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3 Oct 2019
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloydhttps://aws.amazon.com/ec2/instance-types/f1/23:22:02
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydBut since the Versal is so new, I don't know if they have any datacenter products yet. But that's where it's going23:23:27
4 Oct 2019
@bobsmith-dpi:matrix.orgbobsmith-dpiI wonder. The leader is AI right now is nVidia. This is because its GPUs have thousands of floating point units. Since neural nets are floating point, this gives nVidia a huge advantage over Xilinx. I just don't see Xilinx as a contenter in the AI arena. Sure, they'll come up with something but I bet if you look at the bang for the buck, they are close to last.00:09:18
@bobsmith-dpi:matrix.orgbobsmith-dpiI could be wrong about Xilinx. Their Alveu 2500 has 11.5k DSP slices. If a DSP slice is floating point then it would be competitive.00:11:57
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:05:54
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event03:06:48
@bobsmith-dpi:matrix.orgbobsmith-dpiYou can train a NN to use only integer coefficients. It is not as good but maybe it is good enough?04:50:56
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:52:25
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:53:11
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:53:50
@bobsmith-dpi:matrix.orgbobsmith-dpiThere are FIR design tools that restrict the coefficients to powers of 2. That way you can build the FIR using only adders and no multipliers.04:58:10
9 Oct 2019
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydI just went to a pretty cool talk on provisioning Yocto Linux builds for different kinds of hardware03:10:05
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydIt was about as in depth as you could expect for an hour meetup but I'll post the slides and my notes in a sec03:10:44
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydDownload amillionwaystoprovisionembeddedlinuxdevices-190821133556.pdf03:15:21
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydThe talk itself was loosely affiliated with the silicon valley linux users group (http://svlug.org/) which could be a cool avenue for getting members and giving talks. They specifically requested if anyone in the crowd wanted to give a talk at some future meeting, even if they weren't an expert03:21:39
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydDownload Embedded Linux Talk Notes.pdf03:22:23
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloydhere are my notes:03:22:24
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloyd danielle.wis: there's a santa cruz list as well if you're interested: http://lists.svlug.org/lists/listinfo/smaug 03:26:10
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event04:47:14
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloyd https://latacora.micro.blog/2019/07/16/the-pgp-problem.html 06:55:58
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloyd This article is an interesting stance on pgp and why they think it needs to die. I'm not totally convinced but I am more doubtful of it 07:00:24
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloyd Dang, I got another good article: https://renesd.blogspot.com/2019/09/post-modern-c-tooling.html?m=1 07:06:43
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydSorry for all the spam today. Lots of relevant stuff07:07:04
@bobsmith-dpi:matrix.orgbobsmith-dpiThanks for the links. Encrypted backups has been on my todo list for awhile. The C tools stuff was pretty useful. I'd never heard of many of them.21:42:36
17 Oct 2019
@bobsmith-dpi:matrix.orgbobsmith-dpiNot for clusters but still an interesting peer-to-peer protocol: https://datprotocol.github.io/how-dat-works/17:11:32
21 Oct 2019
@bobsmith-dpi:matrix.orgbobsmith-dpin*log(n) multiply https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/a29514208/faster-way-multiply/02:28:04
23 Oct 2019
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydI couldn't find the actual algorithm23:07:21
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydBut it's a pretty kewl concept23:07:29
28 Oct 2019
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydRedacted or Malformed Event20:35:58
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloyd Hey bobsmith-dpi, are you still coming down to Cali to demo the jigsaw puzzle this weekend? 20:37:13

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