
Hydrogen Web

430 Members
Lightweight web client - https://hydrogen.element.io/ - current release: 0.2.19 - Roadmap: https://github.com/vector-im/hydrogen-web/projects/1 - FAQ: https://github.com/vector-im/hydrogen-web/blob/master/doc/FAQ.md121 Servers

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27 Oct 2021
@domoritz:matrix.orgDominik Moritz joined the room.14:39:41
@bwindels:matrix.orgBrunohey, yeah, probably. Did you see there is a logout button now in the settings?16:07:42
In reply to Bruno
hey, yeah, probably. Did you see there is a logout button now in the settings?
its below "Session Key"
In reply to Bruno
hey, yeah, probably. Did you see there is a logout button now in the settings?
Yes, I seen it. Okay!
@Megaf:matrix.orgMegafAnyone having issues with Hydrogen on Google Chrome?18:19:39
@bwindels:matrix.orgBrunonot me, what issues are you seeing?21:24:19


On the Hydrogen Web app (Running on Google Chrome) I'm getting this Sync failed because of HomeServerError: Invalid macaroon passed. on GET https://matrix-client.matrix.org/_matrix/client/r0/sync?since=s..

@aaron:raim.istAaron Megaf: did you delete your Hydrogen session using another client? 21:43:43
@Megaf:matrix.orgMegafMaybe 👀22:36:19
28 Oct 2021
@akash:gnome.orgAkash joined the room.01:42:30
@bwindels:matrix.orgBrunoJust press logout in the settings and log in again06:12:44
@rmidhunsuresh:matrix.orgMidhun changed their profile picture.09:12:07
@sam:matrix.lesbian.energysam joined the room.14:48:55
@syenit:matrix.org@syenit:matrix.org left the room.19:40:20
29 Oct 2021
@arche_dev:envs.netArcheIs it planned to add a confirmation for deleting a message?00:15:38
@bwindels:matrix.orgBrunohadn't thought about it yet13:23:26
@bwindels:matrix.orgBrunoperhaps that wouldn't be a bad thing indeed13:23:35
@matiwane:abangoni.comMatiwane left the room.14:36:59
@aaryan-gautam:matrix.orgAaryan GautamHi, I would like to work on this issue #380 - https://github.com/vector-im/hydrogen-web/issues/380 Can I get some more clarification on this bug?22:10:26
30 Oct 2021
@marblex:matrix.orgMarco Vos joined the room.07:18:59
@marblex:matrix.orgMarco VosHey, was wondering why I can't join rooms from Hydrogen. Is that by design or am I just unable to find the button?07:41:02
* @marblex:matrix.orgMarco Vos = n00b ;-)07:41:35
* @marblex:matrix.orgMarco Vos is pleasantly surprised that the /me command works07:48:08
In reply to @marblex:matrix.org
Hey, was wondering why I can't join rooms from Hydrogen. Is that by design or am I just unable to find the button?
For the time being you can manually enter this URL: `https://hydrogen.element.io/#/session/ /open-room/ `
@marblex:matrix.orgMarco VosAwesome. Thanks.07:55:09
@marblex:matrix.orgMarco Voseh.. yeah, I was messing around with that url, but Ii can't seem to get it to work just yet. Any more instructions on how to use it?08:01:18
@marblex:matrix.orgMarco VosDo I enter a room ID somewhere?08:01:54
@rmidhunsuresh:matrix.orgMidhunIf you open any room and replace the part after /room with the new room id, it should show the UI to join08:09:15
@marblex:matrix.orgMarco VosNice, I got it to workl08:15:54

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