
NextCloud Cookbook

150 Members
This room is intended as a basic discussion room about the cookbook app on the Nextcloud server. Here, new users can ask questions about the usage and also new features and issues can be discussed. Feel free to ask your questions and opinions in a forthcoming way.23 Servers

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19 Sep 2024
@christianlupus:matrix.orgchristianlupusI see two things to do. The downloading is pushed to a dedicated class. We can add the headers for sure. You had quite a good guess on this!17:53:29
@christianlupus:matrix.orgchristianlupusThe other option is to use some bookmarklet, but I have not found the time to craft one...17:53:56
20 Sep 2024
In reply to @i:nathaniel.land

Ahhh, Cloudflare... Do a simple curl https://www.thefooddictator.com/the-hirshon-latvian-rye-bread-rupjmaize/ and CF calls you a bot and serves you a 403 (and Cookbook gets the same treatment, of course...)

Do a super fancy

curl 'https://www.thefooddictator.com/the-hirshon-latvian-rye-bread-rupjmaize/' --compressed -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:129.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/129.0' -H 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/png,image/svg+xml,*/*;q=0.8' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' -H 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br, zstd' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Alt-Used: www.thefooddictator.com' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Cookie: nitroCachedPage=1' -H 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: document' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: navigate' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: none' -H 'Sec-Fetch-User: ?1' -H 'Priority: u=0, i' -H 'TE: trailers'

...and then you get the goods.

How about this? https://github.com/nextcloud/cookbook/pull/2515
25 Sep 2024
@tobiasff3200:fachschaften.org@tobiasff3200:fachschaften.org left the room.10:53:44
3 Oct 2024
@pablo:taktpraha.czॐPabloHi everyone, I was looking for an android app of a cookbook and I have NextCloud, if I understand it correctly, this room is for the "extension" to nextcloud web, and then there are 3rd party android apps that use this one's API, and https://lneugebauer.github.io/nextcloud-cookbook/ this one seems to be the most advanced one (or another?), thanks!13:03:24
@pablo:taktpraha.czॐPabloone link at https://github.com/nextcloud/cookbook/blob/master/docs/user/clients/Index.md is wrong, the last one "cookbook client" should be https://vincentmeilinger.github.io/Nextcloud-Cookbook-Client-Support/ but instead is the same as 2 above it by Teifun213:14:00
29 Oct 2024
@7ho7h:matrix.start9labs.com@7ho7h:matrix.start9labs.com removed their profile picture.15:36:41
@7ho7h:matrix.start9labs.com@7ho7h:matrix.start9labs.com removed their display name David Croisant 🏴.15:37:03
@7ho7h:matrix.start9labs.com@7ho7h:matrix.start9labs.com left the room.15:38:36
6 Dec 2024
@mhaendler:matrix.orgmhaendler joined the room.11:24:06

Hello guys, i am currently implemented the feature "Shopping List" from the Issue https://github.com/nextcloud/cookbook/issues/460. But i am struggling a little to get the API Requests going. In the file routes.php there is the line that: "The controller class has to be registered in the application.php file since it's instantiated in there".

But i dont see the correct "application.php" or atleast in mine there is nothing to be registred?

I am currently stuck as i can't get the API to work :/ Any advices, feedback or hints into the right direction?

Greetings from Germany

@mhaendler:matrix.orgmhaendlerRedacted or Malformed Event11:31:13
Download image.png
@mhaendler:matrix.orgmhaendlerThe current WIP, as i only need the API to get working :D 11:34:26
@mhaendler:matrix.orgmhaendler * The current WIP, as i only need the API to get working :D Well and then translation and stuff but lets focus on the main point :D 11:34:49
@sfey:matrix.orgsfey (Sebastian Fey)Have a look in here https://github.com/nextcloud/cookbook/tree/master/lib/Controller I think the controllers should be registered automatically 11:47:09
@sfey:matrix.orgsfey (Sebastian Fey)and there's the https://github.com/nextcloud/cookbook/blob/master/appinfo/routes.php11:50:43
@sfey:matrix.orgsfey (Sebastian Fey)See also https://docs.nextcloud.com/server/latest/developer_manual/basics/dependency_injection.html#how-does-this-affect-controllers11:51:11
@mhaendler:matrix.orgmhaendlerYes! Thank you very much, i got the Controller / Routes Connection working now :) Now i just need to implemented the other stuff and i'll be good :) 12:00:20
@christianlupus:matrix.orgchristianlupusOne point I want to share with you.13:07:58
@christianlupus:matrix.orgchristianlupusThere is a plan by Tobias Kaminski to levereage a personal app to be compatible to the cookbook app. So, maybe it would be good to get in touch with him before you invest too much time into this.13:09:15

Ouh okay, so my POC would be done. There was no message in the Ticket either and 2 years since the last comment on it. Do you have any idea how to get in touch with him? I just need to make the translation, php test for the newly added php functionality and the yaml docs for the new api endpoint then i would be done :)

Feature List

  • Suggestion Box to Auto Uncheck "already bought items"

  • Check / Uncheck Items

  • Hide Checked Items

  • Delete Items

  • No Database needed, just a simple .md file at the root of the recipe folder (keep it simple stupid) and also any md reader can open / modify the list in there

@christianlupus:matrix.orgchristianlupusI just asked him, what is best. Are you in the cloud.nextcloud.com instance?21:22:34
@christianlupus:matrix.orgchristianlupusAlterativly, he is generally reachable on the forum (https://help.nextcloud.com/u/tobiaskaminsky/summary).21:23:56
@christianlupus:matrix.orgchristianlupusIf possible keep me in the loop so that I am not completely surprised by your results 😜.21:24:35
7 Dec 2024
@mhzawadi:matrix.orgmhzawadi joined the room.12:12:02
@david:laubersheimer.euDavid Laubersheimer joined the room.12:32:24
11 Dec 2024
@christianlupus:matrix.orgchristianlupusI contacted him. He said that he is only rarely in the forum. Better would be to contact him on the instance cloud.nextcloud.com. do you have an account there?23:16:05
12 Dec 2024
In reply to @mhaendler:matrix.org

Ouh okay, so my POC would be done. There was no message in the Ticket either and 2 years since the last comment on it. Do you have any idea how to get in touch with him? I just need to make the translation, php test for the newly added php functionality and the yaml docs for the new api endpoint then i would be done :)

Feature List

  • Suggestion Box to Auto Uncheck "already bought items"

  • Check / Uncheck Items

  • Hide Checked Items

  • Delete Items

  • No Database needed, just a simple .md file at the root of the recipe folder (keep it simple stupid) and also any md reader can open / modify the list in there

Are you planing to "exporting" it to one of the other nextcloud apps, like Tasks or Notes ? Because there a mobile clients these already
25 Dec 2024
@lepi:hackerspace.pllepi (he/his) changed their display name from lepi to lepi (he/his).20:05:00

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