19 Sep 2024 |
christianlupus | I see two things to do. The downloading is pushed to a dedicated class. We can add the headers for sure. You had quite a good guess on this! | 17:53:29 |
christianlupus | The other option is to use some bookmarklet, but I have not found the time to craft one... | 17:53:56 |
20 Sep 2024 |
christianlupus | In reply to @i:nathaniel.land
Ahhh, Cloudflare... Do a simple curl https://www.thefooddictator.com/the-hirshon-latvian-rye-bread-rupjmaize/ and CF calls you a bot and serves you a 403 (and Cookbook gets the same treatment, of course...)
Do a super fancy
curl 'https://www.thefooddictator.com/the-hirshon-latvian-rye-bread-rupjmaize/' --compressed -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0' -H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/png,image/svg+xml,*/*;q=0.8' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Alt-Used: www.thefooddictator.com' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Cookie: nitroCachedPage=1' -H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: document' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: none' -H 'Sec-Fetch-User: ?1' -H 'Priority: u=0, i' -H 'TE: trailers'
...and then you get the goods. How about this? https://github.com/nextcloud/cookbook/pull/2515 | 15:41:53 |
25 Sep 2024 |
| @tobiasff3200:fachschaften.org left the room. | 10:53:44 |
3 Oct 2024 |
ॐPablo | Hi everyone, I was looking for an android app of a cookbook and I have NextCloud, if I understand it correctly, this room is for the "extension" to nextcloud web, and then there are 3rd party android apps that use this one's API, and https://lneugebauer.github.io/nextcloud-cookbook/ this one seems to be the most advanced one (or another?), thanks! | 13:03:24 |
ॐPablo | one link at https://github.com/nextcloud/cookbook/blob/master/docs/user/clients/Index.md is wrong, the last one "cookbook client" should be https://vincentmeilinger.github.io/Nextcloud-Cookbook-Client-Support/ but instead is the same as 2 above it by Teifun2 | 13:14:00 |
29 Oct 2024 |
| @7ho7h:matrix.start9labs.com removed their profile picture. | 15:36:41 |
| @7ho7h:matrix.start9labs.com removed their display name David Croisant 🏴. | 15:37:03 |
| @7ho7h:matrix.start9labs.com left the room. | 15:38:36 |
6 Dec 2024 |
| mhaendler joined the room. | 11:24:06 |
mhaendler | Hello guys, i am currently implemented the feature "Shopping List" from the Issue https://github.com/nextcloud/cookbook/issues/460. But i am struggling a little to get the API Requests going. In the file routes.php there is the line that: "The controller class has to be registered in the application.php file since it's instantiated in there".
But i dont see the correct "application.php" or atleast in mine there is nothing to be registred?
I am currently stuck as i can't get the API to work :/ Any advices, feedback or hints into the right direction?
Greetings from Germany Markus
| 11:28:22 |
mhaendler | Redacted or Malformed Event | 11:31:13 |
mhaendler |  Download image.png | 11:34:09 |
mhaendler | The current WIP, as i only need the API to get working :D | 11:34:26 |
mhaendler | * The current WIP, as i only need the API to get working :D Well and then translation and stuff but lets focus on the main point :D | 11:34:49 |
sfey (Sebastian Fey) | Have a look in here https://github.com/nextcloud/cookbook/tree/master/lib/Controller
I think the controllers should be registered automatically | 11:47:09 |
sfey (Sebastian Fey) | and there's the https://github.com/nextcloud/cookbook/blob/master/appinfo/routes.php | 11:50:43 |
sfey (Sebastian Fey) | See also https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/developer_manual/basics/dependency_injection.html#how-does-this-affect-controllers | 11:51:11 |
mhaendler | Yes! Thank you very much, i got the Controller / Routes Connection working now :) Now i just need to implemented the other stuff and i'll be good :) | 12:00:20 |
christianlupus | One point I want to share with you. | 13:07:58 |
christianlupus | There is a plan by Tobias Kaminski to levereage a personal app to be compatible to the cookbook app. So, maybe it would be good to get in touch with him before you invest too much time into this. | 13:09:15 |
mhaendler | Ouh okay, so my POC would be done. There was no message in the Ticket either and 2 years since the last comment on it. Do you have any idea how to get in touch with him? I just need to make the translation, php test for the newly added php functionality and the yaml docs for the new api endpoint then i would be done :)
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No Database needed, just a simple .md file at the root of the recipe folder (keep it simple stupid) and also any md reader can open / modify the list in there
| 21:14:54 |
christianlupus | I just asked him, what is best. Are you in the cloud.nextcloud.com instance? | 21:22:34 |
christianlupus | Alterativly, he is generally reachable on the forum (https://help.nextcloud.com/u/tobiaskaminsky/summary). | 21:23:56 |
christianlupus | If possible keep me in the loop so that I am not completely surprised by your results 😜. | 21:24:35 |
7 Dec 2024 |
| mhzawadi joined the room. | 12:12:02 |
| David Laubersheimer joined the room. | 12:32:24 |
11 Dec 2024 |
christianlupus | I contacted him. He said that he is only rarely in the forum. Better would be to contact him on the instance cloud.nextcloud.com. do you have an account there? | 23:16:05 |
12 Dec 2024 |
fabian | In reply to @mhaendler:matrix.org
Ouh okay, so my POC would be done. There was no message in the Ticket either and 2 years since the last comment on it. Do you have any idea how to get in touch with him? I just need to make the translation, php test for the newly added php functionality and the yaml docs for the new api endpoint then i would be done :)
Feature List
Suggestion Box to Auto Uncheck "already bought items"
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No Database needed, just a simple .md file at the root of the recipe folder (keep it simple stupid) and also any md reader can open / modify the list in there
Are you planing to "exporting" it to one of the other nextcloud apps, like Tasks or Notes ? Because there a mobile clients these already | 07:34:50 |
25 Dec 2024 |
| lepi (he/his) changed their display name from lepi to lepi (he/his). | 20:05:00 |