
MassMesh Tech

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3 Jul 2021
@graysonandre:matrix.orgAndre Grayson joined the room.22:35:32
4 Jul 2021
@graysonandre:matrix.orgAndre Grayson changed their profile picture.21:10:52
6 Jul 2021
In reply to @eugene_martein:matrix.org
DNS-resolver for yggdrasil on blockchain: https://github.com/Revertron/Alfis
i could never get that to work
25 Jul 2021

Quick note to the group about the latest release of Yggdrasil.

As many of you may already know, Yggdrasil v0.4 is out. (https://github.com/yggdrasil-network/yggdrasil-go/releases/tag/v0.4.0)... This release is backwards incompatible with other versions of Yggdrasil. Meaning any new nodes we build will be unable to peer with our production gateway until we upgrade the gateway to the new release. (Since new nodes get latest Yggdrasil.)

It's not as simple as upgrading Yggdrasil on the gateway, though. In v0.4, Yggdrasil dropped support for CKR. We relied on this for our Internet gateway to function. This means we need a totally new strategy for configuring Internet egress before we're back in a working state.

@cure:matrix.orgcurefwiw, I'm working on making autoygg use GRE tunnels instead, so that it will work with Yggdrasil 0.418:12:09
29 Jul 2021
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeSent this to general list and forgot to send this to the tech list:16:14:28
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeHi all, We have a great set of software that provides wifi access, meshes with other nodes and uses Yggdrasil to make the traffic secure and private. Going forward, MassMesh is going to focus on the software side of meshnets and not on building out a community internet. It has discontinued the regular weekly tech meetups. The time is now to start local community meshnets. I plan to focus on Somerville (and surrounding communities if there is interest). Here is a poll for choosing the date of the first meeting: https://www.systemli.org/poll/#/poll/xWLrEqhqtK/participation?encryptionKey=XTL7f09IgdBpAvuwhvIlBpLScQTNjem1HZVjsRWE My suggestion is to meet outside the West Branch of the Somerville Public Library. There is a nice sitting area on the left side of the rear building. The address is 40 College Ave in West Somerville, near Davis Square. Let's build a community controlled net!16:14:31
11 Aug 2021
@zhoreeq:matrix.orgzhoreeq changed their profile picture.22:06:53
14 Aug 2021

fwiw, I'm working on making autoygg use GRE tunnels instead, so that it will work with Yggdrasil 0.4

The new autoygg 0.3.0 release is now out, with support for Yggdrasil 0.4.0 and newer. Openwrt packages have been built. lurker how does it work with the arch packages, does that require some action on your part?

@cure:matrix.orgcureI have a branch of meta-imagebuilder in the works23:21:05
15 Aug 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcure lurker: Stephen304 anyone want to have a quick look at https://github.com/MassMesh/meta-imagebuilder/pull/112 ? 00:35:39
16 Aug 2021
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Looks good, james and I plan on upgrading later this week so we can see how gre does17:27:08
17 Aug 2021
@jmaasr:matrix.orgjmaasr changed their profile picture.15:43:43
@jmaasr:matrix.orgjmaasr changed their profile picture.15:45:47
@jmaasr:matrix.orgjmaasr changed their profile picture.15:47:47
19 Aug 2021
@mathegenie:server.matrix4ulm.de@mathegenie:server.matrix4ulm.de 19:19:24
@mathegenie:server.matrix4ulm.de@mathegenie:server.matrix4ulm.de removed their display name mathegenie.19:20:11
@mathegenie:server.matrix4ulm.de@mathegenie:server.matrix4ulm.de left the room.19:25:50
@christopher_parker:matrix.org𝕮𝖍𝖗𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝕮. 𝕻𝖆𝖗𝖐𝖊𝖗 changed their profile picture.20:06:59
22 Aug 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcure Stephen304: any feedback from the upgrade? Did it work? 18:13:27
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304@cure It works great! I can speedtest at 70/70 over my VPNed gateway. I think it's missing an autoygg unmanaged interface added to the yggdrasil firewall zone for allowing internet access18:34:59
23 Aug 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcure Stephen304: interesting, I didn't notice that. On the client, yeah? I need to test that but didn't bring my pi on vacation, so, next week. 14:30:02
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Yeah I think it's just basically because of using the new autoygg gre interface instead of how ckr used the ygg interface.14:31:36
@cure:matrix.orgcureclearly I need to travel with some pies15:00:59
24 Aug 2021

@cure It works great! I can speedtest at 70/70 over my VPNed gateway. I think it's missing an autoygg unmanaged interface added to the yggdrasil firewall zone for allowing internet access

should be fixed in openwrt packages now

@cure:matrix.orgcure hey igel nice to see you! Not sure I follow - this needs to go into our metaimagebuilder build, no? 23:26:51
25 Aug 2021
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304 I think that's a different issue. igel , the tunnel is now on a separate dev, so similar to how the yggdrasil openwrt package creates the ygg0 interface and the yggdrasil firewall zone, the autoygg openwrt package should probably have a .defaults that creates the autoygg interface and adds it to the existing yggdrasil zone so that the forwarding for internet access through the tunnel will apply to the new gre tunnel 01:58:11
26 Aug 2021

Or we can put it in the luci-app-autoygg package .defaults since there's already stuff there, something like this should do it:

# create the network interface
uci -q batch <<-EOF >/dev/null
  set network.autoygg=interface
  set network.autoygg.device=autoygg
  set network.autoygg.proto=none

# create the firewall zone
uci -q batch <<-EOF >/dev/null
  add_list firewall.yggdrasil.network=autoygg

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