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6 Aug 2024
@_slack_openlmis_U07FN0P465B:matrix.orgErnest Nyirongo joined the room.14:33:08
@_slack_openlmis_U07FQSY2XT4:matrix.orgJosh-Loko joined the room.14:33:15
@_slack_openlmis_U07G3H8SH25:matrix.org_slack_openlmis_U07G3H8SH25 joined the room.14:33:17
@_slack_openlmis_U07FN0P465B:matrix.orgErnest Nyirongo changed their display name from _slack_openlmis_U07FN0P465B to Ernest Nyirongo.15:03:00
@_slack_openlmis_U07FN0P465B:matrix.orgErnest Nyirongo set a profile picture.15:03:03
7 Aug 2024
@_slack_openlmis_U07FQSY2XT4:matrix.orgJosh-Loko changed their display name from _slack_openlmis_U07FQSY2XT4 to Josh-Loko.08:10:36
@_slack_openlmis_U07FQSY2XT4:matrix.orgJosh-Loko set a profile picture.08:10:38
5 Sep 2024
@_slack_openlmis_U07KKC866QP:matrix.orgLucky Gondwe joined the room.01:08:51
@_slack_openlmis_U07KKC866QP:matrix.orgLucky Gondwe changed their display name from _slack_openlmis_U07KKC866QP to Lucky Gondwe.05:39:54
@_slack_openlmis_U07KKC866QP:matrix.orgLucky Gondwe set a profile picture.05:39:56
13 Sep 2024
@_slack_openlmis_U07MA730JV9:matrix.orgJakub joined the room.08:56:15
@_slack_openlmis_U07MA730JV9:matrix.orgJakub changed their display name from _slack_openlmis_U07MA730JV9 to Jakub.08:57:51
@_slack_openlmis_U07MA730JV9:matrix.orgJakub set a profile picture.08:57:53
12 Jun 2019
@jzamor:matrix.orgjzamor changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".21:37:49
@jzamor:matrix.orgjzamor changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".21:37:52
@jzamor:matrix.orgjzamor changed the history visibility to "shared" from "world_readable".21:39:26
@jzamor:matrix.orgjzamor changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".21:43:56
@jzamor:matrix.orgjzamor Hi OpenLMIS Help users in Slack, there's a new Matrix room that is bridged with this room. What you type here will show up in #openlmis-help:matrix.org as well as the other way round. Give it a try with the Riot app: https://riot.im/app/#/room/!MNkZeDktHEshWITStt:matrix.org?via=matrix.org 21:45:49
13 Jun 2019
@_slack_openlmis_UBB6KN8JJ:matrix.orgWes joined the room.07:53:46
@_slack_openlmis_UBB6KN8JJ:matrix.orgWes This seems neat but I'm not totally sure what the benefit is. Can you help me understand my Matrix/riot is helpful? 07:54:01
14 Jun 2019
@_slack_openlmis_UBB6KN8JJ:matrix.orgWes set a profile picture.13:43:44
@_slack_openlmis_UGHGVT2TY:matrix.orgOskar Hinc joined the room.16:30:53
@_slack_openlmis_UGHGVT2TY:matrix.orgOskar Hinc Hi here! Could someone explain what's the purpose of transforming line items when preparing the requisition PUT request? (https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-requisition-refUI/blob/master/src/requisition/requisition.js#L404). Thanks in advance! 16:30:59
@_slack_openlmis_U195RKK4G:matrix.orgsbrudzinski joined the room.16:33:02
@_slack_openlmis_U195RKK4G:matrix.orgsbrudzinski If I recall correctly, backend will fail the validation if you attempt to provide values for columns that are not displayed or calculated. The GET request, however, returns them, so the transform function strips those values. 16:33:04
@_slack_openlmis_U2GGA9EGL:matrix.orgngraczewski joined the room.16:33:57
@_slack_openlmis_U2GGA9EGL:matrix.orgngraczewski This is really outdated repository. Requisition-ui should still have. The reason is that backend doest accept values for calculated fields, or at least used to. 16:33:57
@_slack_openlmis_U2GGA9EGL:matrix.orgngraczewski (edited) ... still have. The ... => ... still have it though. The ... 16:34:15
@_slack_openlmis_UGHGVT2TY:matrix.orgOskar Hinc Thanks sbrudzinski and ngraczewski! The validation indeed fails for me, but it's because the value is set to null there, and is equal 0 on the backend. I was wondering if I could somehow override it for Angola implementation to prevent validation failure in such cases. 16:40:20
@_slack_openlmis_U195RKK4G:matrix.orgsbrudzinski Perhaps related? https://openlmis.atlassian.net/browse/OLMIS-6230 16:41:26

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