
NextCloud Cookbook

150 Members
This room is intended as a basic discussion room about the cookbook app on the Nextcloud server. Here, new users can ask questions about the usage and also new features and issues can be discussed. Feel free to ask your questions and opinions in a forthcoming way.25 Servers

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26 Oct 2019
@jzapp:matrix.org@jzapp:matrix.org @timvde:matrix.org: I'm quite sure I've seen the hour:minute format, yeah. We are doing quite a lot already to parse nonstandard formats, since a lot of recipe websites are honestly just poorly made 06:23:25
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeI saw that, yes :p06:52:41
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeSo okay, I'll add that regex (when I get back)06:53:13
@danielroehrig:matrix.orgdanielroehrig Couldn't we just use minutes? Recipes seldom take longer than an hour and even then 120 minutes is easy to understand. I found it to be quite cumbersome to enter the time the way it is to be honest 06:53:42
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeWe will support plain minutes after my change06:54:31
@jzapp:matrix.org@jzapp:matrix.org @danielroehrig:matrix.org: that's unrelated to the issue @timvde:matrix.org is solving, but I agree we could make the input easier 06:54:33
@danielroehrig:matrix.orgdanielroehrig I know, it's just something I struggled with. 06:55:06
@jzapp:matrix.org@jzapp:matrix.orgOh right, forget my comment, we will support any time signature after this updatr06:55:10
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeCheck my regex here: https://github.com/mrzapp/nextcloud-cookbook/issues/95#issuecomment-54629777806:55:50
@danielroehrig:matrix.orgdanielroehrigThat sounded sarcastic. But I meant it06:55:59
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeBut I'm out for the weekend, so I'll probably only write the patch tomorrow evening or Monday06:57:10
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeBut yea, good point about manual input. Even if websites always use nice ISO-8601, it's also just easier for users06:57:55
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeAnd it should change "120" to "PT2H0M" too, which shows as "2:00"06:59:22
@danielroehrig:matrix.orgdanielroehrigWe should write unit tests for the parser.07:00:08
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvde(Atm as "2:0", but I'll fix that too)07:00:19
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeAgreed, but I'm not a php dev, so I know nothibg about unit testing frameworks at all07:00:40
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeBut if you add it, I'll gladly write tests07:00:58
@danielroehrig:matrix.orgdanielroehrigOh, phpunit is in place and working. Point me at he method and I will gladly test the hell out of it07:01:55
@danielroehrig:matrix.orgdanielroehrig...in my 45 minutes of spare time every other day so it might take a few days07:02:37
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeJust add some tests for me that I can copy :P07:02:51
@danielroehrig:matrix.orgdanielroehrigThere are some tests available07:03:09
@danielroehrig:matrix.orgdanielroehrigIn tests/unit07:03:17
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeOh, totally missed that07:03:24
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeGreat, I'll add tests then07:03:31
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeMy previous PR should totally have been rejected then07:03:50
@danielroehrig:matrix.orgdanielroehrig You'd be the first. :,-) 07:03:59
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeAt work, we have 100% unit test coverage and 95%+ e2e coverage07:04:45
@timvde:matrix.orgtimvdeYou get used to writing tests, and the benefits are real07:05:22
@danielroehrig:matrix.orgdanielroehrig You don't have to sell me to the idea of testing. That's preaching to the choir 07:10:20

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