

204 Members
swhkd is a display protocol-independent hotkey daemon made in Rust. Website: https://waycrate.github.io/swhkd - Code of Conduct: - More from Waycrate: #waycrate-tools:matrix.org11 Servers

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2 Nov 2023
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 X server reads from evdev/libinput 13:20:10
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 then X server just emits the key codes publicly 13:20:30
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 no client restriction 13:20:33
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 if I am not mistaken 13:20:38
3 Nov 2023
@fastfist:matrix.zerodao.ggcdxker changed their display name from fastfist to skeptrune wait this is a thing???.20:37:12
@fastfist:matrix.zerodao.ggcdxker changed their display name from skeptrune wait this is a thing??? to skeptrune wait this is a thing??.20:37:15
@fastfist:matrix.zerodao.ggcdxker changed their display name from skeptrune wait this is a thing?? to fastfist.20:37:51
5 Nov 2023
@_discord_674261595710291980:t2bot.iouncomfyhalomacro#6800 changed their profile picture.09:21:37
@_discord_912046081183981608:t2bot.iocoolian joined the room.17:42:19
8 Nov 2023
@_discord_1148317595552993430:t2bot.iokolunmi changed their display name from wayland enjoyer to kolunmi.04:41:01
@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars changed their profile picture.04:56:22
12 Nov 2023
@_discord_574920815498231823:t2bot.iocosmicsenpai0_0 joined the room.12:50:12
@_discord_574920815498231823:t2bot.iocosmicsenpai0_0 12:51:17
@_discord_146006151404847105:t2bot.ioIts Not Okay changed their display name from Its Not Okay#4025 to Its Not Okay.17:58:09
14 Nov 2023
@_discord_725241742130937897:t2bot.iome9663 joined the room.01:47:56
@_discord_725241742130937897:t2bot.iome9663 01:49:10
@_discord_725241742130937897:t2bot.iome9663 Is there a status update on a release with an updated Cargo.lock? I was going to try packaging it on void, but I can't until the Cargo.lock is fixed. Void packages are not allowed to use rustup while building so it has to compile with '--locked' and a modern version of rust/cargo 02:02:21
17 Nov 2023
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 Hey my apologies for the late response, would you like a tag within the coming week? 09:08:00
@_discord_725241742130937897:t2bot.iome9663 I'd love that. No need to apologize for not doing more unpaid work though. I appreciate all that you're doing 09:10:18
18 Nov 2023
@_discord_403657714812715008:t2bot.ioProfessional Reddit Spammer changed their profile picture.05:13:44
19 Nov 2023
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 Thanks it's just been a struggle lately. Il'l get it out within the week. Sorry for the wait again, I don't have my development environment with me at this time. 04:47:28
@_discord_725241742130937897:t2bot.iome9663 That's fine. I'm in no real rush, just don't want to deal with redoing keybinds next time I compositor hop 06:00:08
21 Nov 2023
@wildwestrom:nitro.chatwildwestrom set a profile picture.11:33:24
@_discord_431572454679511050:t2bot.iojoshnie joined the room.13:39:56
22 Nov 2023
@_discord_1123181451156926525:t2bot.io.username.not.found. changed their display name from linkprogrames to .username.not.found..16:15:42
23 Nov 2023
@_discord_515313851693137921:t2bot.iogalacticcolourisation changed their display name from galacticcolourisation#0 to galacticcolourisation.10:13:30
@innocentzero:matrix.org@innocentzero:matrix.org joined the room.23:22:12
26 Nov 2023
@_discord_758991567695642644:t2bot.ioIdli#7521 changed their profile picture.04:40:28
28 Nov 2023
@_discord_297656178358616064:t2bot.ioAngelofdollars changed their profile picture.06:43:09
1 Dec 2023
@_discord_683670893515636749:t2bot.iovnpower changed their profile picture.01:40:27

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