
Kabocha Technical Chat

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6 Sep 2022
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey | Kabocha Tech Steward https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vKWAiykMCWL1NmK-x-JLIOqxNs6P2scaTECqNYQ5FGE/edit#gid=370721663 21:40:44
@_discord_480348633632604160:t2bot.iorichdecentpartners Eg EDG treasury currently holds 2.1% of KAB 21:40:45
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey | Kabocha Tech Steward yes will get you a % 21:41:08
@_discord_480348633632604160:t2bot.iorichdecentpartners Was looking but couldn’t see it 21:41:29
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey | Kabocha Tech Steward a current percentage at least 21:41:30
@_discord_480348633632604160:t2bot.iorichdecentpartners Yeah that would be great 21:41:36
@_discord_480348633632604160:t2bot.iorichdecentpartners Useful just in convos - see edg traders 21:41:52
@_discord_480348633632604160:t2bot.iorichdecentpartners Thanks 21:42:25
7 Sep 2022
@liebebtc:matrix.org@liebebtc:matrix.org left the room.14:38:42
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey | Kabocha Tech Steward changed their display name from Ramsey (Decentration) OOO#2804 to Ramsey (Decentration)#2804.16:41:58
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey | Kabocha Tech Steward changed their display name from Ramsey (Decentration)#2804 to Ramsey (Decentration).16:42:13
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey | Kabocha Tech StewardScreenshot_2022-09-07_at_17.41.19.png
Download Screenshot_2022-09-07_at_17.41.19.png
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey | Kabocha Tech Steward NFT minted on testnet 16:42:14
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey | Kabocha Tech Steward we can mint things on Kabocha (if we want), and if singular will add as a chain that would be cool. We can also create our own UI for this, but its a project in itself 16:53:43
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey | Kabocha Tech Steward so Singular would be a decent start. But ofcourse the version 0 is mint on KSM or Statemine 16:54:14
In reply to @_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.io
NFT minted on testnet
When exactly are you launching? I will add NFT to block explorer.
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey | Kabocha Tech Steward will keep you informed about that. It is currently available on the system.remarks, but currently only sudo can mint. Though its not the first priority to mint on kabocha, will mint on kusama or statemine first 17:03:44
@_discord_480348633632604160:t2bot.iorichdecentpartners What do you recommend sage | Tricky_NFTs🌈 ? 17:19:08
@_discord_480348633632604160:t2bot.iorichdecentpartners Guess it’s just weighing up pros and cons 17:19:36
@_discord_839632068875255809:t2bot.iod.gen I think if we’re on KSM on Singular we’re KAB compatible by essence and as they’re non transferable they can have their own version on KAB, and we can have a different UI for KAB when programmability becomes a thing 17:27:45
@_discord_839632068875255809:t2bot.iod.gen * I think if we’re on KSM on Singular we’re KAB compatible by essence and as they’re non transferable they can have their own version (resource) on KAB, and we can have a different UI for KAB when programmability becomes a thing 17:31:13
8 Sep 2022
@_discord_842438139787608114:t2bot.iosage | Tricky_NFTs🌈 i think statemine nfts are a pain in the a**
and if you want equippability/nesting/soul-bond/whatever you can't do anything in that direction with statemine. they are just plain nfts with some extra perks
@_discord_842438139787608114:t2bot.iosage | Tricky_NFTs🌈 you later can burn the seeds on ksm and add your kabo account in the burn-memo if you want to swap into another account, if not you can just burn and a bot remints on kabo in the same account 22:49:16
9 Sep 2022
@decentration:matrix.orgRamsey (Decentration) async changed their display name from Ramsey (Decentration) ooo to Ramsey (Decentration) async.13:55:05
@_discord_859790355696451594:t2bot.ioMatthew⭐ joined the room.18:05:34
11 Sep 2022
@_discord_807692461320831067:t2bot.iopeggy joined the room.11:00:18
@_discord_946368147462709268:t2bot.ioMarilynCryptic joined the room.14:23:57
12 Sep 2022
@lightbulbwelsh:decent.modular.imrich - decent partners left the room.21:25:28
19 Sep 2022
@_discord_1020681360152744018:t2bot.ioJORD joined the room.17:12:04
23 Sep 2022
@coin_ex_exchange:matrix.org@coin_ex_exchange:matrix.org joined the room.08:51:27

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