

195 Members
Gathering for Open Ag Tech - general chatroom http://goatech.org/ - 2022 conference Miro https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVPTXQV7Y=/23 Servers

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28 May 2024
@sheldrake:diglife.coopsheldrake changed their profile picture.10:01:56
31 May 2024
@kawaiipunk:autonomic.zonekawaiipunk (she/they) changed their display name from kawaiipunk (she/they) to kawaiipunk (she/they) @EMF ☎️ 3160.10:49:33
4 Jun 2024
@kawaiipunk:autonomic.zonekawaiipunk (she/they) changed their display name from kawaiipunk (she/they) @EMF ☎️ 3160 to kawaiipunk (she/they).09:25:42

Got this from someone I know and like. If you're an org that works with farmers, take a read and fill out this survey (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdpS6lsQgDi-J2clz7GSmXWy1v1AhnkniLjn0tyaqKpQY9RmQ/viewform):

The National Healthy Soils Policy Network (a project of CalCAN) is excited to announce an upcoming agricultural conservation pilot program in the Midwest. With financial commitments from a multi-state NRCS agreement and private philanthropy, we're creating a community of practice of farmer-serving organizations

We'd love your input: We're reaching out to better understand the needs of the Midwest's conservation ecosystem and to identify potential partners interested in collaborating on improving access to NRCS conservation programming.

Learn more and share your thoughts in our 10-minute survey before June 28th

We are partnering with farmer-serving organizations across the country to increase our collective capacity, and support the adoption of conservation practices that build environmental and economic resilience for smaller-scale, diversified, organic/regenerative, and underserved producers. This initiative will elevate the experiences of farmers and drive climate conservation policy change on working landscapes.

Please feel free to share this email with individuals and organizations working with farmers who may be interested. For more information or to discuss further, contact Amalie Lipstreu, Agriculture Conservation Director at CalCAN, at amalie@calclimateag.org (cc'd here).

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

M. Dagoberto "Dago" Driggs (he/they)
National Healthy Soils Policy Network Coordinator
California Climate and Agriculture Network (CalCAN)
mobile: 508-361-0136

@lizbee:matrix.orglizbee joined the room.17:00:32
9 Jun 2024
@qrkourier:matrix.orgqrkourier (Ken) joined the room.20:14:30
18 Jun 2024
@paul121:matrix.orgpaul121Hey everyone! Just dropping a note to update that the GOAT forum is not sending emails at the moment... we are working on it.. but want to highlight there is some recent activity on the forum you likely weren't notified about & you should check out!05:38:02
@paul121:matrix.orgpaul121 Some new Southeast folks have joined (hi Ken !) and are chatting wrt Farm Hack, sensors and the recent Southeast LinuxFest event 05:38:33
@paul121:matrix.orgpaul121 * Some new Southeast folks have joined (hi Ken !) and are chatting re: Farm Hack, sensors and the recent Southeast LinuxFest event 05:41:17
@qrkourier:matrix.orgqrkourier (Ken) changed their display name from Ken to qrkourier (Ken).09:47:45
@qrkourier:matrix.orgqrkourier (Ken) chrowe: Let me know if you want to collaborate on any hosting, systems , network issues. That's a way I could participate here. 11:15:02
@julietnpn:matrix.orgJulietHi Everyone, the GOAT community call would normally be this week, but is getting rescheduled for the same time next week since 6/19 is a federal holiday.13:47:29
26 Jun 2024
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeJust got a message from Laura at ot13:50:05
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeHeya, just a note that we often plan to go to Sustainable ag summit, which is also happening in November this year. Might be good to hopefully plan a different week for GOAT. Dates are Nov 20, 2113:50:21
@gbathree:matrix.orggbathreeSo we may want to not do it on those dates! I'd there are other dates in Nov we should consider anyone knows feel free to post13:50:51
@julietnpn:matrix.orgJuliet Hello! GOAT community call is today at 9AM Pacific in the Social Co-op GOAT Gatherings room. We’ll be kicking off the community stewardship strategy working group! Add your item to the agenda 13:58:02
27 Jun 2024
@semrafetahovic:matrix.orgSemra FetahovicSARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education) is hiring a Web Services Developer. Maybe you all might know someone that's interested: https://ejobs.umd.edu/postings/11984915:48:34
1 Jul 2024
@dave-rootseller:matrix.orgDavid Berning joined the room.20:29:17
10 Jul 2024
@riachiel:matrix.orgElsa Riachi joined the room.04:48:54
12 Jul 2024
@lindseylushershute:matrix.orgLindsey Lusher Shute joined the room.19:59:16
16 Jul 2024
@jgaehring:matrix.orgjgaehringchanged room power levels.14:46:31
@jgaehring:matrix.orgjgaehringchanged room power levels.14:47:33
@jgaehring:matrix.orgjgaehringchanged room power levels.14:48:10
@jgaehring:matrix.orgjgaehringchanged room power levels.14:48:28
17 Jul 2024
@julietnpn:matrix.orgJuliet GOAT community call today at 9 am Pacific/ 12 pm Eastern in the Social Co-op GOAT Gatherings room. 11:44:48
@jgaehring:matrix.orgjgaehringdid the notes get saved? I copied to my clipboard at the last minute just in case17:04:51
@jgaehring:matrix.orgjgaehringoh, I see them now on the forum, nm!17:07:08
18 Jul 2024
@julietnpn:matrix.orgJuliet Hi folks, we're rescheduling the GOAT community call and transitioning it to quarterly starting in August as we ramp up the stewardship strategy committee. Please review notes from yesterday's community call and fill out the poll for the new recurring timeslot. 14:42:20
@julietnpn:matrix.orgJuliet * Hi folks, we're rescheduling the GOAT community call and transitioning it to quarterly starting in August as we ramp up the stewardship strategy committee. Please review notes from yesterday's community call and fill out the poll for the new recurring time slot. 14:42:33
24 Jul 2024
@jgaehring:matrix.orgjgaehringHey all! I just posted the recommended readings for the next GOAT Book Club, for Sun, Aug 18 at 7pm Eastern, 4pm Pacific: https://forum.goatech.org/t/goat-book-club-session-2-the-commons/1654 The topic is "The Commons" and we'll be reading selections from Elinor Ostrom and Silvia Federici. Hope to see you there! 📚️ 🤓20:17:36

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