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24 May 2019
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 Easily digestible series too with it's shorter length 19:55:14
@_discord_83207598962114560:t2bot.ioGwenBlanketKnight yeah 19:57:56
@_discord_83207598962114560:t2bot.ioGwenBlanketKnight i find a short length works really well for a lot of things. you have tobe more concise and on point. some logner things have to pad out a bit 19:58:50
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 I binged the whole thing in a sitting because it worked out to be about movie length that way. I think they timed it all brilliantly 20:06:32
@_discord_83207598962114560:t2bot.ioGwenBlanketKnight yee 20:15:02
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 ... 20:45:10
Download unknown.png
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 "someone we don't like is going for a position of power!" 2 hours later : 20:45:35
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 every 👏 fucking 👏 time 👏 20:46:07
@_discord_83231056836165632:t2bot.ioDocBray#7463 Free game alert @room https://www.humblebundle.com/store/jalopy-free 22:39:55
@_discord_131672338239324160:t2bot.ioScrumpmonkey yee 22:40:14
@_discord_131672338239324160:t2bot.ioScrumpmonkey ty 22:40:15
@_discord_138702028468781056:t2bot.io(Cate) Fannah Fug 22:40:22
@_discord_256193100039323659:t2bot.ioplasmarob https://twitter.com/LordScrump/status/1132063532198047745?s=19 23:33:42
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife Wtf is whitewashing about "hey look at this important white guy who is literally a notable figure in gaming history"? 23:38:52
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife xD 23:38:55
@_discord_96755708967522304:t2bot.ioTrigger#1239 "whitewashing" is defined as "leaving out anything subjectively despicable, such as how evil is he for not sharing my political opinions, about a famous person" 23:41:50
@_discord_166749858995109888:t2bot.ioGameDiviner#7181 In case you ever wanted to play DOOM in your browser...
25 May 2019
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife Oh, right, gotcha 00:07:19
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife Mate, Doom's up on Kongregate I think. :3 00:07:34
@_discord_166749858995109888:t2bot.ioGameDiviner#7181 Flash player. 00:10:02
@_discord_166749858995109888:t2bot.ioGameDiviner#7181 The link I posted is HTML5. 00:10:12
@_discord_166749858995109888:t2bot.ioGameDiviner#7181 edit: Flash player. -> Kongregate's needs Flash player. 00:10:30
@_discord_161994182125158412:t2bot.ioStormyStrife Gotcha 00:12:45
@_discord_156912125271343104:t2bot.ioLothusMarque There's also this... http://www.quakejs.com/ 😛 00:57:06
@_discord_166749858995109888:t2bot.ioGameDiviner#7181 Sweet! 01:07:16
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@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 what even 01:55:57
@_discord_156912125271343104:t2bot.ioLothusMarque Well, that looks like a flat-out spoof for some reason. >> 01:56:20
@_discord_118644646313328642:t2bot.ioSlotterOtter#5709 keep in mind we are in clown world 01:56:45

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