

444 Members
**DEPRECATED** New spot : #funkwhale-support:tchncs.de List of open issues: https://dev.funkwhale.audio/funkwhale/funkwhale/issues, you can also ask your questions on https://governance.funkwhale.audio/g/246YOJ1m/funkwhale-support96 Servers

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11 Nov 2022
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgSean Tilley (HQ, DGH, FP, HEAD) changed their display name from Sean Tilley to Sean Tilley (HQ, DGH, FP).02:48:07
12 Nov 2022
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgSean Tilley (HQ, DGH, FP, HEAD) changed their display name from Sean Tilley (HQ, DGH, FP) to Sean Tilley (HQ, DGH, FP, HEAD).12:14:17
13 Nov 2022
@devilsdesigns:matrix.orgDemonWarriordo your new docs have a way to install funkwhale using docker-compose?00:50:24
@devilsdesigns:matrix.orgDemonWarriorand does funkwhale work with caddy?00:50:40
@devilsdesigns:matrix.orgDemonWarrioror have a way to run funkwhale on a localhost:port01:25:58
15 Nov 2022
@ali_reza_rosha:matrix.orgAlireza joined the room.21:56:50
@ali_reza_rosha:matrix.orgAlireza left the room.21:57:18
16 Nov 2022
@bdunnette:matrix.org@bdunnette:matrix.org joined the room.00:38:49
@bdunnette:matrix.org@bdunnette:matrix.org left the room.00:42:07
@sleuth:rexrobotics.orgSleuth left the room.02:07:55
17 Nov 2022
@mario:comf.chatMario changed their profile picture.21:54:24
22 Nov 2022
@sporiff:matrix.orgCiarán Ainsworth (Old) changed their profile picture.14:37:08
26 Nov 2022
@jayschenke:matrix.orgjayschenke left the room.00:50:52
27 Nov 2022
@glitchyyylesbian:the-apothecary.clubGlitchy (She/Vi) changed their display name from Glitchy (she/her or vi/vim) to Glitchy (She/Vi).21:35:23
2 Dec 2022
@gregory:qoto.orggregory joined the room.22:07:33
@gregory:qoto.orggregoryHi, I'm trying to create an account on music.prometheus.systems, but when I submit a username, email address, and password, it returns the message "Your account could not be created. A server error occurred." Any tips?22:10:17
3 Dec 2022
@glitchyyylesbian:the-apothecary.clubGlitchy (She/Vi) left the room.11:48:13
4 Dec 2022
@gcrk:tchncs.degcrk (he/him) gregory: this instance is hosted by awful people. All racist and other right wing stuff. Dont go there 16:34:42
@gcrk:tchncs.degcrk (he/him) Also, this room is deprecated, you would want to use #funkwhale-support:matrix.org . 16:35:24
@gcrk:tchncs.degcrk (he/him)But to your request: you have to contact the instance owner or moderators if you want to pass. We cannot do anything about. We are just building the software 16:35:59
@mario:comf.chatMario changed their profile picture.18:37:30
6 Dec 2022
@jollyrogue:matrix.orgjollyrogue left the room.19:29:12
7 Dec 2022
@djelouze:matrix.org left the room.09:05:26
10 Dec 2022
@scalperos4:matrix.orgScalperos changed their profile picture.23:57:57
11 Dec 2022
@scalperos4:matrix.orgScalperos changed their profile picture.15:45:04
13 Dec 2022
@qdl:matrix.orgqdl left the room.21:48:23
29 Dec 2022
@pragboss_666_88:matrix.orgpragboss_666_88 joined the room.14:20:03
30 Dec 2022
@DeadSuperHero:matrix.orgSean Tilley (HQ, DGH, FP, HEAD) left the room.12:05:57
31 Dec 2022
@mario:comf.chatMario changed their profile picture.15:42:13
1 Jan 2023
@mario:comf.chatMario changed their profile picture.22:17:34

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