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5 Jul 2024
In reply to oantolin

I want to use Ement for Beeper, but I've been too lazy to figure out pantalaimon. I have the vague hope that what I did the last time to setup pantalaimon does work, if I try it with a freshly compiled pantalaimon rather than with the stale package I found in Debian. Chatting with my close personal friends (who variously use WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook Messenger) inside Emacs is the dream!

For my Telegram-using friends I briefly tried Telega, which is great, but (1) I think I like it a little less than Ement, (2) it requires compiling TDLib which is quite difficult on a 10 year old Chromebook, (which was already a cheap one 10 years ago).

Is the Debian package that stale, considering that the latest commit to upstream pantalaimon was made a year ago?
In reply to Viiru
In reply to oantolin

I want to use Ement for Beeper, but I've been too lazy to figure out pantalaimon. I have the vague hope that what I did the last time to setup pantalaimon does work, if I try it with a freshly compiled pantalaimon rather than with the stale package I found in Debian. Chatting with my close personal friends (who variously use WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook Messenger) inside Emacs is the dream!

For my Telegram-using friends I briefly tried Telega, which is great, but (1) I think I like it a little less than Ement, (2) it requires compiling TDLib which is quite difficult on a 10 year old Chromebook, (which was already a cheap one 10 years ago).

Is the Debian package that stale, considering that the latest commit to upstream pantalaimon was made a year ago?
the Debian package has been orphaned, unfortunately. having said that, it's currently on version 0.10.5, which is upstream's latest version as well (the only important commit that happened after 0.10.5 is https://github.com/matrix-org/pantalaimon/commit/3968c69aa846889970df1372ba9aa54c1c5e4290)
In reply to @oantolin:matrix.org

I want to use Ement for Beeper, but I've been too lazy to figure out pantalaimon. I have the vague hope that what I did the last time to setup pantalaimon does work, if I try it with a freshly compiled pantalaimon rather than with the stale package I found in Debian. Chatting with my close personal friends (who variously use WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook Messenger) inside Emacs is the dream!

For my Telegram-using friends I briefly tried Telega, which is great, but (1) I think I like it a little less than Ement, (2) it requires compiling TDLib which is quite difficult on a 10 year old Chromebook, (which was already a cheap one 10 years ago).

Is that your main machine?
In reply to alphapapa
In reply to @oantolin:matrix.org

I want to use Ement for Beeper, but I've been too lazy to figure out pantalaimon. I have the vague hope that what I did the last time to setup pantalaimon does work, if I try it with a freshly compiled pantalaimon rather than with the stale package I found in Debian. Chatting with my close personal friends (who variously use WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook Messenger) inside Emacs is the dream!

For my Telegram-using friends I briefly tried Telega, which is great, but (1) I think I like it a little less than Ement, (2) it requires compiling TDLib which is quite difficult on a 10 year old Chromebook, (which was already a cheap one 10 years ago).

Is that your main machine?

I don't really have a single main machine: I have a computer at the office and one at home, and I use both of them quite a bit; I wouldn't call either one my main machine. The one at home is the old Chromebook I mentioned; at the office I have a laptop with Windows 10 where I run Emacs in WSL2.

6 Jul 2024
@kenrachynski:matrix.orgDoofusCanadensisWSL2, as a gui or -nw?01:04:46
In reply to DoofusCanadensis
WSL2, as a gui or -nw?

GUI. I don't see any advantage at all to running emacs -nw.

@kenrachynski:matrix.orgDoofusCanadensisit doesn't look right to me on Windows02:44:38
In reply to sergiodj
In reply to Viiru
In reply to oantolin

I want to use Ement for Beeper, but I've been too lazy to figure out pantalaimon. I have the vague hope that what I did the last time to setup pantalaimon does work, if I try it with a freshly compiled pantalaimon rather than with the stale package I found in Debian. Chatting with my close personal friends (who variously use WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook Messenger) inside Emacs is the dream!

For my Telegram-using friends I briefly tried Telega, which is great, but (1) I think I like it a little less than Ement, (2) it requires compiling TDLib which is quite difficult on a 10 year old Chromebook, (which was already a cheap one 10 years ago).

