

201 Members
Partido Pirata do Brasil - partidopirata.org24 Servers

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4 Oct 2023
@nokyr:matrix.org@nokyr:matrix.org joined the room.19:52:40
6 Oct 2023
@henrywilson:matrix.orgElizabeth Liza joined the room.09:40:15
@henrywilson:matrix.orgElizabeth LizaPosso te ensinar como ganhar 7.000 reais em 24 horas de negociação, se tiver interesse me pergunte como funciona10:20:22
In reply to @henrywilson:matrix.org
Posso te ensinar como ganhar 7.000 reais em 24 horas de negociação, se tiver interesse me pergunte como funciona
me parece 171
7 Oct 2023
@henrywilson:matrix.orgElizabeth Liza changed their display name from Henry wilson to Elizabeth Liza.09:59:17
@henrywilson:matrix.orgElizabeth Liza changed their profile picture.10:01:13
@nokyr:matrix.org@nokyr:matrix.org left the room.20:59:22
@kelvinner:matrix.orgkelvinner73B joined the room.23:01:46
11 Oct 2023
@jotaxpe:matrix.orgjotaxpe joined the room.02:10:35
@max:sakura.ci@max:sakura.ci joined the room.05:27:08
20 Oct 2023
@jooosilva62:matrix.orgjooosilva62 joined the room.13:36:08
@jooosilva62:matrix.orgjooosilva62✅Comprovantes de vacinação direto no conecte SUS 💉 Comprove que tomou o veneno sem tomar💉 ✅ Cadastro idêntico ao de quem se vacinou ✅ Todas as vacinas disponíveis ✅ Pagamento após conferir as doses no SUS 📢 Telegram: t.me/DanielAgulha13:49:07
26 Oct 2023
@jotaxpe:matrix.orgjotaxpe changed their profile picture.15:55:17
11 Nov 2023
@max:sakura.ci@max:sakura.ci changed their profile picture.07:40:32
@max:sakura.ci@max:sakura.ci left the room.08:17:28
17 Feb 2024
@patrice:tomesh.net@patrice:tomesh.net left the room.07:29:07
27 Mar 2024
@piguim2:matrix.org@piguim2:matrix.org changed their profile picture.01:49:23
@piguim2:matrix.org@piguim2:matrix.org changed their profile picture.01:50:36
@piguim2:matrix.org@piguim2:matrix.org changed their display name from Antagonista to Amante das waifus.01:50:58
29 Mar 2024
@piguim2:matrix.org@piguim2:matrix.org left the room.21:00:20
9 Apr 2024
@kelvinner:matrix.orgkelvinner73B changed their profile picture.18:47:32
13 Apr 2024
@lucijo:matrix.org@lucijo:matrix.org left the room.13:12:08
25 Apr 2024
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net removed their profile picture.16:01:39
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net left the room.16:09:47
16 May 2024
@douglaz:matrix.orgAllan Douglas changed their display name from douglaz to Allan Douglas.15:53:22
5 Jun 2024
@kayehol:matrix.org@kayehol:matrix.org changed their profile picture.01:00:10
@kayehol:matrix.org@kayehol:matrix.org left the room.01:00:30
12 Jun 2024
@jsxz:matrix.org@jsxz:matrix.org left the room.05:54:03
18 Jun 2024
@plataoancap:matrix.orgplataoancap changed their profile picture.20:21:06
19 Jun 2024
@infallible-pike:matrix.org@infallible-pike:matrix.org left the room.16:40:40

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