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26 Aug 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcurethat sounds good01:59:31
@cure:matrix.orgcure do you want to make the PR Stephen304 ? I can do it next week, alternatively 01:59:45
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Sure, is there an automated builder for PRs? I haven't compiled openwrt packages locally02:03:05
@cure:matrix.orgcureyeah, just make the pr on the mm-toolbox repo, it'll build the packages automatically and upload them to https://downloads.massmesh.net/experimental/packages/02:35:35
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304https://github.com/MassMesh/mm-toolbox/pull/26 👍️02:48:36
@cure:matrix.orgcurenice, did that solve the problem for you?20:55:10
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Yep, I flashed the apu one to test. Both of my nodes are up to date now21:02:18
@cure:matrix.orgcurenice! Should probably bump the luci-app-autoygg version to 0.0.9 too, right?21:16:11
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Oh yeah that's right21:17:09
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304You mean to 0.0.10?21:21:58
@cure:matrix.orgcureerr sorry yeah, in that case maybe we should use 0.1.021:25:28
@cure:matrix.orgcureactually that's nice anyway21:25:45
@cure:matrix.orgcure(the openwrt version sorting doesn't really support >= 10 in the last digit)21:26:05
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Cool, done. Should I merge?22:29:41
27 Aug 2021
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304I merged 🐿️00:13:45
@igel:matrix.orgigeli had an idea to rewrite mm-cli into something else08:28:47
@igel:matrix.orgigelrewrite (overwrite)08:29:17
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304We don't use it anymore right? Superseded by luci-app-autoygg?13:25:10
29 Aug 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcureafaik, we don't use it anymore, but I haven't double checked15:39:59
@cure:matrix.orgcure Stephen304: I merged PR #112 and approved your followon PR #113 15:41:14
@cure:matrix.orgcureI think at this point we should merge that; the next step is upgrading our production gateway15:41:51
@cure:matrix.orgcureor set up a new one beside it (it would be kinda nice to separate our package repo from that vm I guess)15:42:26
@cure:matrix.orgcureonce we have the updated address we can then update the massmesh-gateways package15:43:30
@cure:matrix.orgcureand also the fw rule for observability15:43:38
@cure:matrix.orgcurewe just got to go upgrade the library then15:43:56
@cure:matrix.orgcureI could do that this afternoon or so, I think15:44:05
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Great, I merged 11315:44:17
@cure:matrix.orgcureshould we just upgrade our production gateway to ygg 0.4? that'll break the library node but otherwise nothing15:48:23
@cure:matrix.orgcure(well, my node too but I can upgrade that now)15:48:30

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