Is the Debian package that stale, considering that the latest commit to upstream pantalaimon was made a year ago?
the Debian package has been orphaned, unfortunately. having said that, it's currently on version 0.10.5, which is upstream's latest version as well (the only important commit that happened after 0.10.5 is https://github.com/matrix-org/pantalaimon/commit/3968c69aa846889970df1372ba9aa54c1c5e4290)
I'd think the main problem with pantalaimon isn't that it's orphaned in Debian but that it's incomplete, buggy and abandoned upstream.
In reply to Viiru
In reply to sergiodj
In reply to Viiru
In reply to oantolin

I want to use Ement for Beeper, but I've been too lazy to figure out pantalaimon. I have the vague hope that what I did the last time to setup pantalaimon does work, if I try it with a freshly compiled pantalaimon rather than with the stale package I found in Debian. Chatting with my close personal friends (who variously use WhatsApp, Telegram and Facebook Messenger) inside Emacs is the dream!

For my Telegram-using friends I briefly tried Telega, which is great, but (1) I think I like it a little less than Ement, (2) it requires compiling TDLib which is quite difficult on a 10 year old Chromebook, (which was already a cheap one 10 years ago).

Is the Debian package that stale, considering that the latest commit to upstream pantalaimon was made a year ago?
the Debian package has been orphaned, unfortunately. having said that, it's currently on version 0.10.5, which is upstream's latest version as well (the only important commit that happened after 0.10.5 is https://github.com/matrix-org/pantalaimon/commit/3968c69aa846889970df1372ba9aa54c1c5e4290)
I'd think the main problem with pantalaimon isn't that it's orphaned in Debian but that it's incomplete, buggy and abandoned upstream.
of course. I was just replying to your previous question regarding the Debian package
In reply to @kenrachynski:matrix.org
it doesn't look right to me on Windows
but I'll keep trying it out and maybe it'll stick one day
7 Jul 2024
@alexispurslane:matrix.orgAlexis Purslane joined the room.02:36:05
8 Jul 2024
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapa FYI, I've pushed a couple of small fixes to master tonight. 01:43:17
@kenrachynski:matrix.orgDoofusCanadensisthe heck is error code 92?15:20:02
@kenrachynski:matrix.orgDoofusCanadensisoh wait, that's a plz problem15:20:17
@zonsopkomst:matrix.orgzonsopkomst joined the room.15:25:31
@viiru:viiru.iki.fiViiruOh plz. :)16:10:55
@kenrachynski:matrix.orgDoofusCanadensisI think that I can no longer use ement.el at work... security team is mucking about with HTTP/2 streams16:14:58
9 Jul 2024
In reply to @kenrachynski:matrix.org
oh wait, that's a plz problem
More likely a curl error
In reply to @kenrachynski:matrix.org
I think that I can no longer use ement.el at work... security team is mucking about with HTTP/2 streams
That's annoying :(
In reply to @alphapapa:matrix.org
More likely a curl error
yes. HTTP/2 channel closed early = curl error 92
13 Jul 2024
@debacle:matrix.orgxmpp:debacle@debian.org changed their profile picture.11:11:22
18 Jul 2024
@novatorine:tranarchy.neonvagabond.xyznovatorine 🏳️‍⚧️ joined the room.13:46:51
@novatorine:tranarchy.neonvagabond.xyznovatorine 🏳️‍⚧️ changed their display name from novatorine ⚡️ to novatorine 🏳️‍⚧️.21:45:14
19 Jul 2024
@zarys:ninth1.duckdns.orgZarys joined the room.11:02:24
20 Jul 2024
@appenzell:matrix.org@appenzell:matrix.org left the room.11:31:02
22 Jul 2024
@shervinsafavi:matrix.orgShervin changed their display name from Shervin Safavi to Shervin.13:38:03
23 Jul 2024
@flyingketh:matrix.orgJnn changed their display name from Joanna to Jnn.07:34:16
26 Jul 2024
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapa invited @ragreenburg:matrix.orghankulez.19:49:36
27 Jul 2024
@ragreenburg:matrix.orghankulez joined the room.04:49:22

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