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6 Jun 2021
7 Jun 2021
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeI was able to pick up a new Pi4 with 4GB ram at pishop.us recently. It arrived pretty quickly. Seems to still be in stock https://www.pishop.us/product/raspberry-pi-4-model-b-4gb/00:14:24
8 Jun 2021
In reply to @lurker42o:matrix.org
Heh I'm gunna go with Amazon to save the heartbreak of It being out of stock when I arrive
I've walked out of the store after them being out of stock when there's allegedly still one in stock. Don't trust their 1980's inventory system to not regularly have "off by one" errors.
@cure:matrix.orgcureyeah. Meanwhile, adafruit has 900 of the 2GB model in stock again, they let me know12:31:13
@cure:matrix.orgcure Stephen304: lurker wdyt about https://github.com/MassMesh/meta-imagebuilder/pull/107 ? It would be nice to have the merged so I use it to prep the library node image 12:43:26
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgI vote merge it!12:46:33
In reply to @jokeefe:matrix.org
I was able to pick up a new Pi4 with 4GB ram at pishop.us recently. It arrived pretty quickly. Seems to still be in stock https://www.pishop.us/product/raspberry-pi-4-model-b-4gb/
Oh man wish I saw this before ordering, that's a good price. Next time
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304I think we can merge that13:50:55
@wolcen:matrix.orgwolcenI'm confused by the upstream IP... proxy_pass;? Where's that expecting to go?13:58:24
@wolcen:matrix.orgwolcenHi all, btw. :) lurker knows who I am - Stephen304, we've met - a while ago now. Glad to see y'all have been so busy!13:59:35
@wolcen:matrix.orgwolcen set a profile picture.14:01:51
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Hiya 👋 That goes to the radio attached to the node since it only has a local ipv4 address with the current configuration14:04:46
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304The firewall rule has the upstream prometheus IP, I think later on we will have it as a configuration option14:05:33
13 Jun 2021
@majestrate:matrix.org@majestrate:matrix.org invited @jeff:i2p.rocks@jeff:i2p.rocks.09:41:46
@jeff:i2p.rocks@jeff:i2p.rocks joined the room.09:42:05
@jeff:i2p.rocks@jeff:i2p.rocksre: mailing list question about DNS, I have been extensively using DNS at work for the thing we are making for a few years now and the protocol is pretty barren. what are you guys trying to do with it?09:44:32
@jeff:i2p.rocks@jeff:i2p.rocksDNS is the product's primary interface09:44:46
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.org @jeff:i2p.rocks: honestly, just to have name resolution for the various services on the Yggdrasil network (e.x. https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/services.html) 14:57:55
@jeff:i2p.rocks@jeff:i2p.rocksyou could always just use the primary root dns namespace15:34:26
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.org oh, I should clarify that what we want is name resolution inside the Yggdrasil network 15:42:53
@jeff:i2p.rocks@jeff:i2p.rocksthen a separate dns root?16:10:24
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.orgI think so16:24:14
14 Jun 2021
@jeff:i2p.rocks@jeff:i2p.rocksas long as you aren't doing DNSSEC it's probably really easy12:25:26
@jeff:i2p.rocks@jeff:i2p.rocksunless you want to make it fully decentralized12:25:46
@jeff:i2p.rocks@jeff:i2p.rocksa fully decentralized alternative root dns is going to be hard12:26:02
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefe Dnssec would be good since we are working to be secure. Fully decentralized could be in a future version 13:05:42
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304I think broadly speaking the goal of running some DNS infrastructure is to make the mesh as robust as possible - we want to use dns to make some of the monitoring infrastructure not care about IP changes, increase flexibility, and make sharing gateway addresses easier, but we also don't want to assume nodes can reach clearnet dns since the node might not have a working gateway. There is/was some clearnet dns resolvers accessible in the mesh, but it would be good to not rely on that too much20:46:43
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304That's to say that I think running a regular resolver accessible to yggdrasil would be a good start.21:33:32
15 Jun 2021
In reply to @jokeefe:matrix.org
Dnssec would be good since we are working to be secure. Fully decentralized could be in a future version
dnssec is not trust agile. an alt root is akin to an alt root trusted ca, you need another trust anchor and good luck getting people to install that just to use it.
16 Jun 2021
@karmanyaah:malhotra.cckarmanyaahm left the room.01:22:46

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