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ClojureScript, a dialect of Clojure that compiles to JavaScript http://clojurescript.org | Currently at 1.9.22923 Servers

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9 Dec 2022
@herr-felix:matrix.org@herr-felix:matrix.org joined the room.03:50:01
@herr-felix:matrix.org@herr-felix:matrix.org left the room.03:53:06
12 Dec 2022
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.org joined the room.21:30:39
@wildwestrom:nitro.chat@wildwestrom:nitro.chat joined the room.22:11:39
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.org joined the room.22:22:33
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.org left the room.22:23:44
15 Dec 2022
@stephen144t:matrix.orgstephen144t joined the room.00:44:41
19 Dec 2022
@thewaves:matrix.orgthewaves joined the room.21:06:54
27 Dec 2022
@tomasz90:matrix.org@tomasz90:matrix.org left the room.19:42:05
2 Jan 2023
@marv:marv.sexy@marv:marv.sexy left the room.15:22:19
4 Jan 2023
@ncmrx:matrix.orgncmrx joined the room.11:29:03
7 Jan 2023
@dfornika:matrix.orgdfornika joined the room.02:44:05
@dfornika:matrix.orgdfornikaHas anyone here made a single-page app that authenticates against an OpenID Connect server?18:47:16
@dfornika:matrix.orgdfornikaIs there a good library or example? I'm trying to figure out where to stash the necessary bits of state while the authentication flow is happening18:48:35
@dfornika:matrix.orgdfornikaI've made a little prototype/demo but I'm sure it's not following best practices: https://github.com/dfornika/oidc-auth-test18:50:56
8 Jan 2023
@ludwig_nagelhus:matrix.org@ludwig_nagelhus:matrix.org left the room.10:40:12
に返信 @dfornika:matrix.org
Is there a good library or example? I'm trying to figure out where to stash the necessary bits of state while the authentication flow is happening
i personally followed https://cljdoc.org/d/keycloak-clojure/keycloak-clojure/1.28.7/doc/securing-your-applications-s-frontend#usage
@kakuhen:kotoura.moekakuhenbut my requirements were specifically PKCE flow with a Keycloak server23:51:18
@kakuhen:kotoura.moekakuhen* but my requirements were specifically a PKCE flow with a Keycloak server23:51:22
@dfornika:matrix.orgdfornika👍 thanks!23:51:27
18 Jan 2023
@broman7776:matrix.orgbroman7776 joined the room.10:53:58
19 Jan 2023
@gbrlmarn:matrix.orgGabriel joined the room.13:22:02
21 Jan 2023
@gbrlmarn:matrix.orgGabriel changed their display name from Gabriel Marin to Gabriel.07:57:53
23 Jan 2023
@shanipribadi:matrix.org@shanipribadi:matrix.org left the room.12:54:22
30 Jan 2023
@jaspion:monero.social@jaspion:monero.social joined the room.10:35:16
@danilomo420:matrix.orgDanilo Mendonça Oliveira joined the room.10:37:58
@jaspion:monero.social@jaspion:monero.social left the room.13:53:21
@adsusa:matrix.org@adsusa:matrix.org joined the room.19:36:47
31 Jan 2023
@adsusa:matrix.org@adsusa:matrix.org left the room.10:10:18
6 Feb 2023
@tomasz90:matrix.org@tomasz90:matrix.org joined the room.21:16:48

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