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6 Jun 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcureI agree15:01:45
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgDo you think we could get access to the box in the evening?15:02:21
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgI haven't been there, not sure how locked down the outdoor area is15:02:45
@cure:matrix.orgcureyeah it's totally accessible15:02:56
@cure:matrix.orgcurecool so then I should prep an sd card with replacement image/config for a pi 4, and on thursday we could meet there and swap it out?15:03:48
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgya, that sounds like a plan to me.... wanna try installing your latest fancy-pants changes on the radio too as long as we're at it?15:04:23
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgor is that one already up to date15:04:36
@cure:matrix.orgcure yeah, I had them on there already\ 15:04:41
@cure:matrix.orgcure * yeah, I had them on there already15:04:47
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgheh too quick 15:04:54
@cure:matrix.orgcureI guess we could have our massmesh meeting in person at the library, if we want?15:05:28
@cure:matrix.orgcureit's not a bad place to meet I think, should be quiet that time of day15:05:43
@cure:matrix.orgcure(outside, obviously)15:05:53
@cure:matrix.orgcureweather forecast looks good too15:06:48
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304That sounds good to me15:08:29
@cure:matrix.orgcuregreat ! I look forward to it. I will prep the sd card.15:10:50
@cure:matrix.orgcurealso, raspberry pi 4's seem out of stock15:11:08
@cure:matrix.orgcurechecking a few more places.15:11:13
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgI am super into it15:11:34
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgI see one available on amazon15:16:09
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.org$65 w/ PSU15:17:36
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgToo expensive, or I pull trigger? I have prime so can have it in time15:18:17
@cure:matrix.orgcurethe canakit with cooling ?15:23:59
@cure:matrix.orgcurewell, with heatsinks15:24:07
@cure:matrix.orgcureI think the alternative is to get one from microcenter, if you were planning a trip there. Supposedly they have the 4GB version in stock at $55 and a power supply at $5. Add tax and... well it's close to the same price but requires a trip. So, either option seems fine, up to you?15:25:35
@cure:matrix.orgcure also, only 1 of those in stock at microcenter. Could be gone by the time someone gets there. 15:26:39
@cure:matrix.orgcureso, amazon seems like the best option I think. Unless you fancy a trip to microcenter :)15:26:54
@cure:matrix.orgcure(which is always fun)15:27:09
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304I think most of the pi4 nodes are the lowest ram amount, I don't think we ever saw high ram usage15:38:13
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgHeh I'm gunna go with Amazon to save the heartbreak of It being out of stock when I arrive15:45:40

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