
Lapce #general

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17 Mar 2022
@_discord_180639594017062912:t2bot.ioAltrius Even with the fix in place, actually using GL I'm still having an issue, my next best guess is to go back to the WGPU examples and try those with forced GL, since those work 10:20:19
@_discord_403639177671081984:t2bot.ioMrAnderson joined the room.10:22:36
@_discord_938792695474839582:t2bot.ioLawrence | Blockdaemon joined the room.10:24:45
@_discord_123416893389275139:t2bot.ioIchicoro joined the room.10:26:41
@_discord_953967640374833172:t2bot.iotestest joined the room.10:47:30
@_discord_438018157525860362:t2bot.iomixio joined the room.10:47:34
@_discord_142355451907014657:t2bot.ioGinchi joined the room.10:54:11
@_discord_832341969631576104:t2bot.iolold joined the room.10:55:24
@_discord_267341132105515019:t2bot.ioGlen joined the room.11:16:40
@_discord_267341132105515019:t2bot.ioGlen Hi is there an issue with the windows installer? Tried the ones from the the website and release page but neither launches 11:30:00
@_discord_797194635003822102:t2bot.iolocalhost#9027 joined the room.11:31:40
@_discord_797194635003822102:t2bot.iolocalhost#9027 How this editor is comparable to fully configured neovim with GUI client like Neovide? Sorry, I didn't get time to test it myself, I saw only screenshot, if would nice if video would also be included :) 11:31:40
@_discord_797194635003822102:t2bot.iolocalhost#9027 Btw, it support pure Wayland? 11:39:12
@_discord_797194635003822102:t2bot.iolocalhost#9027 And it uses coc.nvim for plugins? 11:47:10
@_discord_539127799500374048:t2bot.iov11#1665 joined the room.11:51:23
@_discord_539127799500374048:t2bot.iov11#1665 Hey guys, just saw the post in HN and am very excited about the project. Maybe finally I'll use something else instead of Vim. Btw, do you guys have an estimate for the stable release? 11:51:23
@_discord_520541437981360128:t2bot.iodzhou121 Hard to say. Depends on how much free time I’ve got. But it has evolved a lot compared to 3 months ago when it was first time exposed at HN. 11:59:44
@_discord_539127799500374048:t2bot.iov11#1665 Cool, will dig around the open issues and see if I can be of any help. Anyway, congrats there 🙂 12:00:46
@rimuru:gentoo.chatRimuru joined the room.12:23:02
@_discord_709236861775904818:t2bot.ioHuetyan joined the room.12:29:10
@_discord_821483662297923664:t2bot.io🖤Vanessa🖤 joined the room.12:30:55
@_discord_295407610671136768:t2bot.ioSwyrin joined the room.12:40:29
@_discord_122257798548422656:t2bot.ioiroel joined the room.12:52:32
@_discord_560954786975973378:t2bot.ioRadu Matei joined the room.12:58:25
@_discord_771505400238309406:t2bot.ioBiels joined the room.13:15:14
@_discord_398841975987503115:t2bot.ioSeptem joined the room.13:48:54
@_discord_562052013878280233:t2bot.io\mitch(); joined the room.13:57:51
@_discord_793548357271552040:t2bot.ioV0id_Matr1x joined the room.14:04:32
@_discord_795629780031635466:t2bot.iorobson.ciareli joined the room.14:16:23
@_discord_954022442081341490:t2bot.iodrthzrthz joined the room.14:25:12

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