
MassMesh Tech

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29 Aug 2021
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Ohh hmm20:10:33
@cure:matrix.orgcureoh, interesting, I think this is an upgrade bug in the yggdrasil 0.4.0 openwrt package20:28:39
@cure:matrix.orgcureit generates a new keypair (which you can see in /tmp/yggdrasil.conf)20:28:53
@cure:matrix.orgcure but it does not update /etc/config/yggdrasil accordingly 20:29:09
@cure:matrix.orgcureso, on the next reboot, you're toast20:29:16
@cure:matrix.orgcure(I've updated the /etc/config/yggdrasil file manually on the librarynode to avoid this)20:37:51
2 Sep 2021

Looks like my gateway lost the default route in table 42:

root@mm-gw-stephen-mullvad:~# ip ro
default via dev eth0 proto static dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src dev vpn0 proto kernel scope link src dev autoygg_client0 dev autoygg_client1 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src 
root@mm-gw-stephen-mullvad:~# ip ro show table 42
root@mm-gw-stephen-mullvad:~# ip rule 
0:	from all lookup local
32765:	from lookup 42
32766:	from all lookup main
32767:	from all lookup default
root@mm-gw-stephen-mullvad:~# s^C
root@mm-gw-stephen-mullvad:~# ip ro add default dev vpn0 table 42
root@mm-gw-stephen-mullvad:~# ip ro show table 42
default dev vpn0 scope link 

@cure:matrix.orgcurehuh suddenly?15:18:40
@cure:matrix.orgcureso https://github.com/MassMesh/autoygg/issues/15 is still happening then15:21:09
@cure:matrix.orgcureI'll see what can be done later this week15:21:52
7 Sep 2021
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeThe under window ethernet cable and external ethernet cable shorted out in the rain. I have everything setup on the wall and I tried new cables, but the raspberry pi isn't connecting to the UAP. The UAP is up and I can connect to it, but the pi ethernet port shows green and yellow lights. Debugging it. Hoping the PI didn't get shorted.17:55:16
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeWhere did we get the cable box we use at the library? I expect I need one if I am going to get this to work in the rain/snow.17:56:14
8 Sep 2021
@babaca:matrix.org@babaca:matrix.org joined the room.01:23:01
@babaca:matrix.org@babaca:matrix.org left the room.01:34:47
@cure:matrix.orgcure lurker: do you remember where we got that outdoor box? 16:37:56
9 Sep 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcure jokeefe: maybe just home depot or something similar 19:12:16
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeThanks will check there21:50:13
10 Sep 2021
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.org cure: ya, I can't remember. I think we just got it from amazon in the end iirc 00:03:26
13 Sep 2021
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304 removed the room topic "Thursday meetups: https://meet.jit.si/massmesh".16:42:17
25 Sep 2021
@thedude211:matrix.org@thedude211:matrix.org joined the room.04:16:55
29 Sep 2021
@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org joined the room.23:39:03
30 Sep 2021
@smileybone:matrix.orggander changed their display name from smileybone to gander.16:26:46
2 Oct 2021
@jacob/boston2021:matrix.orgtech out my space joined the room.16:56:22
@lurker42o:matrix.org@lurker42o:matrix.org tech out my space: The gateway is at 203:7fe2:2946:3dee:4ce3:9493:2a93:82c3 17:20:49
@jacob/boston2021:matrix.orgtech out my space200:a992:17c0:2290:afdd:19f1:3f67:2d9a17:28:58
3 Oct 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcurehmm looks like the library node hardware was removed? I went over to check on it, and it's gone21:23:38
@hockey159:matrix.orghockey159 joined the room.23:09:43
4 Oct 2021
@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org set a profile picture.13:33:17
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Oh weird, the whole waterproof box too?14:36:20

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