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6 Jan 2024
@_discord_1174247883814486048:t2bot.iovigress7 https://gitlab.archlinux.org/archlinux/packaging/packages/prettier/-/blob/main/PKGBUILD?ref_type=heads#L34 17:39:07
@_discord_1174247883814486048:t2bot.iovigress7 Wait, the local actually breaks it 17:49:42
@_discord_1174247883814486048:t2bot.iovigress7 Elsie aight help me out here, how do scopes work in Bash 17:56:32
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 so 17:56:45
export foo
local foo
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 *
export foo
local foo
declare -n foo
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 those are the 3 possible variable scopes 17:57:09
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 and for functions you have: 17:57:11
function foo() {}
function foo() ()
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 export can be used inside functions ({}) to leak out vars, and when used outside a function will be able to leak into child processes 17:57:59
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 local can be used inside functions ({} and ()) to prevent a variable from inside from leaking outside 17:58:22
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 declare -n makes a local variable binded to an external variable 17:58:38
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 and for functions: 17:58:52
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 oh wait before that 17:58:55
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 declare -n cannot have the name of an already declared variable 17:59:11
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 local can only be used inside functions 17:59:22
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 same for declare -n 17:59:28
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 export can be used anywhere 17:59:33
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 foo() {} creates a function that can leak into outside
foo() () creates a subshell function so nothing can be leaked
@_discord_1174247883814486048:t2bot.iovigress7 So if I export foo inside bar() and then need to use it in baz(), I need declare -n foo for baz() to inherit foo? 18:01:51
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 oh nono that's not how declare -n works 18:02:14
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 are you familiar with C pointers? 18:02:21
@_discord_1174247883814486048:t2bot.iovigress7 Sorta 18:02:28
function change_foo() {
  declare -n bar="${1}"

echo "${foo}" # Prints 71
change_foo foo
echo "${foo}" # Prints 0
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 or lemme also get a real example in pacstall 18:03:42
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 It's more useful for arrays 18:03:52
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 https://github.com/pacstall/pacstall/blob/develop/misc/scripts/dep-tree.sh 18:03:58
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 oh and local -n and declare -n are the same iirc 18:04:15
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioTwilightBlood#4432 and a funny thing about this is that you can do: 18:06:11
function foo() ((bar=0))

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