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29 Aug 2021
@cure:matrix.orgcure(I managed to do it without having to go there, whee)19:31:25
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Nice! 19:45:47
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304I updated my nodes in prometheus so the dashboard is looking lively again19:46:41
@cure:matrix.orgcuremy node is still down because I can't find the matching gre packages for it anymore19:47:01
@cure:matrix.orgcuretoo old19:47:06
@cure:matrix.orgcureI wonder what the most efficient way is to upgrade the node19:47:17
@cure:matrix.orgcurehmm, we don't publish sysupgrade images for x8619:47:37
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304What's that for? For my apu I used the ext4-combined19:49:39
@cure:matrix.orgcureyeah me too, I just wonder if I'm going to lose all config if I upgrade that way19:50:36
@cure:matrix.orgcureI suppose I can export/import19:50:42
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Does sysupgrade reject it?19:50:59
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304I haven't tried I just wiped mine19:51:24
@cure:matrix.orgcureyeah, I run it in kvm19:52:22
@cure:matrix.orgcureand virsh is a bloody pain to deal with19:52:30
@cure:matrix.orgcureI guess I'll find out :)19:52:43
@cure:matrix.orgcureimpressive, that just worked, and very quickly too19:59:08
@cure:matrix.orgcurebut it did clobber the yggdrasil secrets apparently, so my ip changed, bleh20:07:02
@cure:matrix.orgcureI wonder where that is stored20:07:09
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304I thought the ip had to change because of ygg 4.0 changes?20:10:05
@cure:matrix.orgcureyeah, but I already had ygg 0.4.0 running20:10:21
@cure:matrix.orgcuremy issue was just with the gre kernel module20:10:28
@Stephen304:matrix.orgStephen304Ohh hmm20:10:33
@cure:matrix.orgcureoh, interesting, I think this is an upgrade bug in the yggdrasil 0.4.0 openwrt package20:28:39
@cure:matrix.orgcureit generates a new keypair (which you can see in /tmp/yggdrasil.conf)20:28:53
@cure:matrix.orgcure but it does not update /etc/config/yggdrasil accordingly 20:29:09
@cure:matrix.orgcureso, on the next reboot, you're toast20:29:16
@cure:matrix.orgcure(I've updated the /etc/config/yggdrasil file manually on the librarynode to avoid this)20:37:51

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