
Kabocha Technical Chat

414 Members
Support for engineering, maintenance, pallets, nodes, runtimes, RPCs, APIs and building on Kabocha.5 Servers

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15 Apr 2022
@_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.ioNathan GD#3731 Ok thanks ! 10:56:07
@_discord_412648781109002260:t2bot.ioRamsey (Decentration)#2804 https://github.com/kabocha-network/parachain/blob/kab-release-v0.1.3/runtime/src/lib.rs

Create a new branch from v0.9.13 which is a working branch. You can test either locally or connect to our relay chain Pop-Art, which the “relay-chain” part of our repo.
@_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.ioNathan GD#3731 Okay thanks ! 11:04:50
@_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.ioNathan GD#3731 Is there a specific command to launch the node locally, for debug purpose, without connecting to any existing network ? 14:16:18
@telegram_1630863851:t2bot.ioRamsey R
In reply to @_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.io
Is there a specific command to launch the node locally, for debug purpose, without connecting to any existing network ?
I suggest go through this tutorial
@telegram_1630863851:t2bot.ioRamsey R https://docs.substrate.io/tutorials/v3/cumulus/start-relay/ 15:51:07
@_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.ioNathan GD#3731 Ok, thanks ! 15:51:26
@telegram_1630863851:t2bot.ioRamsey RYou can use Polkadot-launch to run local dev environment for parachain15:51:30
@telegram_1630863851:t2bot.ioRamsey RWhich is in the above tutorial as well15:51:40
16 Apr 2022
@_discord_783354920736391208:t2bot.ioCihan187#4325 changed their display name from cihan187 to cihan187#4325.18:33:30
@_discord_473592570031898626:t2bot.ioColehaa joined the room.19:52:52
17 Apr 2022
@_discord_647449405703847947:t2bot.ioAnder joined the room.03:26:19
@_discord_260061587388366848:t2bot.iompj joined the room.09:00:39
18 Apr 2022
@wybpip:matrix.orgwybpip joined the room.08:06:55
@wybpip:matrix.orgwybpip left the room.08:06:56
@_discord_783354920736391208:t2bot.ioCihan187#4325 changed their display name from cihan187#4325 to Cihan187#4325.12:04:23
@_discord_783354920736391208:t2bot.ioCihan187#4325 changed their profile picture.12:04:25
@_discord_348596372603404288:t2bot.ioDaniel Ribar [FAY] joined the room.16:14:35
@_discord_849647527471874069:t2bot.ioLukmanOnen#3447 changed their profile picture.23:00:12
20 Apr 2022
@_discord_812276562610487307:t2bot.ioRomario#4988 joined the room.13:09:58
@_discord_812276562610487307:t2bot.ioRomario#4988 hello) I have been participating in edg staking on polkawallet for a long time. Do I need to do anything to receive an airdrop of kabocha tokens?
Or do I not need to do anything?
@_discord_355774481458790410:t2bot.iogmeister7#1175 joined the room.14:08:43
@_discord_355774481458790410:t2bot.iogmeister7#1175 Nope. You are Clear. 14:08:43
21 Apr 2022
@_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.ioNathan GD#3731 Hi, is kabocha, as a parachain, can use the pallets of its relay chain?
I was wondering if it could, as there is no implementation of the democacy pallet on kabocha, should i implement it myself, or can i use the one on polkadot
@_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.ioNathan GD#3731 I've read that you wanna use the liquid-democracy pallet (https://github.com/kabocha-network/parachain#in-the-works), but i cannot start to develop the minting pallet before the proposal pallet is correctly implemented 09:46:30
@_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.ioNathan GD#3731 * Hi, is kabocha, as a parachain, can use the pallets of its relay chain?
I was wondering if it could, as there is no implementation of the democacy pallet on kabocha, should i implement it myself, or can i use the one on polkadot ?
@_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.ioNathan GD#3731 * I've read that you wanna use the liquid-democracy pallet (https://github.com/kabocha-network/parachain#in-the-works), but i cannot start to make the minting pallet before the proposal pallet is correctly implemented 09:46:52
@_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.ioNathan GD#3731 * I've read that you wanna use the liquid-democracy pallet (https://github.com/kabocha-network/parachain#in-the-works), but i cannot start to make the minting pallet before the proposal pallet is correctly implemented. I'd like some clarification on this subject, can we use polkadot's democracy pallet ? Do i have to implement democracy-liquid myself ? Is it in WIP ? 09:48:02
@_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.ioNathan GD#3731 * I've read that you wanna use the liquid-democracy pallet (https://github.com/kabocha-network/parachain#in-the-works), but i cannot start to make the minting pallet before the proposal pallet is correctly implemented. I'd like some clarification on this subject, can we use polkadot's democracy pallet ? Do i have to implement democracy-liquid myself ? Is it in WIP ? ... 09:48:05
@telegram_1630863851:t2bot.ioRamsey R
In reply to @_discord_247336702346133504:t2bot.io
I've read that you wanna use the liquid-democracy pallet (https://github.com/kabocha-network/parachain#in-the-works), but i cannot start to make the minting pallet before the proposal pallet is correctly implemented
Hey Nathan, thanks for checking, we are upgrading democracy when we go live, becuase in Sudo phase we don’t need it. You can check our launch phases here.


So you need to create a separate branch that includes democracy pallet.

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