
GrapheneOS Infrastructure

1227 Members
GrapheneOS infrastructure monitoring and discussion. Production status: https://nodeping.com/reports/statusevents/3FL97F6RRQHJIOWL. Join the #community:grapheneos.org space for a list of all the rooms. Formerly known as CopperheadOS. Please avoid discussing CalyxOS in these rooms.114 Servers

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24 Jul 2024
@magicounknown:matrix.org. joined the room.15:39:44
@magicounknown:matrix.org. joined the room.15:39:51
@magicounknown:matrix.org. left the room.15:46:40
@mathematicalmethods:matrix.orgmathematicalmethods joined the room.15:52:25
@citizen_snips:matrix.orgcitizen_snips joined the room.16:20:28
@vermium:zyner.orgVermium Sifell joined the room.19:40:21
@pkgbuild:matrix.orgmando changed their display name from pkgbuild to mando.20:14:53
25 Jul 2024
@wifinearyou:matrix.orgWiFi Near You joined the room.01:35:18
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <TonWidersetzen:telegram> Hi all, I'm not sure where to post this, but I'd like to join this space on Matrix but it fails with a Server error in the Element / SchildiChat apps and with "Something went wrong" in FluffyChat. I'm on systemli.org, are there known to be problems regarding the matrix instance? 06:54:36
@farroman760:matrix.org@farroman760:matrix.org joined the room.07:35:42
@farroman760:matrix.org@farroman760:matrix.org left the room.07:35:51
@niitrvbjioo:matrix.org@niitrvbjioo:matrix.org joined the room.07:46:46
@niitrvbjioo:matrix.org@niitrvbjioo:matrix.org left the room.07:46:57
@fido_2:matrix.orgfido_2 left the room.10:17:23
@kokosgeek:one.ems.hostKokosgeek joined the room.11:46:59
@xanntrix:matrix.orgxanntrix left the room.18:10:57
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <grapheneos:discord> you'll need to report it to them (re @TonWidersetzen:telegram: Hi all, I'm not sure where to post this, but I'd like to join this space on Matrix but it fails with a Server error in the Element / SchildiChat apps and with "Something went wrong" in FluffyChat. I'm on systemli.org, are there known to be problems regarding the matrix instance?) 21:33:50
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <grapheneos:discord> are you unable to join both #community:grapheneos.org and the individual chat rooms including #general:grapheneos.org too? 21:34:33
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <grapheneos:discord> #dev:grapheneos.org is a smaller room to check if it's due to the server being unable to handle large rooms 21:34:51
@gsus42:matrix.orgGsus4 joined the room.22:34:20
26 Jul 2024
@vermium:zyner.orgVermium Sifell left the room.01:20:09
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS BridgeRedacted or Malformed Event01:23:09
@duggie:matrix.orgduggie joined the room.04:57:51
@duggie:matrix.orgduggie left the room.04:59:28
@von.dev:matrix.orgvon.dev joined the room.09:35:31
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <NodePing:discord> Host 1.grapheneos.network NTP : NTP is down as of Fri Jul 26 2024 10:21:12 GMT+0000:
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <NodePing:discord> Host 1.grapheneos.network NTP : NTP is up after 1 minutes of downtime as of Fri Jul 26 2024 10:22:08 GMT+0000:
@grapheneosbridge:grapheneos.orgGrapheneOS Bridge <TonWidersetzen:telegram> Interesting, I was able to join general (re @GrapheneOSBridgeBot: grapheneos:discord are you unable to join both #community:grapheneos.org and the individual chat rooms including #general:grapheneos.org too?) 11:52:51
@securitybrahh:arcticfoxes.netsecuritybrahh joined the room.12:38:59
@crystals:omada.cafeCrystals joined the room.20:59:02

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