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8 Apr 2020
@bobsmith-dpi:matrix.orgbobsmith-dpiKiCad does Altium????? https://www.cnx-software.com/2020/04/05/how-to-build-kicad-on-ubuntu-18-04-and-import-altium-pcb-files/03:39:51
15 Apr 2020
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydThat's pretty awesome02:03:01
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydI bet I could start using that code as a basis for doing library extraction 02:03:28
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydIt looks like they are focusing on the whole PCB at once, pulling out all the altium primitives, rather than treating it like components connected together with primitives02:04:30
18 Apr 2020
@gnarlsmarley:matrix.org@gnarlsmarley:matrix.org Probably there had been others, but this article about our friend @turingpi:matrix.org just came across my feed. https://betanews.com/2020/04/16/raspberry-pi-edge-server/ 03:01:44
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloyd I saw that article too! It's awesome to see him getting some news coverage 03:49:46
25 Apr 2020
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloydhttps://www.dinofizzotti.com/blog/2020-04-10-raspberry-pi-cluster-part-1-provisioning-with-ansible-and-temperature-monitoring-using-prometheus-and-grafana/06:48:17
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloydthis cluster was featured on hackaday06:48:59
27 May 2020
@gnarlsmarley:matrix.org@gnarlsmarley:matrix.org left the room.07:13:02
7 Jul 2020
@lillianna7359:matrix.org@lillianna7359:matrix.org joined the room.17:31:43
8 Jul 2020
@lillianna7359:matrix.org@lillianna7359:matrix.org left the room.00:36:06
16 Jan 2021
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.org joined the room.22:57:54
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.org joined the room.22:58:06
@danielle.wis:matrix.org@danielle.wis:matrix.org left the room.22:58:08
7 May 2021
@amon_morgan:matrix.org@amon_morgan:matrix.org joined the room.12:30:42
@amon_morgan:matrix.org@amon_morgan:matrix.org left the room.12:31:24
14 Jul 2021
@dsh80:matrix.orgkonekodrift KQ4DRU changed their display name from dsh80 to tokyodrip.01:02:35
15 Jul 2021
@jdpguana:matrix.org@jdpguana:matrix.org joined the room.14:49:33
@jdpguana:matrix.org@jdpguana:matrix.orgIn a cluster, does linux host treat node cpu as its own? Ex. if you /proc/stat from host, does it include the node cpus as well?14:49:56
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloyd
In reply to @jdpguana:matrix.org
In a cluster, does linux host treat node cpu as its own? Ex. if you /proc/stat from host, does it include the node cpus as well?
That's a good question, and like most good questions, the answer is "it depends"
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydWhat you're thinking of, where the linux host treats the node CPUs as its own is (i think) referred to as a Beowulf cluster17:22:11
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloydin a lot of other cluster architectures, the nodes and hosts are processes or containters and instead of communicating via inter-process communication, they communicate with APIs and remote procedure calls17:24:02
@jdpguana:matrix.org@jdpguana:matrix.orgis that the most common cluster setup? I think its more stream line for linux17:24:05
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydAn extremely popular cluster architecture is to use Kubernetes to deploy an orchestrate a bunch of different containers across machines17:25:48
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick LloydBut, it's all application dependent 17:26:06
In reply to @swedishhat:matrix.org
in a lot of other cluster architectures, the nodes and hosts are processes or containters and instead of communicating via inter-process communication, they communicate with APIs and remote procedure calls
is this sort of a worker setup?
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloydin the world of high-performance computing, like supercomputers doing meteorological simulations, the beowulf setup may be more common. I don't work in that space and don't really know for sure. 17:27:19
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloyd
In reply to @jdpguana:matrix.org
is this sort of a worker setup?
Kubernetes has a whole ecosystem of tools for hosts, workers, and infrastructure
@jdpguana:matrix.org@jdpguana:matrix.orgyeah, i guess our cluster for quantum modelling is a beowulf type.17:30:38
@swedishhat:matrix.orgPatrick Lloydwhat kind of stuff do you model with your cluster?17:31:54

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