

196 Members
ClojureScript, a dialect of Clojure that compiles to JavaScript http://clojurescript.org | Currently at 1.9.22923 Servers

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28 Jul 2022
@adham-omran:matrix.org@adham-omran:matrix.org left the room.04:34:21
@krapjost:matrix.orgpark gidoong joined the room.14:36:27
8 Aug 2022
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org joined the room.22:40:33
9 Aug 2022
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.orgfor mobile, is Krell the way to go? what about ClojureDart? 04:52:43
10 Aug 2022
@le1039dxl12:matrix.org@le1039dxl12:matrix.org joined the room.04:44:19
@le1039dxl12:matrix.org@le1039dxl12:matrix.org left the room.11:06:37
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:30:52
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org westrom: yeah i'm aware about both. i want to know the state of mobile development on Clojure, if it is even feasible. Experiences on Krell, ClojureDart, ... 20:53:50
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event20:56:02
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org westrom: did you find limitations while using rn-rf-shadow? what did you use it for? 21:49:11
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event21:53:59
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org westrom: guess i'll try to at least give it a shot. but i'm always afraid to use something of such nature if development is months inactive. clojuredart at least seems have some active development into it. thanks for sharing your experience! 22:03:52
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:10:34
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:12:39
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:13:04
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:14:23
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event22:26:44
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:02:15
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:02:39
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org westrom: we could probably bridge it here with at least slack if we had active admins 23:04:09
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org westrom: what about a11/accessibility on flutter other than the scrolling issue? couldn't find any relevant discussion on a11 on the web 23:14:42
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org * westrom: what about a11/accessibility on flutter other than the scrolling issue? couldn't find any relevant discussion on flutter a11 on the web 23:14:53
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:19:02
@westrom:matrix.org@westrom:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event23:44:45
13 Aug 2022
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org changed their display name from yuu to yuu[m].03:15:44
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org changed their display name from yuu[m] to yuu.05:06:13
@phrohdoh:matrix.org@phrohdoh:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event11:31:58
23 Aug 2022
@marv:marv.sexy@marv:marv.sexy joined the room.18:00:30

Hey guys, porting some discord bot from js to clojurescript right now and I think I am doing something wrong "style"-wise, my code feels like it could be improved

Trying to handle commands right now, to make it easier, there only is one command at the moment, which can have multiple subcommands.
I want to parse the subcommand and run the proper handler for it
currently doing that like this:

(defn- handle-subcommands [^Discord/Interaction interaction]
  (case (get-subcommand-name interaction)
    "rename" (handle-rename interaction)
    (print-unknown-command-error interaction)))

(defn- handle-chat-input-command [^Discord/Interaction interaction]
  (if (= "channel" (.-commandName interaction))
    (handle-subcommands interaction)
    (print-unknown-command-error interaction)))

(defn handle-interaction-create+ [^Discord/Interaction interaction]
  (cond (.isChatInputCommand interaction)
        (handle-chat-input-command interaction)))

This totally works, but I don't like finishing every line with interaction. I have been thinking about using partial on the handler functions but do have the feeling that it still would get cluttered a lot
can someone give me a hint into the correct direction here? :)


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