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swhkd is a display protocol-independent hotkey daemon made in Rust. Website: https://waycrate.github.io/swhkd - Code of Conduct: - More from Waycrate: #waycrate-tools:matrix.org11 Servers

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19 Mar 2022
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 interesting 16:42:09
@_discord_146006151404847105:t2bot.ioIts Not Okay#4025 exactly 16:42:10
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 ok try a reboot 16:42:11
@_discord_146006151404847105:t2bot.ioIts Not Okay#4025 it says no such file found when in the same directory 16:42:24
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 huhh very odd 16:42:33
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 did swhkd work before 16:42:40
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 or is this your first time trying it 16:42:45
@_discord_146006151404847105:t2bot.ioIts Not Okay#4025 I've had it working before 16:42:59
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 hm and we haven't pushed any major changes recently
nor have i pushed anything in the past 2 days
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 hmm 16:43:41
@_discord_146006151404847105:t2bot.ioIts Not Okay#4025 I'm going to run another update then reboot 16:43:48
@_discord_146006151404847105:t2bot.ioIts Not Okay#4025 will let you known what hap;pens 16:43:57
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 oke 16:44:39
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 16:44:43
@_discord_146006151404847105:t2bot.ioIts Not Okay#4025 seems like the issue is still persisting even after update 17:18:57
@_discord_146006151404847105:t2bot.ioIts Not Okay#4025 and rebooting 17:19:01
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 Angelo-F can you look into this? or maybe Eden 17:31:44
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 I'm doing some work rn QwQ 17:31:51
20 Mar 2022
@_discord_800032101675040790:t2bot.ioEden#5653 Its Not Okay sudo modprobe uinput 02:58:22
@_discord_800032101675040790:t2bot.ioEden#5653 Shinyzenith that's exactly the issue I encountered yesterday 02:58:40
@_discord_800032101675040790:t2bot.ioEden#5653 . 02:58:51
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 Huh 05:53:54
@_discord_146006151404847105:t2bot.ioIts Not Okay#4025 Module not found in directory /lib/modules/5.16.16-gentoo-x86_64 16:32:33
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 swhkd requires uinput to work 16:34:00
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 it's the kernel module for virtual device creation 16:34:17
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 somehow in some update you removed it I assume 16:34:23
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 because as you stated, it worked earlier 16:34:28
@_discord_633967275090771971:t2bot.ioShinyzenith#2939 Its Not Okay 16:34:33
@_discord_146006151404847105:t2bot.ioIts Not Okay#4025 odd I haven't touched the kernel for a very long time 16:37:27
@_discord_146006151404847105:t2bot.ioIts Not Okay#4025 not since it started working at least 16:37:32

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