
MassMesh Tech

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5 Nov 2021
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2k(This includes bgp.. )16:34:08
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2k* Fast as in bandwith over time Or fast as in lowest rtt Or fast as in most stable16:34:24
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kI think Althea has the option of cost vs quality but that only works for the first hop be because there is no way and be able to convince an upstream node which path to take16:37:13
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304@cure Ah yeah I think that might be missing from the default setup16:37:44
In reply to @darkdrgn2k:tomesh.net
I think Althea has the option of cost vs quality but that only works for the first hop be because there is no way and be able to convince an upstream node which path to take
@cure:matrix.orgcure(not familiar with that)16:38:22
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kIncentivised mesh16:38:56
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kBabled sandwiched between wireguard with a custom block chain based pay to play system16:39:23
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2k(And earn too..)16:39:49
@cure:matrix.orgcureah! 16:40:04
@cure:matrix.orgcurethanks for explaining16:40:09
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kJustin did a talk at 2018 our networks16:41:30
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kProb newer ones out there but only one I know of of the top.of my head16:41:53
7 Nov 2021
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kHow are you guys dealing with insurance for the installs Or has that not come up yet14:41:57
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeit has not yet come up22:36:19
9 Nov 2021
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kSadly it's come up for us pretty quick when dealing with tall.buildings :( on reason we stalled out16:47:21
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kThere was also flags raise on install teams (which we don't have yet) going into people's homes Which is a different type of insurance 16:48:22
10 Nov 2021
@zhoreeq:matrix.orgzhoreeq removed their profile picture.04:05:09
13 Nov 2021
@hogspeed:matrix.org@hogspeed:matrix.org joined the room.12:42:24
@hogspeed:matrix.org@hogspeed:matrix.org left the room.13:07:44
19 Nov 2021
@eugene_martein:matrix.org@eugene_martein:matrix.org left the room.06:35:24
6 Dec 2021
In reply to @darkdrgn2k:tomesh.net
Fastest path is a very interesting question... cause fast means different things to different people and circumstances...
fast also does not mean high capacity so it could be fast now and get super slow if everyone starts using it.
@majestrate:matrix.org@majestrate:matrix.orgalso the bottleneck i had at works was caused by packet jitter on the edges and had nothing to do with syscall bottlenecks22:32:52
@majestrate:matrix.org@majestrate:matrix.orgre: BGP with ygg, the primary feature you're looking for is related to route reflection no?22:33:50
@majestrate:matrix.org@majestrate:matrix.orgas in, are you looking to propagate hints from ygg to the local network about its internal topology or something alike?22:35:04
@majestrate:matrix.org@majestrate:matrix.orgi am also researching something like that, i want to be able to have l3 hints propagated to the local network about when an edge dies and tell the network this address is now over here etc22:35:59
@majestrate:matrix.org@majestrate:matrix.orgmy best match was OSPF22:36:06
8 Dec 2021
In reply to @majestrate:matrix.org
as in, are you looking to propagate hints from ygg to the local network about its internal topology or something alike?
You definitely can but only the IP addresses that yag provides

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