

763 Members
Discuss the spec and its MSCs! Please ensure comments/conclusions end up in an issue or MSC. | https://spec.matrix.org/proposals/ | Offtopic/expansion: #matrix-spec-offtopic:matrix.org | Office: #sct-office:matrix.org | Doc/spec writing: #matrix-docs:matrix.org | SCT Workflow: https://github.com/orgs/matrix-org/projects/31 | Old design drafts: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4wHq8qP86r2ck15MHEwMmlNVUk 331 Servers

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24 Jul 2024
@toad_master:matrix.orgMichael joined the room.16:26:28
@cvwright:futo.org@cvwright:futo.org changed their display name from cvwright to cvwright (FUTO).19:18:23
@cvwright:futo.org@cvwright:futo.org left the room.19:37:03
@fizzadar:beeper.comNick Mills-BarrettQ regarding s2s /state api: for a given event is that expected to return the room state as it was (to the HS) at ingest time, or at the resolved state of its prev_events (assuming known)?20:17:58
25 Jul 2024
@justin:phelas.comJustin changed their display name from Justin (offline until 23rd, available again as of Wednesday) to Justin.09:03:23
@emmaburton:matrix.orgEmma Burton (sick leave 🤒) changed their display name from Emma Burton (away - back Thursday 25th July) to Emma Burton.09:20:41
@bram:matrix.directoryBramIs there an endpoint in the client-server spec to get another user's registered devices?10:57:48
@deepbluev7:neko.devNicoOnly for devices with encryption keys10:58:16
@bram:matrix.directoryBramWhich one is that?11:00:33
@deepbluev7:neko.devNico https://spec.matrix.org/v1.11/client-server-api/#post_matrixclientv3keysquery 11:01:10
@bram:matrix.directoryBramDevices without encryption keys can be seen of oneself, right? Or is a device simply not shared unless keys have been shared?11:01:18
@bram:matrix.directoryBramWhat do you mean? In my mind, these two statements contradict each other.11:02:32
@deepbluev7:neko.devNico You can query your own devices even without keys: https://spec.matrix.org/v1.11/client-server-api/#get_matrixclientv3devices 11:02:48
@deepbluev7:neko.devNicoBut not for other users and they aren't shared over federation, etc11:03:01
@benjib:element.iobnjbvr 🌴 back 2024-08-12 changed their display name from bnjbvr to bnjbvr 🌴 back 2024-08-12.15:46:06
@dominaezzz:matrix.org@dominaezzz:matrix.org left the room.22:51:13
@neilj:matrix.orgNeil_away changed their display name from Neil to Neil_away.23:13:32
26 Jul 2024
@jersey:ineedmore.domainsjersey joined the room.02:43:36
@emmaburton:matrix.orgEmma Burton (sick leave 🤒) changed their display name from Emma Burton to Emma Burton (sick leave 🤒).08:13:47
@everypizza:catgirl.cloudeverypizza • moving to @everypizza:transfem.dev changed their display name from everypizza • eepy catgirl 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🐾 to everypizza • moving to @everypizza:transfem.dev.12:46:01
@grin:grin.hugrinWell not strictly spec, but would someone update the certificate on https://spec.matrix.org/v1.11/server-server-api/ because CF throws Invalid SSL certificate Error code 526 13:12:45
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregOdd. Why is it only affecting that page?13:15:15
@rory.gay:the-apothecary.clubEmma [it/its] @ Rory&also affects the appendices pages, but no client server13:15:44
@rory.gay:the-apothecary.clubEmma [it/its] @ Rory&* also affects the appendices pages, but not client server13:15:47
@rory.gay:the-apothecary.clubEmma [it/its] @ Rory&this was also raised in foundation office13:15:58
In reply to @hubert:uhoreg.ca
Odd. Why is it only affecting that page?
C2S works
@rory.gay:the-apothecary.clubEmma [it/its] @ Rory& basically, every cached page works, anything that wasnt in cache doesnt work anymore 13:17:14
@rory.gay:the-apothecary.clubEmma [it/its] @ Rory&its just the upstream certs that expired13:17:39
In reply to @grin:grin.hu
Well not strictly spec, but would someone update the certificate on https://spec.matrix.org/v1.11/server-server-api/ because CF throws Invalid SSL certificate Error code 526
Should be fixed now

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