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28 Jan 2022
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239Not so easy for normal people i guess20:11:51
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkYeah and the thing nerds like us ignore too often is normal people are a prerequisite of popularity20:12:22
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidk But I have some boilerplate for In a perfect world, you start with an Android app that runs a router and a SAM API, and you make use a libtorrent that operates via SAMv3(rest of the f'in owl). on my github I keep meaning to document 20:13:26
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkBRB for Android basically works that way20:14:38
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239If you would use termux and run i2p inside it, it would not be better. The problem are the everchanging parts which will not fit anymore after a while?20:16:21
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkUnix socket permissions actually. Android apps can only use sockets for their own processes, not to talk to others20:17:00
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239and losing the easy install by this way20:17:10
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkWhich is why we can't use an I2CP socket and have to expose an I2CP port20:17:12
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkIt's literally less work to write an app20:17:36
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239Ok, so BiglBT works with selfconfig for ext router and lightning with i2prouter too. Both from fdroid? 20:21:41
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkBut use f-droid.i2p.io for the Android router. I haven't figured out how to fix our integration into F-Droid's core CI yet20:22:45
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkYet another thing on a very long TODO list I'm afraid20:23:11
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239A howto for i2p android: Download fdroid from playstore. Install lightning, i2p, bigblBT. In i2p do..., in bigbl do..., lightning do....20:27:31
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239 Many doos, this can't be configred with an extern app?20:28:31
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkNo, that's not how Android works, it actively works against you doing that20:28:59
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkAggressively and successfully too20:29:16
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239Clipboard :) ?20:30:16
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkWDYM? It's an information-sharing vector but it's not scriptable20:30:53
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkNot without root anyway20:30:59
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239Just copy proxy conf into lightning or other conf.20:32:03
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239just text20:32:17
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidk Which is exactly what is not possible 20:32:19
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkThere's no conf file for lightning, and if there were, you wouldn't be allowed to write to it externally20:32:50
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239So lightning needs an import/export conf feature?20:33:26
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239Would be easier for you, if accessable20:34:30
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkIt needs a buildsystem that overwrites the defaults with I2P settings, rebrands it, and re-releases it with I2P defaults20:34:36
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkLike this does https://i2pgit.org/idk/i2p.android.browser20:34:39
@cantzzzzzz239:matrix.orgcantzzzzzz239With an intergrated router and build up with i2p trusted compile flags? Mmmmh or is this not a webbrowser like the torbrowser with router implemented?20:38:06
@i2pdk:matrix.orgidkIt's going to have an embedded router. It will start by probing localhost:4444, then by probing the I2CP port, and if it finds neither it will launch an embedded router20:39:14

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