post-goat digestion call by Wednesday Nov. 27th. The date + time indicated will also be used as our quarterly community call which will start in January (i.e. if you indicate 8am on Dec. 9th (second Monday in Dec.), the first community call will be on Jan. 13th at 9 am (second Monday in Jan.)): https://calendly.com/d/cqn6-gyw-46p/goat-community-call-december-2024?month=2024-12

  2. 👍 👎 Clarify Film Crew Consent (important!): Please complete this Media Consent form for 11th Hour. It has information about why there was filming and you can give your consent (or not!) to the use of video footage that was captured. If you do not fill this out by Friday Dec. 6th, we will assume that we do NOT have your consent.

  3. 📣 Give Feedback: Fill out post-event feedback form. This guides our plans for GOAT 2026 and will give us a sense for how you all want to engage moving forward. Please complete by Friday Dec. 6th!

Thank you!

@semrafetahovic:matrix.orgSemra FetahovicUGH! Matrix is weird with links, here are the links for consent form and feedback form:19:31:07
@semrafetahovic:matrix.orgSemra Fetahovichttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScqlYCAcQI1ih73CIIgUtE58TfWcEqTZ9rAc-lw9xfvJkUcKA/viewform19:31:16
@semrafetahovic:matrix.orgSemra Fetahovichttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScyq2Jl39Qy6rU3Tz-TlZCEkUmemWXabMhQ--tUSLwLipmttQ/viewform19:31:25
25 Nov 2024
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeAn interesting idea came up today with Courtney. She uses usertesting.com, which has all kinds of tools to help you do user testing, including interview stuff and the ability to find and pay user testers. If you are a non-profit, apparently they give you a bunch (3000 hours) of user research paid by usertesting.com (!). I was wondering if maybe we could get a subscription to this through GOAT and share it throughout the community? Or maybe through an individual organization or somethign. It seems pretty useful, and again it could be part of a broader 'leveling up' of our ability to ensure we're making useful stuff 16:42:43
@julietnpn:matrix.orgJulietWhoa! That’s a lot of hours.17:34:00
@julietnpn:matrix.orgJulietRedacted or Malformed Event17:42:52
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeUhhhh yay21:33:30
26 Nov 2024
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathree sudokita: Juliet Semra Fetahovic I created a test video room - apparently now Element has video room options. We shoiuld test it out and see if it's good 20:04:38
@symbioquine:matrix.orgsymbioquineWe have casually considered using that for the farmOS Dev calls too... Looking forward to hearing how it goes for you!22:41:48
27 Nov 2024
In reply to @gbathree:matrix.org
sudokita: Juliet Semra Fetahovic I created a test video room - apparently now Element has video room options. We shoiuld test it out and see if it's good
I logged in clearly many hours too late to participate in testing, but it started super easily.
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathree indeed - maybe next time we have a GOAT meeting or something we could try it out. Or maybe mstenta if you want to try during a weekly call. It seems pretty nice and slick, but of course someone to be logged into the GOAT space (unless we can just make it public... dunno... thus the need for testing :)) 14:34:34
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaOne of the drawbacks we discussed is you can't set a static URL for the calls. Right now we use https://meet.jit.si/farmos-community for monthly community calls and https://meet.jit.si/farmos-dev for weekly dev calls. It's nice to be able to link to those from outside of Element. Not everyone in the farmOS community is on Element, too.14:38:33
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaMight make sense for GOAT though! I thing for farmOS there might just not be enough justification to change our current process.14:39:59
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstenta * Might make sense for GOAT though! I think for farmOS there might just not be enough justification to change our current process.14:40:06
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeI was thinking the same... let me try something...14:40:45
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeOk - here's the test. Open private browser tab Then copy the the link they provide (3 dot menu on side of room, click "copy room link". It's this: https://matrix.to/#/#test-video-room:matrix.org But it gives you this super weird screen allowing you to choose what platform to open it on which is IMO just terrible UX. I get why... but it really should just open in matrix on your browser. So that's not great. HOWEVER... If you copy the URL after you've clicked through to open in the browser, it's this: https://app.element.io/#/room/#test-video-room:matrix.org And that works! ... But still requires you log in 🤨 So yeah, you're right!14:46:14
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreewell... in short yes you can get a permalink that doesn't have sucky UX... but you still have to login even to a public room14:46:50
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeoooh never mind14:47:34
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreenever mind again... there is an option to allow those who have element installed (not browser version) to not have a login... but then you have to have element installed. 14:49:41
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeso yeah... either you have to login OR have element installed14:49:52
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentaah good to know! thanks for testing all that!15:14:50
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentakinda cool to see the permalink!15:14:59
@mstenta:matrix.orgmstentadidn't know that was possible15:15:04
@jclarke3:matrix.orgjclarke3 joined the room.15:51:48

NSF launches new initiative to safeguard open-source ecosystems in view of an evolving threat landscape

New $15M program invests in safe, secure and privacy-preserving open-source ecosystems, addressing potential critical vulnerabilities

The U.S. National Science Foundation launched a new $15 million funding opportunity to address vulnerabilities of open-source ecosystems (OSE). The Safety, Security, and Privacy of Open-Source Ecosystems (Safe-OSE) program aims to catalyze meaningful improvements in the safety, security and privacy stance of targeted OSEs and bolster the resiliency of these ecosystems for recovering from future incidents.

“The characteristics of openness that make open-source such a powerful driver of innovation also enable many avenues of attack by adversaries,” said Erwin Gianchandani, NSF assistant director for [Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP)]. Added Barry Johnson, division director for TIP Translational Impacts: “Investment from the NSF Safe-OSE program will help established open-source ecosystems address vulnerabilities or risks against adverse events before they happen.”

The Safe-OSE program anticipates making up to 10 awards, each up to $1.5 million. Each project should focus on efforts to enhance the safety, security and privacy characteristics of the open-source product and its supply chain as well as to reinforce the overall OSE’s capabilities for managing current and future risks, attacks, breaches and responses. To apply, applicants must first submit a preliminary proposal. If that preliminary proposal is determined to be a good fit for the program, a full proposal will be invited.

The Safe-OSE program grows out of the TIP Directorate [Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems] (POSE) program, a relatively new and ongoing initiative to invest in new managing organizations to catalyze the distributed, community-driven development and growth of new OSEs.

Preliminary proposals to Safe-OSE are due January 14, 2025, by 5 p.m., submitting organization’s local time. To learn more, read the Safe-OSE funding opportunity.

@drew-totem:matrix.orgDrew Zabrocki joined the room.19:57:21

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