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24 Jul 2024
@_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.ioCharged creeper I might legitimately want to compile this on a different debice 07:00:10
@_discord_356500369305763840:t2bot.iojayzonxx joined the room.19:08:31
Download image.png
@_discord_709404810637738057:t2bot.ioredscorpion. hi, what am i possibly doing wrong
- enabled vnc in raspi-config
- edited the config files to Enable DRM VC4 V3D driver
those are what i got from google and did not help
@_discord_709404810637738057:t2bot.ioredscorpion. changed their profile picture.19:20:37
@_discord_709404810637738057:t2bot.ioredscorpion. context: since vnc is paid, i was looking for a way to do headless setup and then screenshare. am stuck at the screensharing part 19:21:25
@jojo_autoboy:matrix.orgjojo_autoboyuh vnc is not paid?20:12:04
@jojo_autoboy:matrix.orgjojo_autoboyat all20:12:13
@jojo_autoboy:matrix.orgjojo_autoboysome clients are but there's a bunch of free ones20:12:40
@_discord_1094234162296270859:t2bot.ioawsmeanthony changed their profile picture.20:23:19
In reply to @_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.io
sent an image.
oh this is terrible
@_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.ioCharged creeper I got legacy render to run but uhhh 22:49:23
@_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.ioCharged creeper Wait 22:49:35
@_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.ioCharged creeper It was fonts 22:49:43
@_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.ioCharged creeperIMG_5422.jpg
Download IMG_5422.jpg
@_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.ioCharged creeperIMG_5423.jpg
Download IMG_5423.jpg
@_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.ioCharged creeper But my cursor is gone 22:58:46
@_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.ioCharged creeper Hmm 22:58:47
In reply to @_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.io
But my cursor is gone
@system64:matrix.orgsystem64Old/bad gpu23:23:00
@_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.ioCharged creeper Cursors just started randomly working 23:29:33
@_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.ioCharged creeper Hyprland is work! 23:31:41
25 Jul 2024
In reply to @_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.io
Cursors just started randomly working
Just start hyprland with hardware cursors disabled? Or any other wayland comp
@_discord_550044404115570739:t2bot.io1txmmy joined the room.14:03:29
@_discord_689407629709410314:t2bot.iomilanlikesjjba changed their profile picture.19:53:12
@_discord_723244908021809183:t2bot.iofictiuse changed their display name from ryanisdebom to fictiuse.21:31:27
26 Jul 2024
@_discord_323433726170103808:t2bot.iofeelingbrisk joined the room.04:09:23
@_discord_539271568984113152:t2bot.ioCharged creeper Test
-# 👁️ This is fake
@_discord_212601599682412544:t2bot.io. no 18:47:37
@_discord_839343123905511434:t2bot.io({|《Floxxy》|}) yes 18:48:27

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