

224 Members
11 Servers

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6 Jan 2024
@_discord_1174247883814486048:t2bot.iovigress7 Aight, it works 18:25:20
@_discord_1174247883814486048:t2bot.iovigress7 Thanks for the lecture, that filled in some gaps in my knowledge 18:26:11
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioElsie yeah most of the time you'll use:

foo() {}
local foo=bar
7 Jan 2024
@_discord_788875075847454742:t2bot.ioElsie godbolt.org 02:51:06
@_discord_723508718381039636:t2bot.ioalwindoss How do you generate this? 02:51:08
@_discord_1174247883814486048:t2bot.iovigress7 I'm going through the Rust book and having a ton of fun 15:42:08
@_discord_272835246272020481:t2bot.ioBrox of D Rust is fun 16:12:57
9 Jan 2024
@_discord_684894551508516877:t2bot.iozog_. joined the room.05:24:47
@supersketchy7:matrix.lnjng.comWa tg sldk joined the room.18:08:40
@_discord_852681419281268776:t2bot.ioandrewtangfanboy joined the room.18:20:58
11 Jan 2024
@_discord_852681419281268776:t2bot.ioandrewtangfanboy 21:37:19
31 Jan 2024
@fallcheetah7373:matrix.org@fallcheetah7373:matrix.org left the room.07:04:28
6 Feb 2024
@supersketchy7:matrix.lnjng.comWa tg sldk changed their profile picture.05:33:06
12 Feb 2024
@supersketchy7:matrix.lnjng.comWa tg sldk
In reply to @_discord_272835246272020481:t2bot.io
Rust is fun
15 Apr 2024
@aarinoah:matrix.orgnoah joined the room.05:38:32
16 Apr 2024
@aarinoah:matrix.orgnoah changed their profile picture.08:48:24
25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.22:45:49
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.23:38:19
8 May 2024
@twilightblood:matrix.orgElsie!discord bridge 839818021207801878 83981802181204377816:44:01
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge

ERROR: insufficient permissions to use this command! Try !discord help to see all available commands

9 May 2024
@narutoxy:matrix.orgastrochanged room power levels.18:44:01
@twilightblood:matrix.orgElsie!discord bridge 839818021207801878 839818021812043778 18:45:07
@twilightblood:matrix.orgElsie!discord bridge 839818021207801878 83981802181204377818:45:41
@twilightblood:matrix.orgElsie Discord Bridge: 18:45:51
@twilightblood:matrix.orgElsiebruh come on18:45:56
@twilightblood:matrix.orgElsie!discord bridge 839818021207801878 83981802181204377818:46:26
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge

There was a problem bridging that channel - has the guild owner approved the bridge?

@twilightblood:matrix.orgElsie!discord bridge 839818021207801878 839818021812043778 18:48:56
@_discord_bot:t2bot.ioDiscord Bridge

There was a problem bridging that channel - has the guild owner approved the bridge?

12 Jun 2024
@lfdev:envs.netLF joined the room.14:10:41

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