
CalyxOS Documentation

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6 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their profile picture.06:23:02
7 May 2024
In reply to @lucas:yatrix.org
I'm not sure what to say about how they're organized? Here's what I can say: As far as I know there are no dedicated reviewers on Weblate for CalyxOS. Other projects may have them but not the CalyxOS components at least not from what I've seen. CalyxOS translations are spread over a few places: Dedicated CalyxOS features: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/calyxos Features borrowed from Lineage: https://crowdin.com/project/lineageos microG: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/microg (you might also need to do a pull request for translating microg-ui-tools which holds a few strings, unfortunately)
Hello, thx for the answer. Just to be sure that I understand correctly, if there are no dedicated reviewers, I don't need to add some reviews or suggestions. Then, I can make direct translations and validate waiting reviews. Am I right?
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.meyeah 05:11:44
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.mei didn't know about any reviewers05:12:06
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.memaybe just my language doesn't have it05:12:10
@ikya91:matrix.orgikya91OK, thx. I'll clean waiting reviews up right after every strings will be translated. For the other projects, I'll do my best.05:29:56
In reply to @lucas:yatrix.org
The only thing I haven't been able to find how to translate is the Battery Stats menu under 'Other options', which from the package name seems like an integrated Android thing so I'm not sure if I can do anything.
yes it's part of AOSP.
In reply to @ikya91:matrix.org
Hello, thx for the answer. Just to be sure that I understand correctly, if there are no dedicated reviewers, I don't need to add some reviews or suggestions. Then, I can make direct translations and validate waiting reviews. Am I right?
We don't have reviewers in general for translations atm.
In reply to @cdesai:matrix.org
We don't have reviewers in general for translations atm.
Then, I can validate waiting reviews and suggestions. OK with that?
11 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their profile picture.21:53:32
14 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their profile picture.13:19:30
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their profile picture.13:20:49
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their profile picture.13:23:00
15 May 2024
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org changed their display name from DTLegit to DTLegit (Apple Cult).00:30:26
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org changed their profile picture.01:49:42
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org changed their display name from DTLegit (Apple Cult) to DTLegit (Apple/Razer Cult).13:52:02
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org changed their display name from DTLegit (Apple/Razer Cult) to DTLegit.14:06:37
16 May 2024
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me set their display name to Lucas.07:35:26
@lucas:yatrix.orgmigrated to @lucasmz:tchnds.me changed their display name from Lucas to Lucas ∞.08:19:18
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org changed their display name from DTLegit to DTLegit (Before Gender Transition).15:51:49
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org changed their display name from DTLegit (Before Gender Transition) to DTLegit (Close to EoL).15:52:30
17 May 2024
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org changed their display name from DTLegit (Close to EoL) to DTLegit (Almost EoL- Passing into the afterlife).00:53:21
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org changed their display name from DTLegit (Almost EoL- Passing into the afterlife) to DTLegit the Anti-Gnar (Almost EoL- Passing into the afterlife).20:01:24
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org changed their display name from DTLegit the Anti-Gnar (Almost EoL- Passing into the afterlife) to DTLegit (Classic Account).22:24:29
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org changed their display name from DTLegit (Classic Account) to DTLegit Classic (Going out in Style).23:07:29
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org changed their display name from DTLegit Classic (Going out in Style) to DTLegit Classic (Going out in Style) (Old).23:15:41
@diotitus:matrix.org@diotitus:matrix.org left the room.23:37:18
25 May 2024
@telegram_7175588912:calyx.devKiashi (Telegram) joined the room.00:57:58
26 May 2024
@valerie:nitro.chatValerie changed their profile picture.07:39:07

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