
MassMesh Tech

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8 Dec 2021
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kCuz remember it's all cryptogram Define so you can't just become another IP address that has not been assigned to you by your public-private key pair15:31:33
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kOf course unless you're tunnelling by which point none of this matters15:31:44
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kBut then you have other problems to deal with15:32:57
@darkdrgn2k:tomesh.netDarkDrgn2kI would suggest taking a look at how Enterprise Hardware deals with layer 3 Wi-Fi roaming15:33:39
9 Dec 2021
@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org@felixfahrbahn:matrix.org left the room.12:50:54
13 Dec 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcure Stephen304: I made 2 PR's on meta-imagebuilder, could you review them? 02:51:54
@cure:matrix.orgcureone to switch the massmesh image to the 2021.02.1 openwrt release (since I am not aware of a reason to be on unstable)02:53:38
@cure:matrix.orgcure and the second one just adds that missing forwarding rule for autoygg traffic that jokeefe ran into a while back 02:53:58
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Ah much needed, I'll take a look02:54:16
28 Dec 2021
@plurkopton:matrix.orgplurkopton joined the room.18:46:32
9 Jan 2022
@rielav:matrix.org@rielav:matrix.org joined the room.01:52:48
@rielav:matrix.org@rielav:matrix.org left the room.12:31:32
16 Jan 2022
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeGet a 404 when I try to download the PI node firmware at https://downloads.massmesh.net/snapshots/images/meshnode/rpi-4/openwrt-massmesh-meshnode-bcm27xx-bcm2711-rpi-4-ext4-sysupgrade.img.gzhttps://downloads.massmesh.net/snapshots/images/meshnode/rpi-4/openwrt-massmesh-meshnode-bcm27xx-bcm2711-rpi-4-ext4-sysupgrade.img.gz15:22:22
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeLooks like the new image is at https://downloads.massmesh.net/snapshots/images/meshnode/rpi-4/openwrt-21.02.1-massmesh-meshnode-bcm27xx-bcm2711-rpi-4-ext4-sysupgrade.img.gz15:24:08
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeShould I update https://massmesh.org/wiki/index.php?title=Node_Setup to link to the new file?15:24:28
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeAlso, the wiki link to the UAP firmware gets 404. It should point to https://downloads.massmesh.net/snapshots/images/meshradio/ubnt_unifiac-mesh/openwrt-massmesh-meshradio-ath79-generic-ubnt_unifiac-mesh-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin, but is really at https://downloads.massmesh.net/snapshots/images/meshradio/ubnt_unifiac-mesh/openwrt-21.02.1-massmesh-meshradio-ath79-generic-ubnt_unifiac-mesh-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin16:30:25
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefe Talked with Stephen304 about the file updates and updated the Raspberry Pi 4 Model B and Espressobin v5 sections with the new links. Looks like APU2 was also updated, but I could not find any links to it besides the link to the directory that contains the firmware files. 17:01:53
23 Jan 2022
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefeDoes the massmesh tech team object to meshboston.net putting our meeting notes on the massmesh wiki?16:26:39
@hurricos:tomesh.nethurricos I am a robot: 18:48:54
26 Jan 2022
@wgahnagl:matrix.orgpuffball joined the room.00:18:04
@wgahnagl:matrix.orgpuffballhey! I just set up a node nearly to 100%, but now I'm just stuck on the openwrt login page! It's not letting me in with no password, and doesn't have a "no password set" dialogue, so I was thinking that maybe the default password for the firmware was changed? 00:56:43
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefe Not root/<no_password>? 01:13:26
@wgahnagl:matrix.orgpuffballyeah 🤔01:23:13
@wgahnagl:matrix.orgpuffballand the reset button doesn't do anything 01:24:26
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefethoughts @cure?03:17:19
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefealso: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/01/a-bug-lurking-for-12-years-gives-attackers-root-on-every-major-linux-distro/03:17:27
27 Jan 2022
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefe wgahnagl: try this https://github.com/openwrt/luci/issues/5104#issuecomment-855692620 21:40:31
@jokeefe:matrix.orgjokeefemight need to remove cookies for
28 Jan 2022
@wgahnagl:matrix.orgpuffballI feel like part of the problem is that it doesn't say that there's no password set, it just shows me the login screen assuming I know the password 00:57:34

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